Elena's dog

1570 Words
His vengeful queen. Sophia. “Wait a minute, Elena,” I say, pursuing her after the alpha leaves. She comes to a halt and turns her back with a questioning look, saying, “Hello, Sophia, it’s you. I have no idea you are running after us,” she sneers. “Is there something you need?” Is she always like this? What causes her personality to change? How can she transform into someone else, or did I not recognize her? I take a step back and watch her, trying to figure out what is going on. It is as if she is a wholly different person, and I can't understand why. She seems to be hiding something. “What is wrong with you, Elena?” I ask. “Is there anything I did to irritate you?” “I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply here,” she says innocently. “Did I hit you or something? What are you insinuating, Sophia?” “No! No! It’s not like that. I’m only worried about the sudden change. Is everything alright?” I ask, staring at how tightly she grips him. Suddenly, Mark runs behind Elena. Elena looks at Mark with a hint of surprise, but quickly put on a smile. She shouts at me: “You’re scaring him! I think we have to leave now. I don’t want my brother to feel uncomfortable because of you.” I’m stun at what just happened and I am embarrassed beyond words. This is the most mortifying moment of my life. How can my best friend treat me like this? Why is she on guard around me all of a sudden? Perhaps, he must have say something bad about me to her. Tears start to form in my eyes as I think about how I am going to deal with this situation. I have to find out what Mark says about me and then figure out a way to make things right with my friend. Maybe I should talk to her and make things right between us. “Why?” I ask. “He doesn’t seem to be feeling awkward around me. I’m eagerly awaiting to spend the rest of the day with you. Why are you acting funny, Elena?” She yells at me, “Are you blind? Can’t you see how scared he is? Isn’t it obvious that he is afraid of you? Why are you pretending not to notice how scared my brother is, and why don’t you stop throwing a dagger at him with your eyes? You look like a witch right now.” I’m speechless and embarrassed. This is the most embarrassing moment of my life. How can she treat me like this? How can she do this to me? Why is she treating me like her enemy? I’m feeling so hurt and dejected. I’m confused about what I did incorrectly. I am completely confused as to why she is behaving like this. I look down in embarrassment as I say, “My apologies. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” I can feel people’s hot stares on my body. It is her scream that attracts many people to us. Around the corner of my eyes, I can see my sister, Joy, smirking at me. She must be happy about how she treats me. I look up at Elena’s eyes, hoping to see regret in her eyes. Hell no, she feels no guilt or remorse. At her back, I can see Mark’s smile and sneer. I’m sure that he’s enjoying every moment of my humiliation. I can feel my heart breaking and humiliation piercing deep into my soul. I want to run away and cry alone, but I know I can’t. I’m not wrong about him. He indeed smirks at me while we are in the hall. What the hell is going on? Did they really send him here to separate me and Elena? Is that his mission? If yes, I need to get rid of him, and by doing that, I need to be closer to him. How can I get close to him when Elena hates my gut? I will have to swallow the embarrassment and get closer to my enemy. I apologize sincerely, “My apologies, Mark. I apologise for the way I acted towards you.” Elena blinks her eyes, and I see the excitement in her eyes. “Mark,” Elena says his name. “I think you should forgive her since she has apologize to you. I watch as Mark’s expression changes from a smile to hatred. He will not be as easy as I think, but I will surely win. He is too small to fight me. “Apologies accepted,” he whispers, biting his fingers. “I’m only scared that you will hurt me, since you hate me.” I force a smile on my face. I hate him. I hate him and want to kill him. I take a deep breath and say. “I am glad you forgive me and I can never hate you,” I say. “I don’t have the heart to hurt an angel like you, Mark. I’m sorry for overreacting.” He looks up to meet my eyes, and his lips curl into a gentle smile upon hearing those words from me. He asks skeptically: “Oh,” he raises his eyebrow. “Well, since you say you didn’t hate me, then I should believe you this time, Sister. Oh, or do you hate it when I call you sister?” Who the hell is your sister? I don’t need a brother like you. “No, I am fine with that,” I retort. “You can call me sister, Mark.” “Thank you, sister,” he sneers. “Elena,” I call my best friend, but she ignores me. I try to catch her attention, but she doesn’t look at me. I feel a pang of sadness. “Mark, I hope you are okay with her being your sister?” she asks. “If you still feel uncomfortable with her, you can tell me.” What the hell is she talking about? I’m confused by why she would even ask such a question, it’s as if I force him into calling me his Sister. I’m really mad at her, but I try my best to hide my anger. I only need to act like a fool to find out what is going on with her. “I’m okay with everything, sister,” he smiles. “She asks me to call her sister, and I’m fine with that.” I stand there watching them act silly. “Okay, since you accept her apology, I will be her friend again,” she says. “Sophia, since you are okay with Mark being my brother, we can be friends again.” That statement sent pain through my heart instantly. Until now, I never know she is this type of person. She disgusts me. Why did she choose Mark over me? I know I should be happy that she chose Mark, but I can’t help but feel betrayed. I think that we are close. I think that I’m her friend. Now, I’m not sure what to think. Despite anger boiling inside me – instead, I reply delicately, “Okay. Thank You. Where are you heading?” “To the pack, of course,” she responds with scorn. “I need to show my brother around, so you can’t follow us.” “I never ask to follow you,” I smirk. “We can catch up later.” Where did my sweet and kind Elena go? The woman in front of me seems so different from the one I grow up with. She rolls her eyes and turns away from me. I can see the anger in her eyes, her lips pursed in a tight line. I take a deep breath and try to think of something to say, but it’s too late; she’s already walking away. Did something happen in the Alpha family that make her change so much? Or is it just because of Mark? I need to talk to her, to find out what’s going on. If there’s anything I can do to help, I’m more than willing to offer my assistance. I hope she’ll open up and share her burden with me. My heart aches as I see him walking beside her. Taking a deep breath, I try to push away the sadness and jealousy stirring within me “Eh! Eh, isn’t this Elena’s dog?” Maya the pack slut cackles as she smirks at me. I decide to stay out of trouble by ignoring her. I simply ignore Maya and keep walking. However, she won’t let me go that easily. She grabs hold of my hair before asking threateningly: “Where do you think you are going?” I want to stay out of trouble, but people who intend to die keep finding their way to me. I stay calm as I reply softly: “Let go of my hair, Maya.” But she remains defiant and challenges me: “What can you do if I don’t let go of your hair?” she howls. “What are you going to do?” To this response, all I have left is a warning: “You are courting death, slut.”
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