Chapter 6 Luna of the Crescent Moon

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Beep, beep, beep ... "Athena ..." but no one answers. "Atheeenaaa!" "Shut up ..." I hear her say softly. Oh, my goddess I thought that I lost her again I try to open my eyes but I feel blind, everything is surrounded by white, around me are all kinds of hanging wires that are connected to ... me! What happened to me? "Some wolfsbane happened to us, Elle ... but it looks like we somehow managed to escape and we're still alive." Suddenly I feel a warm hand over my hand. I turn my head and see the girl I saved in the woods. "You're alive! I hear her say in tears. You woke up!" "Yeah ..." I'm just saying," I'm still alive. " "I don't even know how to thank you. I wouldn't have been here if it weren't for you. My brother and I are completely indebted to you." "Who are you?" I ask her easily. In the woods I heard something about an alpha sister. I didn't want to get in trouble with her brother because I crossed his territory without his approval. "I am Lilian Kyle, but you can call me Lily. And I'm alfa Dominic Kyle sister ..." Suddenly the door opens and the one who must be Alpha Kyle enters the hospital ward. His stature is so imposing, only Brandon resembles his presence. It emits so much power that I'm almost afraid of what's to come. "Hello, little lady. I am alpha Dominic Kyle. I am alpha of the Crescent Moon pack." "Glad to meet you ,alpha, my name is Elle Parker. " "Thank you for saving my sister, Elle. I realize that without your help she would not have been with me today ." Alpha Kyle tells me, looking at me intently. "I did what was normal to do, alpha, nothing more. You have nothing to thank me for." Dominic Kyle looks at me intently and says with a smile: "That's exactly the thing, Elle Parker, you did something that others would never have done even if they wanted to. You're special ... you know that?" "I'm starting to guess that I am," I say with a laugh. "Ask me anything and I'll give it to you!" Alpha Dominic suddenly tells me. "Anything" Lily looks at me intently and then looks at her brother, smiling as if anticipating what I want. "Alpha ... do you think think I can stay in this pack? I know you don't know me and you don't know anything about me ..but I've been a rogues for two days and it was enough for me to realize that I'm not meant for that . " "For two weeks ..." says Alpha Dominic. "What two weeks?" I ask puzzled. "You've been unconscious for two weeks, so you've been a rogues for a while." "Oh my goddess!" I say, putting my hand to my mouth. "And, yes. I agree to be a member of my pack. Welcome in my pack Elle Parker!" "Let me show you the surroundings," Lily tells me while holding my arm. "I hope you would like the pack house. I don't know how big your old house was, but in Crescent Moon pack, all of my brother's worriors and our relatives live in the pack house." "But I'm not close to your family to live with you" I tell her, looking at her seriously. "Elle, you're my friend and if you're my friend you're close to the family. So we have nothing to comment on." "If you put it that way, I can't refuse you," I tell Lily, visibly amused. Wow, just wow ... The pack house is huge. O my goddess ... it's a castle, not a pack house. I honestly didn't expect that. It has 3 floors and is built in gothic style. It's the most beautiful pack house I've ever seen. "And we will live in it!" I hear Athena chirping in my mind and I imagine her dancing a dance of happiness. "Lily ... this house is wonderful." "Come on, let's see where you will live." She tells me gently. And the surprise can't be bigger when Alpha Kyle tells me where my room will be. The house has three floors. The ground floor is reserved for housekeepers. On the ground floor, as far as I can see, are the kitchen, the living room and the dinning room . It also looks like Alpha Kyle's office is also here near a library. The first floor is reserved for pack warriors. Some have chosen to live with their families but those who are still single are housed here. 28 bedrooms only on the 1st floor. This place is scary! The second floor is divided between beta and gamma and the 3rd floor belongs to the family of alpha Dominic Kyle. Here are Alpha Kyle, his sister and his parents. Well, it looks like I'm going to stay here too. "What!" I ask in shock. "Lily, alpha." I say shocked at the idea of ​​living on the same floor as alpha Dominic family. "Elle, what were you doing in your former pack? That's if you want to tell me obviously." asks alfa Dominic " You chose to become rogues, I have no doubt that no probable deed made you choose this path. I feel extremely much power around you. It's something I can't explain, but I feel I have to protect you. " "I'm the daughter of the former beta of the Golden Moon pack, Alpha Kyle. I chose to leave so as not to get lost in hatred and fight for revenge. I had an unhappy life there." Slowly, slowly I opened up in front of Alpha Kyle and Lily who cried the whole time I confessed to them. I have nothing to hide. If I want to start a new life here I have to be honest with them and if in the end they choose to ask me to leave this is it, but I don't want to start with a lie. All the time I saw alpha Kyle tense, clenching his fists so as not to burst. "Incredible! I feel like killing them!" he says nervously. He looks at me carefully and then tells me clearly and bluntly to make sure I understand what he is telling me. "Elle, if you accept us from today on you will live with us. My offer is the same. Your room is next to Lily's. We owe you Lily's life and nothing we do will not be enough to reward you." "But alpha ..." "No alpha, Elle. I can't change anything you've lived through so far, but we can change your future." he tells me with a smile. "You may