Chapter 7 I TAKE IT BACK!

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Brandon POV "Did you find out anything about her? Did she really never contact you at all?" I ask Michael. "f**k me if I understand what happened, brother!" Jake says, looking at me slightly upset. "She stood by you for two weeks. She donated blood for you, she took care of you, she made sure your wounds healed quickly. What the hell! She sat next to you and as soon as you opened your eyes she took off, Michael, do you really don't know anything about her? Don't you know what happened? " Jake asks, staring blankly. "I don't know anything. I know what you know too. Last time we saw her, she didn't even have a wolf. Looks like we were all wrong about her." "And what a wolf ..." Jake says. "Your sister is scary, Michael." "Let her be ... I'm glad to know she can defend herself wherever she is." Michael says with a sad look. Michael was no longer the same after Elle broke up with the pack. I see him living with regret. It seems that everyone thought that after she saved us she would stay in the pack. Everyone thought she had put the past aside. When I woke up and saw her next to me, I completely lost control of Apollo, my wolf, who began babbling in front of her. By the time the doctors finished with me, it was too late for me to do anything. She left the pack without looking back. I don't know anything about what happened on the battlefield. For me, the fight ended shortly after Jacob's death. I would have liked to see with my own eyes the greatness that followed, but I have to take the words to those around me. I'm angry right now. I feel like squeezing everyone's neck because they let Elle go. My business with her is far from over. Honestly, I don't know what I want either, but I know one thing. I want her around. Our bond is partially damaged so I can't feel much about it. All I know is that she's alive and somehow she's happy where she is. I don't understand why she saved us just to break ties with us. I don't understand why she saved me and didn't let me agonize for months. He saved me on the battlefield and saved me from the agony of staying close to me for months. Is that a bad joke? Is that her revenge? Elle nightmare and yet ..Am I sorry how did I deal with her? Yes? But I really had no choice. She refuses to accept my rejection. Not having a wolf, I know it was impossible for her to do it, but she didn't make any effort in this regard. When she first left, I didn't know anything about her condition, I didn't know that she found her wolf, nothing. I've never felt more fear in my life than when I found out she was gone. For weeks I tried to hide the fact that I cared. Apollo didn't leave me alone either. He was my harshest critic. One day while I was in the kitchen, one of the housekeepers' children approached me and asked me with an sad face: "Afla did you find out, do you know where Elle is?" the little girl must have been about four years old. "Why are you asking, little one? Do you need anything?" I asked, bending down to be at her level. I just feel a lump in my throat. "I miss her. Elle made the best pancakes and she always gave me one plus. And she played with me. I miss her, alpha. Do you know where Elle is?" "She's gone. But I'll make sure you get an extra serving of pancakes for breakfast, what do you say?" I ask the little girl and hug her. I have never done something like this. What's wrong with me? About two months after her birthday, I got so drunk that I didn't know what had happened, but the next day I woke up with her name tattooed on my heart. I was so angry! How dare she leave me and let me cling to her? All right, she doesn't want me ! I don't want her either! But I have the right to be happy with a strong woman who could be the luna of this pack! Who gave her the right to leave me? Nobody ever left me! I'm the one who gives up relationships. Nobody leaves me! No one! Then came the battle, of which I honestly don't remember much. All I know is that when I woke up, everyone was talking about the luna Elle and how great she is and how strong she is and everything she's done in the last two weeks. Luna Elle ... why does that sound so right? Surprisingly, my father did not say anything to me, he never intervened to make a scandal for my past. Mom, mom still hates her but somehow I feel changed to Elle too. At least she's grateful she took care of me. I'm alone today. No partner, no love, no hope. Leaving, she took everything with her. Our deteriorated bond is still there. Our bond is not completely destroyed. I still feel her there and Apollo is careful to highlight every little detail that still connects me to her. I'd be a hypocrite to say I don't miss her. I miss her the way I knew her ... I didn't know her very well after getting her wolf. The recent stories about her seems to me to be unrealistic . I know the weak Elle. Elle with her brown straight hair to the waist. Elle with her brown, bald eyes like a deer. Eyes too often watered by the tears that I used to shed. I miss her lips that spoke so softly. A human only 5.2 feet tall but with a huge heart. Why do I miss her if I don't want her next to me? "Are you stupid or are you pretending?" Apollo asks me furious. "You miss her because she's your fated mate. The strong or frail Elle was ours and ours alone. Do you think the second mate will make you happier? Are you sure you'll hit something better then Elle? Do you think that a chosen mate is better for you? No matter what happens, Elle will stay in our heart because she was your first fated mate. And she's not dead to forget her memory. She's alive. You made fun of our happiness! So suck it, you sucker! Ohhh, poor me... I'm sad ... ohhh, poor me, my partner is weak and has no wolf .. poor me, the pack will make fun of me with her as my luna. Suck it now! You didn't want her but I wanted her the way she was. What if she was just a simple man? What, has she never heard of such a thing? But not what a vile, selfish, arrogant person you I wanted her as she was! " I hear Apollo actually screaming in my head. I feel my blood pressure increase. Wretched wolf... "Okay, I got it wrong and now what do you want me to do to , Apollo! ? Can I do anything else than accept her rejection. Probably now she sit and laugh at me. What else can I do? Tell me if you think you're so smart! " I say nervously. "Take it back!" he tells me calmly this time. "WHAT ?!" " The rejection .... take it back!" he tells me, almost spelling. "You owe me, Brandon ... take back or I'll leave you!" I would like to believe that this is possible. Moon Goddess ... can I get my rejection back? Please... I take a deep breath, look up to the sky and hopefully say: "I alpha Brandon Taylor take back my rejection and accept you Elle Parker as my mate, as my luna, as anything you want to be in my life. I TAKE IT BACK!" Then I fall to my knees crying. I feel a huge pain in my chest that seems to suffocate me, I lie down on the ground and close my eyes feeling how I slowly start to faint but not before hearing just like in a dream a warm and tender voice. "I, Moon Goddess, accept your request!"
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