A Bond that could Never be Broken

1046 Words
CHAPTER 34 Bella Athena was probably the most well-behaved baby ever! So far, and thankfully, I haven’t had too many of those difficult nights and endless crying tantrums I read up about. She just seemed so happy with everything. Erica and Neo couldn’t get enough of her and was always buying her stuff, which helped my budget a lot. I got her ready for her doctor’s appointment, and I was not looking forward to the after part cos the only time she gets all crabby and irritable is after getting her jabs.The nurses loved seeing her and commented on how beautiful she was growing. She had also gained a bit of baby fat and was just too cute and adorable. Once we were all done at the doctor’s, I decided to pop in first at the Bakery to let Erica know that we were back. I settled Athena into her stroller, and she was sleeping peacefully like an angel. From the outside, I could see that Erica had some customers but couldn’t see them very clearly cos of the frosted glass. I opened the door and then pushed it open with my back as I was pulling in the stroller. When I turned around, I couldn’t believe my eyes! Standing in front of me was Arianna engaged in conversation with Erica, and next to her was Jacob, who turned and looked straight at me. He looked so different since I last saw him. He was so much taller and had put on some weight and looked so handsome. “BELLA? ” he called out loud in a voice that also changed. As he called out my name, Arianna turned around and looked at me in total shock. At that moment, I had no idea what to do. I just stood there, staring at them dumbfounded. Jacob walked over to me with tear filled eyes. He stood in front of the stroller and looked me in the eyes and said, “You broke your promise, Bell, you left me behind!” Without even realizing it, tears were freely flowing down my face. “Jakey, I am so sorry, I am so sorry, but I had to do it. Please, I beg you to please forgive me ” I choked out. I let go of the stroller and went to him and forcefully pulled him into a hug. “Please Jakey, forgive me, I would have taken you with me if I could” I told him. He cried as I hugged him, and after a bit, he picked up his arms and returned the hug. We just stood like that for a few minutes, crying our eyes out. Erica walked towards the door and put out the closed sign, and locked it. Her eyes locked with mine and she gave me a comforting smile and whispered to take all the time we needed and she then took Athena who was still sleeping peacefully to the back room, giving us some privacy. Arianna did not move from where she was standing. It was as though she was glued stuck. She started crying uncontrollably, saying things in between, which I couldn’t quite understand. I let go of Jacob and walked over to her, and hugged her tightly. Jacob then came over and joined in the hug, and we three just bawled our eyes out. After a bit of time, we loosened the hug, and Arianna said, “I can’t believe you were right under our noses, and yet we couldn’t find you. We all have been going crazy trying to find you, and yet you’ve been so close. Why did you not reach out to me, Bell? Why?” she asked. Why did this have to be so hard?! I couldn’t find the right words to explain myself. I never prepared what to say in case I was to meet them. I just assumed that they would never come out to this part of the city. The super rich folks never came here. All that could come out of my mouth was, “I am so sorry Ari, please try and understand, I just couldn’t” and then Jacob asked in a more calmer and lighter tone, “Why did you do that to your hair?” I just giggled and asked him if it looked that bad and he smiled lovingly at me and said “It’s kind of OK, you just look very different but you do know I would be able to recognize you no matter how hard you tried to change your look, right?” Before I could say anything, Erica walked in carrying Athena and said, “Sorry to interrupt, but this little princess needs a change of diaper and her bottle. Bell, please pass me her bag, and I’ll take care of it” Jacob and Arianna were staring at Athena, and then Arianna asked if she was mine. I just nodded my head, yes. Before she could respond, Jacob asked if he could hold her, and when I said yes, Erica gently placed Athena in his arms. He held her carefully and said, “Hello there, I am your uncle” My heart was so overwhelmed with the sight before me, and I couldn’t control my tears from flowing again. Arianna then went close up and touching Athena’s hand gently, introduced herself to her as her aunt. Athena just smiled back at her as though she fully understood what was said, took hold of one of her fingers, and tried to shove it in her mouth. “Okay, someone is very hungry. How about we go to my place and once I get Athena settled, we can catch up!” and they agreed. “You chose such a beautiful name for her, it suits her well”, Arianna told me and then offered to drive us but I told her it won’t be necessary and told them where I lived. Before leaving, I introduced them properly to Erica, and I thanked her for closing up the bakery for us and giving us time. She just brushed me off and said that there was no need for thank yous and to go home and enjoy my reunion with my brother and friend.
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