Media Trolls

1050 Words
CHAPTER 51 Gabriel “Even though your intentions are pure, Gabriel, you know first hand how the media can twist what you want to do, around, and make you look like a villain!” “They are always prowling for a scandal, and they could easily paint you as a monster and accuse you of all sorts. Are you willing to put yourself through that?” Those were just some of the concerns raised. I was hoping for a more positive meeting, but it was like almost every one were trying to convince me not to commit to the Safe Haven plan. Who would have thought that trying to do something good for orphaned children could be this complicated. I guess that’s the price you pay for having great wealth to your name. People would always assume that something shady and corrupt was going on behind the scenes! And even though I didn’t care of the opinions of others, I fully understood the importance of the concerns raised, bad press could tarnish my reputation in the business world and destroy the empire I worked so hard to build. “It’s just too risky. It would just open a can of worms!” Someone added. I asked for other options as I was not willing to let those girls go knowing that there was no guarantee of their safety. “Perhaps, you could go another route.You could still start up Safe Haven but not on your estate. You can get it going elsewhere and anonymously. We could get it set up as a new NPO, and though this would be your baby, we could put it out there for other businesses to contribute towards the place if they wanted to. The other option would be for Miss Bellatrix Willow to put her name out there, and the Safe Haven project could be known as hers, but again, it can not be based on your estate. The question is, Would she be strong enough to constantly be in the limelight as with you two being in a relationship, the project will be followed closely by media trolls” said a senior member of our Legal team. I know my Bella would do anything to ensure that the girls are safe but being under the watchful eye of the media was something I know she would not be able to handle and I would not put her through that! “Okay, say we go the 'anonymous' route. We have to find a place to purchase and revamp. It will also have to meet all health and safety requirements and then be registered. All of which is going to take time. Which is something we don’t have right now! There are ten young girls who are so scared and have no idea what is going to happen to them once they are released from the hospital!” I tell them frustatedly. One of our team members suggested that we buy some time by not having them released any time soon from the hospital. They can be cared for there and undergo therapy and other sessions that will be beneficial to their mental and emotional health. That could work! Neo, who I had noticed, was silent and busy on his phone during the discussions, spoke up, while waving his phone at us “I found an orphanage that has been pleading for help for a while now. From what is in the posts, they may have no option but to close their doors soon should they not receive help with funding. How about you put in an offer to purchase the place as it is and get your plans rolling there? Surely, It would give you peace of mind knowing that people you handpicked were responsible for taking care of the children. You would still be able to control how the place is run from behind the scenes . Almost like the businesses you ‘anonymously’ invest in and own shares” His tone when saying that last bits was a weird one which I found difficult to read but I just brushed it off and that aside, what he said seemed like a good idea and if we act fast, the girls would have a safe place to call home soon. The legal team started discussing an offer to purchase and about drawing up other legal agreements. I told them to make sure to make an offer that would not be turned down! Alex and I then assigned tasks to the other members and decided that he would handle the recruitment process with the help of our head of HR. I would sit in on the interviews of the short-listed candidates. The atmosphere had drastically changed to a more positive one, and everyone spoke with excitement and enthusiasm. We were going to ensure that the contracts would go out to professional companies who were willing to work round the clock and get the place ready in a week’s time. The head of our legal team assured me that they would immediately get stuck into sorting out all the legal details. We concluded the meeting on a very positive note, and everyone left, eager to get all that was discussed put into action. Even though I didn’t need permission to go to our hospital, I had great respect for the medical professionals there and didn’t want to get in their way, so, I phoned to check if the tests were all done and if it was okay to visit. The doctor I spoke to politely told me that I could come through if I wanted to. However, he would not advise it as he preferred my Bella, and the girls get much needed rest. They were already given their medication for the pain and something to help them fall asleep. He added that it would be better if we came through the following day. I then made arrangements with the doctor for the girls to remain in the hospital for about a week longer. He assured me that they would use the time to help the girls recover properly and would also set up the therapy sessions for them. At least that part is sorted, now just to make sure everything else falls in place!
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