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Vivian woke up to the sun shinning on her face she didn't know when she fell asleep but she felt she was on a soft bed, she got up and looked around she saw that her clothes was changed into a silk night gown, she got down from the bed and saw a robe placing it on she looked around the room it was bright with natural colors, she was confused when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in" Vivian said A lady that was a bit smaller then her walked in with her head bowed down. "Your clean clothing ma'am" she said "Oh, thank you. Um, you are?" Vivian asked "I have been assigned to you ma'am" She said "I see, I was actually asking your name, so I can just call you that" Vivian said "We do not use names ma'am, but we go by servant" she said "Well, where I'm from we call the Omegas by there name, and I would feel uncomfortable to call you servant" Vivian said truthfully "I am fine with that ma'am" she said "What if it's just the two of us" Vivian said Vivian saw that she was hesitant as she fiddle with her fingers, Vivian slowly walked to her and took her hands. "Please" Vivian said softly "Iris" Iris said Vivian smiled, she put her head down to look at her but the girl eyes darted somewhere. "It's nice to met you Iris, I'm Vivian" Vivian said Iris looked back at Vivian who was smiling at her, the door open and Iris quickly took a step back from Vivian and lowered her head down even more, Vivian was shocked as she saw an unknown man in front of her. "Apologies Luna, but you shouldn't mingle with the lower ranks, Alpha has asked me to get you. I am Beta Jules" Jules said Vivian nodded her head, she was a bit shy as she cover herself around the robe she looked down as her feet was bare and it was on top of the other. "Vivian or Vi" Vivian said softly, her hands shook a bit as she stretch it out. Jules looked at her hand then her as he saw the way she was shy covering her body and saw that she must be shy from the way she was dressed. "Why don't you get dressed and I'll wait outside to escort you down, you may leave servant" Jules said Vivian was shocked at how he said it coldly, she looked at the poor girl and bite her lips, as she quickly went out of the room, Vivian frowned but Jules just left closing the door behind him, Vivian went to go to the bathroom as the door was open she took a quick shower, she grab her jeans and her blouse from yesterday and put on her sneakers but left her hair down to let air dry. "Ready" Jules said Vivian nodded her head, but she was looking around the hallway and she was remembering the way and also looking at the home, they got to the dinning area, she walked in as everybody stop talking, she looked around the room as each big men looked at her they were like four times her size, she felt her face heat up as they looked at she gave them a small wave and small smile. Vivian saw Cyrus at the other end of the table, she walked that way she could feel everybody's eyes on her as she went to sit down at the empty spot before she could pull the chair out she felt arms on her waist and pulled in his embrace, Vivian's eyes widen as her face was heating up as she looked up him. "Eat" Cyrus said Vivian put her head down as she looked at the food in front of her, she reached for the fruit bowl and began eating at with the oatmeal in front of her, she sip her juice when the men started talking again, they ignored the fact that she was sitting on their Alphas lap but she couldn't she felt uncomfortable especially as he smelled her hair, and his hot breath was on her neck. Vivian was full after she finished half of her food and place the spoon down, she gathered her bowl ready to get up. "Servant" Cyrus called out Vivian saw Iris coming. "I-I can take it" Vivian said "This is their job, take the bowls away" Cyrus said Vivian watched as Iris take the plates in front of them. "Thank you Iris" Vivian said smiling at her. The table got quiet, Vivian saw they were all looking at her, she looked at them, then she looked back as Iris was shaking. "Excuse us" Cyrus said Cyrus stood so did Vivian as he took her hand taking her out of the dinning room, she took her upstairs as she frown, she didn't even get to look around the place they entered what looked like an office. "Your trainers well be here shortly, there are rules in my pack and you will know shortly but this is just a reminder don't ever call a servant by there name" Cyrus said Vivian can feel his Alpha power coming out, it scared her she backed away from him as she looked down. "I understand" Vivian said Cyrus sigh out, he reached his hand out Vivian flinch she didn't mean too it was just a reflex that her brain knew she was scared and she just reacted, Cyrus stop his hand midair when he saw it, he sigh out again then place his hand to the side. "I apologize for my outburst I wasn't thinking you didn't know the rules but when you learn the rules please abide by it" Cyrus said Vivian looked up at him. "Okay" She squeaked out Cyrus raised his hand place it on her cheeks this time Vivian didn't flinch away she can feel the light sparks, she into the hand more enjoying the feeling.
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