It's My Fault!

1101 Words
CHAPTER 24 Gabriel “Can I tell you something?” Jacob asked me softly. “You don’t ever need to seek permission to tell me anything, bud, know that you can always speak to me whenever you want to.” I reassured him, and then he continued in a very sad tone “It’s my fault that Mason used to hit Bella and burn her with cigarettes and cigars. Bell has always protected me even though I don’t remember much from when I was smaller, but I know she always did. Otherwise, I would not be alive. There’s stuff I do remember, though, which she thinks I have forgotten. Mason used to lock me up in a cage kept inside a room Bella and I shared when he sent her out to work. He would not give me water or food. When she came back, I used to cry and tell her I was thirsty and hungry. Mason got angry when I cried and would want to hit me, but Bell always stopped him and said that he could do whatever he wanted to her instead. He used to hit her real bad and do all sorts to her. I thought that if I stopped crying and complaining to her he would stop but some days he would just appear all of a sudden and say that just the sight of me disgusted him and he would come to hit me but Bell always fought him off with whatever strength she had and he would hit her so badly that she would not be able to get out of bed for days. I would try to help clean her and even begged mum, but she’d say that Bell got what she deserved. Mason would come and push her around on the bed and tell her that she should learn her lesson cos next time he would kill both of us. But similar situations happened over and over again. Bell always told me that once she turned eighteen, we were going to escape. Honestly, I never believed her cos I thought we’d be dead before that.” My emotions were going wild! In the comfort of my arms I had an innocent child who had been through so much during his short time on this earth and he was blaming himself for what that despicable monster did to my Bella and him! “With a lump in my throat, I managed to choke out, “Bud, none of what happened to both you and Bella is either of yourllz fault. I promise you that I will make sure that Mason will get what he deserves for all that he’s done!” I was cut short when a doctor called out to me, and I quickly stood up, and while still carrying Jacob, I walked towards him. Everyone gathered and listened attentively to the doctor, and as per the hospital protocol, he had to give a full run-through of what happened during the surgery. I just wanted him to fast forward to how my Bella was doing after the surgery. He apologised for not giving us updates sooner but explained that many complications arose during surgery, and he needed all hands on deck. He expressed his gratitude for the assistance of our two doctors and admitted that he couldn’t have done it without them. He went on to say that there were moments during the surgery when they thought my Bella was not going to pull through but she proved to be a fighter and it truly was a miracle that the rod did not hit any of her vital organs and they were able to remove every bit of it from her body. All in all, it was a success, and she was going to be moved to the ICU and closely monitored. Unfortunately, she was not allowed visitors at the time, and he suggested we all go and get some rest and come through the next day. I asked the doctor when he thought she would be strong enough to transfer her to the hospital in the city, and he advised that we wait for about two days. As I was profusely thanking the doctor, I could hear Jacob asking Arianna, “Bella is going to be okay, right?” and she replied, “Yes, Jakey, you heard the doctor, Bell is a fighter!” Whilst everyone was getting ready to leave, I gently grabbed Jacob from the back and lifted him up and made him sit on my shoulders. He squealed with laughter and asked me to put him down. I playfully told him that it wasn’t going to happen and carried him like that all the way to the car. He laughed happily as I carried him out. It was a PRICELESS moment and I made a promise to myself there and then that I was going to do everything in my power to ensure my Bella’s and Jacob’s days are going to be filled with abundant love, laughter, joy and happiness. They truly deserve it! Arianna and Pearl managed to find us a rental house to stay, and it wasn’t so bad, not what we were used to, but it was clean and decent enough. We took turns having a shower as there was only one, and while eating the takeout, Alex got us, I realized I was famished! I couldn’t even remember what I had eaten last. After we had eaten, Arianna went to phone my mum, Aunt Brie, and Amber to update them on my Bella. I silently thanked God and his angels for watching over her during the surgery. Even the doctor called it a miracle. Alex and I caught up on some work related matters while Pearl got Jacob ready for bed. He greeted us all good night and went off with Pearl. When I eventually retired to my room, I found it difficult to sleep. Thoughts of earlier events kept flooding my mind and how close I came to losing my Bella. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on my door, and I called out to whoever it was to come in. The door was unlocked. I was taken by surprise as Jacob entered, looking really down. “Hey there bud, you couldn’t sleep too?” I asked him, and he nodded and then asked shyly if he could sleep by me. I gave him a warm smile, patted the bed, and told him to jump on, and he did looking brighter than when he came in, and I cuddled him.
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