
1782 Words
Fight. Sophia. “When does he stare at you?” She asks angrily. “Why will he stare at you?” “I don’t know. I think you should ask your mate why he is staring at me.” I smirk. “I’m sure he is attracted to me because of my beauty.” “Are you saying you’re prettier than I am? When Lucas tells me you hate him, I don't believe it. But now, I can tell he’s not lying.” “He’s a f*****g liar, sister. Can't you see?" “Why must you despise my mate, or perhaps you don’t despise him at all, sister? You’re just after him, aren’t you? You need his attention, right? Admit it, you have a crush on him!” she says, her voice rising. “He’s mine, and I won’t let you have him!” Wow. She looks different. She’s staring at me as if I’m her prey. Is this my real sister? She’s defending this son of a b***h. It’s hard to believe. I’m witnessing something I’ve never seen from her before. I can’t believe she’s taking his side over mine. “I can barely contain my smirk when you say that sis. Do you think I’m interested in him? Do you think I’m doing this just to get his attention? This coward here,” I mutter, pointing to Lucas. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lucas articulates gently, trying to defend himself. “I’m not a coward.” “You think I’m trying to f**k this ugly thing behind your back?” I sneer. “Stop joking, Joy. He isn’t worth it.” “I think you’re the one who’s not being honest,” Joy declares. “You’re the one who’s trying to f**k my mate behind my back. You’re the coward.” “He doesn’t deserve my time or attention, Joy,” I utter. “Stop making him feel important.” “Shut up, I know that’s what you’re trying to do,” Joy exclaims. “I won’t let you get away with it.” “That creepy weirdo isn’t worth my time, sister.” Before I can finish my statement, Joy speeds up and grabs my neck. She throws me across the room before howling, “How dare you? How dare you insult my mate?” I groan. s**t. It hurts like hell. I have no wolf yet, but I’m not weak. I refuse to be bullied by her. I stand on my feet, prepared for battle. I can sense her wolf’s strength, but I’m not afraid. I raise my eyebrows and say. “I don’t think you want to do this.” I snarl, making her get more angry than before. She smiles evilly. “I think I do,” she growls. Her wolf ready to lunge. I take a deep breath, ready for the fight. “You are underestimating me, sis,” I snort. She laughs evilly, “You think so? You think I underestimate you?” “You won’t be laughing when I’m done with you,” I add, stressing my point with a firm voice. I punch her with all my strength. I’m no longer dealing with Joy. I’m dealing with her stupid blind wolf, who refuses to see who her mate is. “Ha,” she screams, moving backward and holding her stomach. I guess I hit too hard. She looks at me, hurt and shocked. I can see the anger in her eyes. “I’m going to kill you, b***h,” she howls, running towards me. I’ve got an evil grin plastered on my lips. My eyes blaze with a fire of defiance as I prepare to meet her head-on. She is about to play with fire. I stand properly on my feet. The smirk on my face is still there. She rushes toward me without thinking twice. She’s about to bite my neck when I grab her throat. “Hehe,” I laugh devilishly. “Do you think you have what it takes to fight me, my darling sister wolf?” “Y... You... You have been hiding your strength,” she stammers. “You’ve been hiding your real strength.” My eyes flash with intensity. “You have no idea what I’m capable of,” I whisper. “Let’s find out.” I can see the fear in her eyes. Oh! She is not there when I kill that bastard. She thinks I’m the type she can easily conquer. “How dare you!!!” “You still have the strength to talk. I guess I am not holding your throat tightly,” I sneer before clenching her neck tightly. “If I don't hide my strength so well and allow you to know everything about me, isn’t this how you will behave and kill me? You want my life for your mate, right? Then die for me.” She shakes her head, her eyes full of despair, as tears stream down her cheeks. “No. Please,” she begs. “Please let me go.” She’s crying. “Remember, I’m your sister.” She’s begging me, and she knows now that she’s my sister. She doesn't think I am her baby sister when she wants to kill me. Even if a member of my family plans to kill me, I will not forgive them. “There is no forgiveness for your sin, sis,” I laugh. “You need to pay for your sin with your life.” I throw her hard on the floor. “You need to suffer before I kill you.” She screams in pain. Oh yes, I love seeing my victims in pain. I enjoy torturing them before sending them to the moon goddess. I start walking towards her hoping to finish her at once. She looks at me with fear in her eyes. I am about to strike when someone grabs my arm. “Stop!” my father howls. “What do you think you’re doing, Sophia? Have you forgetting who you are fighting with? Do you want to kill your sister because of the little mistake she makes?” Hun! Little mistake? He calls that little mistake when he knows she is after my life. “Father, where are you when she wants to kill me?” I question. “She plans to kill me, not knowing that I am stronger than her. Now that I intend to kill her, you know that she is my sister.” “She can never kill you,” he sighs. “Why will your sister kill you?” “She can’t kill me, right?” I inquire. “Then why did she allow her wolf to take control of her body? Isn’t it so she can send me to hell for being a threat to her? She knows that I have no wolf to fight back. I’ll never forgive her, Father. I will never forgive her, no matter what you say.” “Why are you so cruel?” My father asks. “Why do you like seeing blood? Why do you enjoy killing without blinking your eyes?” “This is how you killed the Beta’s only son. You murdered him in cold blood. Why are you so heartless? Why do you have a demon’s heart? Are you really my daughter?” “Father, this has nothing to do with this,” I growl. “I will kill anyone who wants my life. I will kill them without mercy. And her, she is one of them.” “You dare you,” he bellows. “You dare not kill her on my watch.” I laugh devilishly. “Are you gonna fight me as well, Father?” I ask. “You say I kill the Beta son coldly! Are you not present when he challenges me? He calls me out and asks the Alpha to let us battle. Are you not there when he says only one of us can live? Are you not there when he challenges me to a life-and-death fight when he knows I have no wolf?" "Then?" He questions. "You are so cruel." "He thinks he can kill me because I have no wolf to defend myself, and you are telling me that I’m cruel because I killed my enemy. Should I forgive him because he cries and begs me to let him live?” I walk to where the injured Joy is. “Tell me, father, are you asking me to forgive her because she’s my sister, and do you think she’s going to stop going after my life?” “Forgive her, please,” my mother whispers. “I promise to talk to her.” “Mother, do you believe me?” I ask. “Do you believe me when I say that bastard is staring at me with a lustful gaze?” She nods. “Yes, I believe you,” Mother declares. “I notice the way he’s staring at you. It’s as if he’s taking off your clothes with his eyes.” Everyone gasps. Lucas sweats profusely as Rita stares at him. Rita’s eyes are full of anger. “You should be ashamed of yourself,” she says. Lucas hangs his head in shame. I sigh. “I always ask my sister if she is sure Lucas is her real mate, because I doubt him. How can a mate think of sleeping with another she-wolf when he has his mate beside him? My sister thinks I’m jealous of her because I have no mate. Now she wants my life.” “I’m sorry,” Joy mutters. She’s back to her normal self. “I’m only defending him because he’s my mate, and it hurts to hear you say mean things to him.” I look at the pitiful Joy on the floor and say, “Apology accepted, sister, but I won’t forgive you if this s**t happens again.” I walk to where her silent dead living mate is sitting. “Hey, you, I will forgive you this time because of her. If you dare stare at me again with those disgusting eyes of yours, I promise to show you hell. I’m going to dig out your eyes and feed them to you,” I threaten. “Don’t think it’s just an empty threat. Dare me and see how I treat you.” “Yes. Yes,” he speaks. After saying all I have to say, I return to my seat. “Father, you can come and sit and continue eating. Remember, you don’t want to be late. So, come and eat your food.”
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