not know us, but I want the day when our steps intersected to become the happiest day of your life. Stay with us, Elle," he told me gently. "Okay ..." I say shyly as Athena squeaks with happiness in my mind, "Shut up, Athena!" "Not at all, girl! Not at all, my time is near!" "You're crazy, wolf!" I tell her laughing. And so I came to live with them. The former alpha and the luna are wonderful and I feel adopted by them. Lily is the sister I've never had and Alpha Dominic is so close to me. Nobody in the pack looks at me like a rogues. I am overwhelmed by their kindness. I train closely with the pack warriors. Initially Dominic did not agree, for fear of hurting me, but after I put the best fighters on the ground under the shocked eyes of everyone, my daily presence at training is a must have. I am without being arogant the best fighter in the pack. Athena is in her world. Her strength in battle is magnified by her wisdom. "Looks like I won more than one member in the pack," says Dominic. "I won an absolute warrior. Good job little lady!" he says laughing and caressing my head. "When you're done, come to my office, Elle." Dominic tells me through the mindlink as he walks away from the gym. "What the f**k?" Athena asks. As soon as the training is over, I'm at the door of Dominic's office. That was a special request from him. No more alpha Dominic, just Dominic. Behind the doors, Dominic is waiting for me with the former alpha Kyle, beta Morris and gamma Phillip. "Did something happen?" I say in my half-swallowed voice. Surely something happened ... "Elle, I'll tell you directly what we want from you," beta Morris tells me. "I've been watching you closely for the last month. And I have to admit it's scary. You have the strength, the intelligence and the courage. You are a fantastic warrior." "Thank you, beta," I say, bowing my head. "Elle, I don't know if you've found out that in two weeks the alpha king will start the new annual competition of elite worriors. Something like the Olympic Games in the human world, is a very important competition for packs because after it alliances are made with the strongest packs and if we can win one of the first three places we will have many benefits. " "OK ... and what can I do for you?" I ask slightly puzzled. "I can't wait to ask you that," says Liam Kyle, the former alfa "Elle, we want you to be our warrior in the competition. What do you say?" says the gamma Phillip . "What ??!?!?!" I ask in shock. "Say yes, say yes" I hear Athena screaming in my head. "Are you kidding me?" I ask in shock. "My dear little lady," Dominic says as he approaches me and grabs my hands in his, "Do you want to kick some ass in this competition?" "Say yes, say yes" ... ohhhh, shut up, Athena! "Are you sure I can handle this?" "Really? You're asking something like that?" says Athena irritated. "Elle, you beat 5 rogues with your bare hands and put almost all the fighters in the pack on your knees. The only escapees of humiliation are those you haven't faced you yet. Are you really asking something like that?" "Yes, I'd love to represent you. If you think it's okay ..." "We have only one problem, Elle. Most of the contestants are men. Rarely do women participate and we will need to protect you. For that you need a status. We will enter you in the competition as the next luna of the Crescent Moon pack, if you agree. I'd like you not to ask too many questions, I'll explain everything to you in private, but I need to know if this bothers you." asks Dominic. "What?" I say shocked and moving away from Dominic. "What do you mean?" "Are you leaving us alone for a while?" Dominic asks. As soon as we are alone, Dominic begins to explain. "Alpha King has a daughter, Elle. And for three years he's been trying to pressure me to accept her as the luna of my pack. It's no secret that my pack is the strongest in the world. It's not a hidden thing that on our territory we have almost unlimited resources here. Everyone wants an alliance with me, even the king. His daughter is a detestable werewolf being, spoiled and selfish. I promised him that if I didn't find my mate in 4 years I would accept her. I need a diversion. I believe in fated mate, Elle. I believe in that even though I'm 23 now and I'm still without a mate. At the same time you'll need protection during the competition. There will be dangers, you'll have enemies, members of your former pack will be there. I need to know you're safe. And in order to protect you, I need to give you a status." "Dominic ... I don't know what to say." "Elle, I'll be honest with you. I like you. You're a fantastic woman, I won't do anything against your will. I need your help but only if you want to give it to me. I really like you and if soon I will not find my fated mate and I will have to choose a mate and I would be honored if you would accept me as a choosen mate. But until then I have to make sure you are safe. It is a win-win fair, I get rid of the alpha King and you have the opportunity to humiliate the members of your former pack in competition. Show them how strong you are, Elle. Show them how able you are and what a fantastic woman they have lost." "Say yes crazy human! This is my time! Don't make me beat you!" says Athena laughing in my mind. How can she agree with that? May I be the luna of Crescent Moon pack? Even fictional is something extremely important. Plus Dominic likes me. He told me that, and although he likes me, my business with Brandon Tyler is still unfinished. How will I handle the whole situation? "Elle, let me take care of you! Let me take revenge for you." says Dominic with pleading eyes. "If you put it that way ..." I say as I approach Dominic and take his hands in my hands. "Yes, let's rock this competition, my alpha!"
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