Chapter 5 New life

1100 Words
"Where are we going, Athena?" I ask with a slight enthusiasm as soon as I severed ties with the Golden Moon pack and left their territory. "I want to see the ocean ..." Athena laughs at me. "Really, Athena? The ocean? Imagine the fear of the people when they will see a huge black wolf running like crazy on the beach. Now, really ... where are we going?" "Wherever you want to go, I'll go with you, not that I have anything to say on this matter" she says with a laugh, "but I don't want anything specific." "I wish to be far enough away from Golden Moon pack that no one would find me," I say in a low voice. "In that case, my dear human, it's time to start thinking like a sock and no one will find you," Athena says with a laugh. "Now we're on Crescent Moon territory, let's see how we manage to cross it without being spotted and then see what we do." For two days we crossed the Crescent Moon territory without making our presence felt. Everything went according to plan, but today we approached the area where the pack is located and I can only have emotions. I do not want to alarm the members of the pack, I do not want to end up in the situation of being hurt or hurting someone to protect myself. I've only been a rogues for two days and I'm starting to feel that something change in me. If I meet the members of the Crescent Moon pack, I don't know exactly what will happen, but it won't be good for me. "Leave me alone!" Suddenly I hear a woman's voice shouting. "Keep your hands off me, you bastards!" "Alas, but luck has befallen on us today! Brethren, look carefully if is not the one and only alpha Kyle sister the one which has fallen into our hands, so luck rarely comes upon us." "Let me go," the woman shouted. I approach the place where the voices are heard easily. Five rogues hold a young woman to the ground. Suddenly I feel the tension start to build up in my body. Suddenly I remember Brandon's abuse, everything is reactivating in my mind. One of the rogues starts caressing the woman and this is the sting that fills the glass. "Leave her alone!" I shouted suddenly. "What's that?" they shoot as they turned their eyes to where I was. "Ho, ho, ho ... is it Christmas and we don't know? But how many wonderful surprises we have today. Another young lady just for us!" Two of the rogues rush towards me and slam me on the ground, dragging me to the side of the girl who is lying on the ground and crying. "Everything will be fine, calm down!" I tell her lightly trying to claim her but without success. "Good for whom?" asks the one who seems to be the leader of the horde of bastards. "You tell me!" I say, looking him in the eyes with hatred. "You little smug ..." he tells me, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me towards him while his other companions laugh. Let's be serious! That's the story. Two lonely women in the woods, caught in five aggressive and unwashed rogues, are put on the ground. What do you imagine? On a normal day, the two women can already be considered dead. Hand-to-hand combat with a rogues is something you don't want in life, it's something for specially trained warriors. So those five rogues made good plans. They see the fun at the end of this madness. The girl next to me also saw her probable end. But I have other plans. Leaving the Golden Moon is the beginning of my life, not the beginning of its end. So after letting them relax for a while and believing that everything is going according to their plans with all the calm in the world I turn my face to the woman and say: "Mindlink your alpha!" "What the f**k!" I hear one of the rogues say and immediately hit me in the face. "Let me kill him!" I hear Athena screaming in my head. "Everything will be fine." I tell the young woman and I immediately let Athena change. As I attack the leader and put my hands on his neck, I feel the other four rogues pounce on me. "Run!" I tell the girl, "Run as far as you can!" The girl gets up and starts running, looking back in panic. On a normal day of these rogues would have been victorious in the fight with two girls but on a normal day for me this is impossible for them to achieve. Their leader lies on the ground without a breath of life. The other four start their attack on me. They're hitting me, too. In less than ten minutes, two of them lie on the ground with broken necks. The last one will join them soon but he smiles stupidly at me. "You know you're following them, don't you?" I ask him nervously. "Maybe yes, maybe not ..." he says with a laugh, "Maybe we'll follow them together. Who are you?" he asks me "I am Athena and I in my mind I am kind of goddess and I'm your worst nightmare" and I rush to him. Before breaking his head, however, he manages to stick in my throat what appears to be a syringe. I look him in the eye and say smiling. "Maybe we'll follow them together eventually ..." I break his neck and look at him. In a few seconds I collapse next to him and I feel like Athena is about to transform me back into human form. "Wolfsbane ..." I hear her say "I'm sorry Elle ... the goddess had another plan for me, I'm so sorry it ends like this ..." "Athena ..." I say in the last words. I feel like I'm starting to feel dizzy, everything around me is spinning and I hear footsteps, I hear screams ... "There!" I hear a voice crying in front of me. "Oh my goddess! What happened here?" "Lady, resist, please! You can't die, please resist!" I hear the girl's voice from earlier. Did she come back for me? Suddenly I feel like I'm being carried in someone arms. I feel so safe ... I've never felt so calm. "Brother, you must save her, please!" "Everything will be fine, Lily" I hear him say and then everything goes out around me.
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