Safe Haven

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CHAPTER 50 Gabriel My Bella and all the girls were taken to our hospital to get checked up and treated. A team of the best medical professionals were brought in to ensure they all received the best care. Some of the nurses helped to get hold of most of the girls' parents. However, there were about ten orphaned girls who looked distressed. They were between the ages of eight and fifteen. They were definitely terrified of what was going to happen to them once they left the hospital. There was no way I was going to allow for them to go out into the world and fend for themselves again! An idea popped up in my mind. With help from some influential people and total commitment from my team, we could make it happen in no time! The doctors asked us to leave as they were going to have many tests done on my Bella and the girls, which would take time. They said that we could return in a few hours but rather to phone in first to confirm. After giving my Bella a gentle hug and peck on her lips, I told her that we had to leave but would be back as soon as the doctors completed all their tests. She nodded in understanding and tried to give me a small reassuring smile, but the pained look in her eyes told another story. As soon as I reached the waiting area, I started telling Alex and Neo about my idea. Neo was confused about the place I was talking about, but Alex told him he’ll fill him in later. I asked Alex to round up our legal team and other high-profile people we needed to get my plan in motion. We would all meet at the company board room in two hours. Neo and I would go check up on my princess and Erica and then head back to the company. I asked Neo if he wanted a lift back with me, and he just answered with, “We’re heading to the same place aren’t we?” We thereafter started our journey in awkward silence. I thought of what I could say to break the silence, and the best I could come up with was, “Thanks for all your help back there!” and his comeback was, “I didn’t do it for you, so there’s no need for you to thank me!” He was definitely not going to go easy on me. “Okay, I know we have a lot of unresolved issues to work through, but please, for the sake of all that is going on, can we please just call a temporary truce?” I pleaded, and he replied, “Yea, fine, whatever!” When we entered the flat, it was a full house! My parents, Arianna, Jacob, Erica’s mum, her stepdad, and her brother were all there, and they all looked so worried. Neo rushed over to Erica and hugged her, and I hugged my family, one after the other. Mum told me that Erica had put my princess down for a nap not that long ago. She was very crabby and cried a lot as though she sensed something was wrong and her mum not being here made it worse. Erica was the only one who could calm her down. She refused to go to anyone else. Even Jacob tried his funny stunts, but it didn’t work. I excused myself and asked Neo to fill everyone in, I needed to take a quick shower before I could go into the nursery. After showering and putting on a fresh set of clothes, I went into the nursery and I stood beside the cot, and as though she sensed my presence, my princess opened her beautiful eyes and stared straight at me. I picked her up gently and spoke soothing words to her. She rested her head on my chest, and, at that moment, I said a silent prayer and thanked the angels for watching over my Bella. I don’t know how I would have ever been able to look my princess in the eyes had I not been able to bring her mum back home to her. I took out my phone and played the recording of my Bella singing to her. She picked up her head as though searching for her mum, and then I told her that her mum loves her and misses her very much and would be home real soon. I'm not sure if my princess understood me or not, but with a sad look on her face, she rested her head back on my chest. My phone started to ring, it was Alex calling. He told me he managed to get hold of the people we would need to get approval for my plan but I had to make sure I was on time for the meeting as some had other urgent matters to deal with and only agreed to the meeting because it was me who requested it. With my princess still in my arms, I went into the living room and told everyone that I had to leave for an urgent meeting. Neo asked if I wanted him to tag along, I just nodded yes and then quickly said only if he wanted to. Erica took my princess from my arms, and she stared at me sadly. I gave her a peck on her forehead and told her that I loved her and would be back soon. Jacob asked when he would be able to see my Bella. I told him that as soon as the doctors gave us permission to visit, I would take him through. He then asked in almost a choked voice if she was hurt bad. I reminded him that my Bella was a warrior woman and that she was going to be okay. He gave me a slight nod and went to sit by my dad, who gently patted his back. I checked the time and told them that we had to leave, I couldn’t be late for the meeting. Our new home was all ready and waiting for us. The vast land now boasted not just The Knight's Mansion but also many more huge houses and entertainment facilities. It was registered under the name 'Knight’s Estate', and the security system was of the highest standards. I planned on offering a few of the houses to my most trusted men and their families and now also, turning a couple into a Safe Haven for children, like the precious ten girls who were rescued and were orphans. Though they were set free from their abductors they had no place to call home and some may end up in foster homes but that could take awhile and not always turn out to be in their best interest and some of them could even end up on the streets! As we drove to my company, my mind was buzzing with all that needed to be done! Firstly, I had to convince everyone at the meeting that this would be the best option for the girls and others in similar situations. Once the legalities were sorted, I would need to get the interior of the chosen houses redesigned and furnished to accommodate more people. I would also have to employ a team of highly skilled individuals to oversee the houses and care for all the children's needs, including their education. I am sure that my Bella would be watching closely to ensure they were well taken care of. I would leave the recruiting of the individuals to Alex. He has a habit of thoroughly screening people and ensuring we employ only the very best. We just needed the meeting to go as planned to get the ball rolling!
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