Princess of the Knight

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CHAPTER 33 Bella Finding out that I was pregnant was definitely a big surprise. It shouldn’t have been though, what did I expect to happen? I was not on any method of contraceptives, and Gabriel never bothered about condoms. I foolishly believed he was my happily ever after! I wondered how long he was cheating on me with that woman? She was probably the reason for all his late nights! He probably pitied me, and that’s why he didn’t call it quits, or maybe he forced himself to remain in the relationship because of Jacob and Arianna. Oh, Heavens, these thoughts were going to drive me crazy! I needed to try my best and forget about what had happened and move forward now for the sake of my baby. I had gone to a medical centre which was not that far out from the Bakery and after running a few tests and confirming my pregnancy, one of the nurses there, had helped me to set up dates for my regular check ups. I was going to do everything I could to make sure that my baby was going to be okay. Starting with me taking care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. I had to put everything of my past to bed and focus on our future! I decided to come clean with Erica and told her everything, starting with my real name. I apologized to her for lying to her, especially when she had been nothing but good to me. I expected her to be angry about it, but she just brushed it off and said that everyone had skeletons in their closets. She changed the topic and started talking about all the cute stuff we would be buying for the baby. It was near impossible to be in a bad mood when she was around. She had a way of turning the most gloomiest moments into a brighter one. She truly was God sent, and I was so grateful to have found a friend like her, especially during the time in my life when I needed one the most. A YEAR LATER The best moment of the past year and the most priceless moment of my life was definitely when I held my beautiful baby girl, Athena Lillian Knight, in my arms for the first time. I chose Gabriel’s mother’s name as her second name. She was also given her father’s surname, and one day, when she’s old enough to understand, I will tell her all about him. She was born with a mop of thick black hair, she has Gabriel’s gorgeous green eyes, and the rest of her features are very similar to mine. The first couple of months of my pregnancy were very hectic. I was nauseous all the time and threw up not just in the mornings but whenever something smelled gross, which, at the time, was almost everything! But thereafter, once it stopped, everything went well. With Erica’s help, I was able to maintain a happy, healthy diet and kept myself fit. She became obsessed with finding out everything and anything on how to get through a pregnancy successfully and spent so much time researching stuff in books and the internet. She will definitely be well prepared for when she decides to start a family of her own. She was always trying out new meals, which were apparently very good for the baby. I also followed all of my doctor's advice and made it to every checkup. I had decided not to take time off work though even while being heavily pregnant as my job wasn’t very strenuous or stressful. I wanted to take time off after my baby was born. I didn’t want to know my baby’s gender, I wanted it to be a surprise, and my doctor kept it a secret. On the evening, when I went into labour, Erica and I had been preparing an order for a corporate company event. We were joking about stuff and laughing so much, and the next thing I knew, my water broke. We had practiced so many times as to what to do when it happened. My bag was already packed and ready, too, but all the practice went out the windows! If anything, we both behaved like panic stricken drama Queens. Neo rushed over after Erica managed to phone him and took us to the medical center. All was forgotten when my precious bundle of joy made her entrance into this world. Gabriel Work had become my comfort over the past months. I continued my search for my Bella, I would never give up hope that I was going to find her! Jacob had started speaking to me again, but our relationship was not what it used to be like. He only started speaking to me again because my parents encouraged him to. My relationship had changed drastically with everyone at home after my Bella left. Jacob refused to get enrolled in a school here, and after much convincing, my parents got me to agree to having him home schooled. He had grown out quite a bit and sprung up in height too over the past year. Even though most of our conversations were forced, I didn’t mind, I was just grateful he spoke to me and was still with me. I got the Miller’s Mansion and property all fixed up and ready for when my Bella returned. Believing that she was going to come back to me was the only way I could keep my sanity. Every day, I prayed that she was safe and happy wherever she was. I didn’t want to think of anything bad having happened to her. I was deep in thought when Arianna interrupted me and told me that she was taking Jacob out with her. Mum’s birthday was coming up, and even though everyone had decided against a celebration party, Arianna was going to order a special cake for her. A friend of hers recommended a bakery in City Central. I asked her to get one of the driver’s to take them through and to also get some cupcakes for Jacob...
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