Big Bear Hugs

1109 Words
CHAPTER 23 Gabriel “Bella, Bella, it’s me. Please open up your eyes and look at me. You promised you were never going to leave me, remember? Bella, you’ve never lied to me, so don’t start now! Please Bell, wake up” whimpered Jacob as he placed his cheek to hers and arms around her upper back and chest in a gentle side hug. She opened her eyes slightly and whispered “Jakey” and closed them again. Jacob was an emotional wreck thereafter, and Arianna had to forcefully take him away. I felt like my entire world was crumbling, but I had to keep it together and be strong not just for my Bella but also for everyone who loves her. Alex kept reassuring me that the chopper was on its way and Bella would be okay. Every one had been so caught up in getting the girls to safety that they didn’t rush to apprehend Mason as he was unconscious or so he pretended to be and after he stabbed my Bella, every one was focused on her and he took the chance to escape. I ordered Alex to make sure our men found him before the authorities did. I want to deal with him personally! When I heard the sound of the chopper closing in, I checked my Bella’s pulse, and it was weaker. I said a silent prayer and pleaded with God and his angels to watch over my love and to please bring her back to us. Pearl rushed in with the paramedics, and they asked me to give them space so that they could attend to my Bella. They told us that they were taking her to the closest hospital and we would have to meet them there. I begged to go with and explained that the hospital would want someone to complete admission documents as well has to answer any questions they may have upon her arrival there. They gave in and agreed. As they were securing my Bella into the chopper I asked Alex to get hold of our best team of doctors and explain what had happened and get whoever specialized in cases like this to be flown through to the hospital we were going to as soon as possible. Alex assured me he would take care of it and that he would drive Jacob and the girls to meet me at the hospital. Before he left, he took me by surprise as he pulled me into a hug and told me that everything was going to be okay. Alex was never into hugs and terrible at expressing his feelings! But he is the one person I trust with my life and who knows me best, and at that moment, his hug was desperately needed, and his reassuring words brought some comfort! I had been pacing the halls of the hospital waiting room for what seemed like an eternity. No one had come through to give me an update. The paramedics had already made the hospital aware of our arrival, and as we landed a few nurses and a doctor rushed through to receive my Bella. The doctor quickly assessed the situation and gave out orders that she should be taken in for emergency surgery. There was no time for pleasantries or inductions. The doctor just told me to go to the hospital receptionist, and she would assist me with completing the required documents, and he will try and get the nurses to give me progress updates. He was already informed that my preferred medical team were on the way and he said that they could join in once they arrived but he couldn’t wait for them as my Bella was in a critical condition and he had to act immediately. It’s been hours, and I still haven’t received any updates. Two of my doctors had arrived and prepared quickly, and a nurse rushed them through to the emergency room. Not knowing what was going on was driving me insane. Alex, Arianna, Pearl, and Jacob came through eventually, and I let out a sigh of relief. I now had some company to go insane with! They all looked exhausted and worried. Jacob’s and the girls’ eyes were swollen, red, and puffy from crying. I hugged Jacob first and told him we have to be strong for my Bella and reminded him that she’s our Warrior woman who can get through the toughest of situations. He just nodded his head in agreement and went and sat down quietly. I greeted the rest of them and vented my frustration that no one came to give any updates. Alex said that rather they concentrated on getting her fixed up than updating us. Made sense. He also told me that our men were not leaving any stones unturned, and he’s confident that they would find Mason soon. I told him that once they find him to have him taken to one of our ‘special’ warehouses back in the city. Once my Bella is stable I’m going to have her move to our hospital in the city and ensure she receives the best medical care needed for her full recovery. Hopefully, Mason is found, and I will deal with him then. Arianna told me that they managed to book a place for us nearby just so we could freshen up and get some rest when needed. She also phoned my mum, Aunt Brie and Amber, and told them everything that happened. They all asked that we please update them on Bella's progress once we receive news. Pearl and Alex left for the hospital Café to get us coffee and juice for Jacob. Arianna said that she’s so worried about him cos he’s not speaking to anyone. When he's not crying he’s so quiet and withdrawn. I walked over to where he was sitting and said, “Hey bud, I could really do with another one of your hugs right now” he nodded okay, and I carried him up. Jacob was rather tiny for his age. He actually looked half his age. As I hugged him tightly, he burst into tears. I patted his back gently and told him it was going to be okay. Still carrying him, I went to take a seat, and he still sat on my lap, arms around my neck and head resting on my shoulder, like a little kid and not showing any signs of embarrassment or worrying about who was going to think he was uncool. I let him be because, at the moment, I knew he felt safe and comfortable with me, and I was honored.
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