Chapter 4

1393 Words
AILA POV I couldn’t believe the chaos I found myself in. Alpha Casper was dead and the rest of them taken by the Seraphim Hunters. And all because of me! I was on the brink of drowning in my own guilt, but I knew I had to push it aside if I was going to find Brenna. I knew I also had another issue to face, the royals. It was only a matter of time until my scent mask would wear off. Then I would owe some explanations. We followed the scent the hunters had left behind a sweet candy like smell designed to trick us and lure our kind into their traps. This time we were hunting them, ready for whatever they could throw at us. “They can’t have taken them too far. They wouldn’t be familiar with this area, and I doubt any of the Alpha bloods would tell them anything, they’d rather die than betray their own kind.” I said in a puffed voice from all the tracking we were doing. Prince Dorian gave me a cheeky smirk, clearly only half caring about the mission. His mind seemed to be on another matter, getting me to bed as soon as possible. I couldn’t think of anything worse to be honest. Prince Mylo on the other hand was focused on the important task ahead. Following the scent and not really paying much attention to me, just the way I liked it. “The scent is getting stronger; they may have stopped to camp up ahead for the night.” Mylo’s voice interjected my thoughts. Sure enough we spotted them ahead. As we got closer, we crouched low behind some smaller, thicker trees so as not to alert them that we were there. I could recognise we were still within the packs territory. We counted how many we saw and decided on a plan of action. “There are four hunters, each with swords as weapons. Dorian, if you and I hybrid transform we will be able to battle them quicker and faster than before, Aila can fully transform as well. We just need to be quicker than them and knock them down so we can separate them from their weapons. If we have to kill them than we must. Any questions?” Mylo was determined to get this mission over with, I could tell he wanted to make them pay. As I was using a scent masking remedy to stop anyone from smelling my scent, it also meant I couldn’t smell anyone else’s. I was thankful I had Lycans on my team to help me search for Brenna and her family. I wouldn’t have been able to do it on my own. I was dreading the moment it would wear off and they would be able to smell that I’m a Lycan. I will deal with it when it comes. On the count of three we lunged forward in our changed forms, ready for the fight about to happen. I moved quicker than a werewolf, I was also larger and my bite stronger. I dodged the first hunter with ease, knocking the sword from their hand as they lost their grip on it. I picked it up in my mouth and dragged it towards the bushes we had been hiding in. Dorian had just sliced the throat of the hunter he was fighting when I heard yelling coming from inside one of the tents. Mylo had two against one and seemed like he needed help. I assisted him with another hunter and decided to leave him with the other so I could follow the sound of the screams. I enter the tent and find Brenna tied up along with her mother and brother. Wolfsbane soaked rope kept their hands and feet tied while they had something over each of their heads so they couldn’t see. It was coated in a substance I hadn’t seen before and it was causing major problems for them. I used my wolf like mouth to tear it off them and rip the ropes that tied them. Brenna, Kendrick and Luna Amara were all safe now, any wounds they had sustained in the explosion had already begun to heal. “Aila, you saved us. Thank you, I knew you would!” Brenna wrapped her arms around my wolfs neck in gratitude. I needed to change back but had no new clothes to put on. It was a risk I’d have to take. I transform and gather up one of the blankets inside the tent and wrap it around me. The Lycan Princes entered and suddenly everyone was bowing accept for me. I awkwardly bowed feeling like an i***t for not having already done so earlier. Mylo insisted it wasn’t necessary and Dorian looked like he had seen a ghost. He stood still with a blank stare, looking right at Brenna and she stared back in return. Both of them were just looking at each other and not saying anything. Dorian muttered under his breath and walked out of the tent. Brenna followed hot on his heels without saying anything. I looked after them with a frown when I notice Mylo is smiling in their direction. “What just happened?” I ask, very confused by the whole interaction. Mylo chuckles before responding. “I believe Dorian just found his mate!” My eyes widen in utter shock, this cant possibly be true. Her mate is a Lycan? A Lycan Prince? Damn that sucks for her, this changes everything. I put this news aside and decided to focus on Kendrick and Amara. Kendrick had his eye brows raised at the interaction we had all just witnessed, Amara was smiling with pride. “I always knew she was meant for someone great; she is born of true Alphas after all.” Amara said to us all, not caring if anyone was listening. Kendrick couldn’t have cared leas, I gave her a small nod so show I was listening. Mylo’s ears moved slightly and that told me he was also listening. Pedigree was likely important to the royals; I was certain this information would work in Brenna’s favour. Something told me the royals weren’t going to be completely welcoming of someone that wasn’t exactly of their kind. “Is everyone ok to travel back to packhouse?” I ask gently. Kendrick and Luna Amara nod their heads, sadness coming over them as it sinks in that things back home are forever changed. “We will memorialise him in the coming days Luna.” I tell her softly, sympathy pouring out of me. She gives me a hug but doesn’t say anything, heading out of the tent with Kendrick in tow. Mylo and I give each other a look before he steps toward me. He must have just noticed I was naked with nothing but a blanket wrapped around me. “Forgive me Aila, are you cold? Please take my coat.” He gestured for me to take his coat, but I shook my head. “No, it’s ok, I am going to return in wolf form. I appreciate the gesture Prince Mylo, and there is no need for apologies.” He smiled softly at me, looking deep into my eyes as I spoke. I felt a slight tingle in my abdomen as he looked at me. I ignored it and began to step outside. Mylo stopped me by touching my arm slightly. “I know this is a random thing to ask but, can I see you before the night is over?” His voice was desperate, it took me by surprise but I smiled as I answered his request. “I’m afraid by the time we return the night will be just about over.” I pause and see a slight moment of disappointment cross his face. “But we can welcome the day together.” I say with a grin. Mylo smiles back and it is the most heavenly thing on earth. It felt like the sun smiled with him. We leave the tent and join the rest of the group, heading back to the main area of the pack lands. Luna Amara will have to make an emergency announcement in the morning, so we were all looking forward to getting some rest in the meantime.
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