Do or Die !

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CHAPTER 22 Bella “WHAT PRODUCT DO YOU DEAL? WHO IS YOUR CURRENT SUPPLIER AND WOULD THEY HAVE A PROBLEM SHOULD YOU CUT THEM OFF?” Alex continued speaking loudly and in an assertive tone while sounding genuinely interested in doing business with Mason, whom like the fool that he is started singing like a canary bragging about the products he deals and which areas he supplies and then started to bad mouth the mafia family who is his current supplier. He even dared to ask if Gabriel would offer him protection as they would come after him once he cut them off. Alex assured him that he would have 24/7 protection! Thereafter, the focus was back to me. “What do you want in return for my w***e? Take your pick from those girls. They are all Virgins and are to bring in a large sum from the auction but I am willing to let you have your pick first” ranted Mason. I observed Gabriel touch his ear, some one was communicating with him for sure, and then for the first time since we got there, Gabriel cleared his throat and spoke out in an even more assertive voice than Alex, and it was also filled with power and rage, “1ST OPTION IS MORE OF MERCY, NOT THAT YOU DESERVE IT! YOU HAND OVER ALL THE GIRLS TO ME AND I LET YOU LIVE! 2ND OPTION YOU REFUSE OPTION 1 AND YOU DIE!!!” I see the bewildered looks on their faces. Once, what Gabriel had said, "Sunk In" Mason, stood up, maintained a good distance from our group, and shouted aggressively at Gabriel “HOW DARE YOU COME INTO MY TERRITORY AND THREATEN ME! YOU WILL NOT WALK OUT OF HERE ALIVE! MY MEN WILL TEAR YOU APART AND FEED YOU TO THE DOGS!” I slid off Gabriel’s lap, and he hesitantly let me go and walked bravely to where Mason was standing and asked sarcastically, “Which men are you talking about? Call them, we would like to meet them!” Tara stepped forward and slapped me across my face, and screamed “YOU UNGRATEFUL WH**E, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR MASTER IN THAT TONE!” Instead of crying in pain, I looked at her and laughed so hard as though I had heard the funniest joke and then turned around to see Mason looking out the windows and then storming to the Entrance of the hall looking around! He rushed back to where I stood and yelled “WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MEN!? WHERE ARE THEY!?” "Take a chill pill, Grumpy. At least they are still alive, and you will be reunited with them soon. They've 'onnnnnnly' been apprehended!” Pearl mockingly told him. She and Arianna came forward to us with the laptop we had also brought with in the briefcase with the legal documents and held it in front of us “Take a look Dearest Master," I told him while Pearl fiddled around, and brought up to screen a video recording and I continued, "The thing is, you were set up! This very entertaining visit of ours has been recorded and also linked to some live feeds. My darling brother was not just standing around being useless as you called him, he held a video recording device in his hands and our stunning pieces of jewelry are actually bodycams and other communications devices which allowed us to capture everything you said and every corner of this hell hole as evidence. Whilst you were foolishly feeding not just us but law enforcement with information, your men were apprehended and were taken to the station. Even you and mummy dearest are looking at spending many years behind a prison wall. And what’s even more fun is that the video was sent to the Mafia you said All those 'Nice' things about” and before I could say anything more Mason had his hands wrapped around my throat and shouted out loud “YOU F**KING FILTHY WH**E, YOU RUINED ME!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! “LET HER GO IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!” Gabriel shouted as he sped across the room towards us but before he could reach us, I saw Arianna pulled a gun from a holster strapped to her upper thigh and pointed it to Mason’s head and said “YOU HEARD MY BROTHER, NOW LET HER GO OR ELSE I’M GOING TO DECORATE THIS F**KING PLACE WITH YOUR BRAINS AND BLOOD!” Mason slowly released me just as Gabriel reached us and punched him so hard in the face that he passed out. As the authorities came in, Arianna slid the gun to Gabriel who slipped it into one of his pockets only for them to realize later, that she had no reason to have hidden it cos it was fully licensed under her name and not illegal for her to carry it around. Guess it was some sibling protective instinct or something. Thankfully, when all of that was going down, Alex had already taken Jacob out of there. A social worker came in, too, and helped move the girls to safety. All of a sudden, Tara started wailing like a banshee, and as we turned to see what all the fuss was about, I felt something pierce me from the back and through my stomach. I looked down as my hand clutched to what looked like a metal rod, and I could feel the warmth of my blood, but I was frozen in shock. I faintly heard my name being called as I could feel my body dropping to the ground. Gabriel grabbed me before I fell, and I could hear him telling me that I must fight to stay awake. Help is on the way. I couldn’t feel any pain. My body felt numb, and I just wanted to sleep. I was tired, just so tired. Where’s my brother, I have to see that he’s okay before I fall asleep, “B..B..Babe g.. g..get me J..Jakey” I force. “You’re going to be okay, my love. Please stay awake for me, okay? Help is on it’s way. Ari’s gone to get Jakey” I try to nod my head to what Gabriel told me, but it’s hard, I’m just too tired. “P..p..please t..t..tell h..h..him I him” my eyes felt so heavy I had to close them and sleep. Gabriel That repulsive woman started wailing and drew our attention to her. Little did we know she was purposely doing so to take our attention off Mason, who we assumed was still unconscious. He waited for us to be distracted and then stabbed my Bella with a steel rod from the back, and it came out straight through her stomach. She barely made a sound, and only when I noticed her going limp and almost falling to the ground I realized what had happened. There was just so much blood, her eyes were rolling backward, and she was babbling words. Every one were in panic mode and very emotional and called out her name. I asked Arianna to be strong for my Bella and Jacob and to go bring him in. Through the words my Bella was trying to say, I could hear her saying his name. Alex took it upon himself to arrange for an emergency chopper to come through as the closest doctor was an hour away and hospital even further out. I silently prayed that I would be able to stop the bleeding without causing more damage. I tried to keep her awake but was not helping. She was giving up. No! I refused to let her give up! She can not leave us behind!
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