
1449 Words
Furious. Sophia. Furious, my father’s face contorts with anger. His eyes are flashing, his fists clenching, and his breath heaving as he tries to keep his temper in check. He hates me, yet still loves me deeply. He hates me because I always question him. I can feel the tension in the air as he stares at me, silently conveying his disapproval of my actions. His wolf despises me too, though they won’t do anything to harm me, as I’m his most beloved daughter. I love the look on his face. He takes his seat and eats quietly. After eating, he gets up. I can still sense his rage. “Are you leaving now Father?” I tease him. I love infuriating him. It’s fun. He turns to me and glares. “Are you trying to drive me to my grave, Sophia?” He screams at me. “Do you really want to kill your own father? Can’t you just let me be?” I can’t help but giggle. “What are you talking about, Dad?” I ask. “I’m not trying to kill you, and I’m sorry if my behavior makes you think so. Forgive me.” When it comes to acting, I’m the queen, and also ruthless when it comes to my opponents. I know I go too far when challenging my dad, but I don’t give a f**k. I’m not scared of anyone, and I can do whatever I want. “I can only imagine what will happen if you have the chance to meet your wolf,” he says. “You’re this cruel, even without your wolf. I’m curious to see if your wolf will be more intimidating than you. I can’t just imagine.” I watch as he keeps talking. I try to keep my face neutral, not wanting to give my thoughts away. I try to stay calm. I’m not pissed because I know he’s right. His words linger in the air, like a heavy fog that’s hard to shake off. I’m not sure what will become of me, but I know it will be good. I’m not scared of what might happen if I ever meet my wolf. “Dad, are you done?” I question. “If yes, then we should start going. We don’t want to be late.” “Look at your good daughter, Bella,” he frames, confronting my mom, who is still eating. “By the time I’m done with the both of you, you are going to show her who her real father is, because I know she isn’t my daughter.” Here comes the usual topic. My mom looks at him in silence. Her face expressionless. I know he will drag my mother into this. I know he will say I’m not his real daughter. I sob, “Mother, who is my real father?” I can see the anger in my mom’s eyes. She is holding her anger at bay. “Aaron,” she calls, gripping her teeth together. “Can you repeat what you just say? What makes you think that?” She speak in a low voice, her eyes not leaving his face. “You’ve been saying this for years, and you are yet to provide any evidence that she isn't your child.” Out of guilt, my father replies, “I’m sorry, honey. I shouldn’t have question her birth. I only say that s**t out of anger. Please forgive me.” “Forgive you?” My mom sneers. “I won’t take it out on you in front of the kids. We will have a serious talk when we come back from the meeting.” “Thank you,” he sighs. “Let’s leave. The alpha will be waiting for me.” We all go to the pack hall, including my sister and Lucas. My sister still eyes me carefully. I can still feel her hatred for me. She still wants me dead, I know, but I have no time for her since she isn’t planning to attack me. Even if she wants to attack me, she won’t dare because she already knows who the real queen is. Lucas looks at me apologetically, but I look away. I can feel my sister’s eyes on me as we walk toward the pack hall. We make our grand entrance to the pack hall. I start looking around for my beautiful friend, Elena, but she is nowhere to be find. “Who are you looking for, sister?” Rita asks. “No one,” I respond coldly. “Then why are you looking around as if you are looking for someone?” She questions. “Are you looking for the Alpha’s daughter, Sister?” “Why can’t you let me be, baby sister?” I scorn. “Must you know who I’m looking for? Well, you are right. I’m looking for Elena. Can you please let me be now?” I am still talking to Rita when Alpha and his wife enter the hall. My lips curl into a smile as soon as I see her. I feel alive. Our eyes meet, but she quickly diverts her gaze from mine without exchanging pleasantries like usual, which didn’t go unnoticed again by Rita, who presses further about why we aren’t talking. I can feel the tension between us. I want to go to her and talk, but I know I can’t. I want her to look at me again, but she keeps her gaze averted. Eh! What’s wrong? Why is she ignoring me? She’s supposed to smile and wave her hand at me. Why is she ignoring me? Is it because of him? I stare at the little boy she is holding. Wait? Did I see clearly? Did that little devil just smirk at me? I am right about him. He’s here to spy on us. I’m sure he is sent from another pack. “I welcome you all.” The alpha starts his speech. “I’m glad you are all attending this important meeting. I call this meeting to introduce Mark to the pack. Come here, boy,” the alpha says as Mark walks to him. “Mark will be joining this pack as my son, and I hope all of you will welcome him.” Everywhere is silent. No one jubilates. Everyone is confused by the alpha’s decision. We have been hiding because of his enemies, so why adopt a stranger as his son? “Alpha,” Josh call before bowing his head. He is part of the warriors in the pack. “Can I ask you a question, sir?” “Of course, Josh. You can ask whatever you want. I will be here to give you an answer,” the alpha says with a smile. “Who is this boy, sir?” he questions. “Can you tell us how you come across this boy and why you think making him your son will benefit us all?” There is a lot of whispering in the hall. Everyone is eager to know Mark’s identity, but they dare not question the alpha. I’m not sure why Josh asks him that kind of question. The alpha hates when his decisions are questioned, as far as I know. Nevertheless, Josh is brave enough to ask the alpha about Mark’s identity. I can feel the tension in the air. “Are you questioning my decision, Josh?” he roars. “Are you telling me I am risking the lives of the pack members because of my son? How dare you?” Everyone is forced to bow their heads due to his powerful roar. I have always known that alpha is a stupid man, but I never know he is more stupid than I think. I keep my head in a bow, but I can feel the anger and frustration boiling inside me. How can he accept Mark as his son based on what Elena tells him? Is he risking his pack members’ lives because of him? “I’m sorry, Alpha,” Josh manages to say. “I dare not question your decision.” The alpha is burning. He is burning with rage. “I don’t care if you like my decision or not. I’m accepting him as my son, and you all must accept him as one of us,” he commands before storming out of the hall. The meeting comes to an end with all in attendance dispersing while Mom promises Dad that they’ll discuss further on what happen earlier regarding him questioning whether I’m really his daughter or not. Dad hangs his head in shame, knowing that Mom won’t forgive him easily.
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