Chapter 3

1065 Words
DORIAN POV My vision was beginning to blur as the poison spread throughout my body. A woman was beside me and I could just make out what she was saying. “You’ll be ok, I’m going to help you, I need to pull the sword out but its going to hurt.” Her voice was muffled, I muttered ok to her as I started to black out. I faintly hear my brothers protests as she gets ready to pull the sword out. Suddenly I feel excruciating pain all over again as the sword is ripped from my shoulder. My blood begins to coat the floor. The woman places her hands over my wound and closes her eyes, I can feel warmth as the pain begins to fade before it all fades to black and I pass out. My mind comes back to consciousness just as Mylo picks me up off the floor, ready to take me God knows where. I can hear voices and I realise it’s the woman talking to my brother. Her voice frantic but calculated. “The explosion came out of nowhere; Alpha Casper is gone. I, I must find his family; my best friend Brenna is his daughter. I was with them when it happened but now, they’re gone.” It was impressive for a mere werewolf to handle things so calmly. Not to mention whatever she did to my shoulder, I had zero pain now. As a Lycan I can heal at an extremely fast rate, but I can’t cure poison. I could hear the worry in her voice as she spoke about her friend. I sensed that they were like a family to her, more than just her leaders. I tried to see what she was feeling but I got nothing. I couldn't smell her or sense her emotions, something all Lycans could do, especially royals. That's strange, who the hell is this girl? I find myself thinking about it when my brother speaks up. “Something is way off; I am certain that we just encountered Seraphim Hunters. They’ve been gone for over 200 years!” Well, that confirms it, angel poison, I thought to myself. This girl really did just save my life, but how the hell did she know how to do that? Seraphim Hunters were divine beings designed to destroy wolf shifters. Their ancient swords were forged beyond the gates of the Celestial city, soaked in the blood of the angels so their swords can never be used against them. They were designed to kill us therefore their blood is a poison to us and they were wiped out during the great war, defeated by armies of Werewolves and Lycans. I started wondering how they were here. Did their god create more of them to finally take us down? So many questions running through my mind and I was not going to be the one to answer them, that I was certain of. Mylo was the leader, the calculated one who was fit to rule the kingdom, not me. And I had zero issue with it, I see what he must deal with and doing the bare minimum is something I plan on sticking to. We were brothers, but we were completely different. Our dynamic was more of a love, hate relationship at best and deep down we both knew that nothing would ever come between us. “You can put me down now.” My voice was hoarse, but I made sure I spoke loud enough for them to hear me. Mylo put me down with a look of shock on his face. “Wow, you really did heal him.” His voice was surprised as he looks her way. “Yep, fresh as a daisy if I don’t say so myself.” I grin as my brother gives me his usual brooding look. “How did you do that by the way?” Mylo asked her. “Do what?” She said back, hesitation in her voice. “How did you heal my brother like that?” his voice now thick with uncertainty. “I don’t know, It’s the first time I’ve ever done it.” She said softly. “Well now that that’s out of the way I believe I should introduce myself. I’m Prince Dorian!” I wink at her as I tell her my name. Flirting was my default setting; I couldn’t help myself. She was a beauty and quite different for a werewolf. I could have almost sworn she was a Lycan, but I knew it wasn’t possible. “I know who you are, your charm won’t work on me. Nice try though.” She says as she turns around and flicks her hair in my face. My mouth drops in surprise at her sassy demeanour. It made me want her even more! “Aren’t you going to tell me your name?” I yell as she walks away. “Aila Jennings” she yells back to me, her voice like a song. “I think I’m in love!” I whisper, my voice thick with desire. Mylo rolls his eyes and mutters back to me, “Sure you do buddy.” He gives me a soft pat on the back and prompts for us to follow Aila. I scowl at him before stepping in the direction Aila had gone. There were no longer any pack members scrambling to safety, all had fled, been injured, or worse, killed in the attack. "This is where the explosion went off, I was right here and the Alpha family there." Aila pointed to where her best friend should have been. There were no bodies in sight. "I'm under the impression that the hunters’ numbers couldn't have been any bigger than ten. We've taken down at least six already and I am confident they couldn't have gone far. I say we head outside and start tracking them. I get the feeling they have likely kidnapped the remaining Alpha bloods!" Mylo said with exertion. I was confident in his theory. "I am in, let’s get these sons of bitches!" I say with conviction. Aila looks to us both, seeming almost hesitant before replying, "We don't have any other option, let’s do this". She said with a look of vengeance in her eyes. I grin from ear to ear; this is going to be fun!
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