1092 Words
Vivian was dancing in the training room by herself when the music stop and her phone began to ring, she stop and went towards her phone and saw Dax name. "Dax I'm sorry, I will be there shortly" Vivian said picking up the phone. "It's fine we still have thirty minutes I just wanted to call you to remind you but I have to go back into the meeting now" Dax said "Okay, I'll be there" Vivian said She hung up the phone and rushed to the locker room she had promise to be with him as the Alphas left, so she took a quick shower, put on the extra clothes she brought was a skirt and crop top blouse, she then put on her white sneakers as she quickly putting her hair up in a messy bun letting some of the strains of her frame her pace. She quickly put all her other clothes in the duffle bag with her training clothes from before she needed to wash the old clothes in the locker she picked up wet towel with her shampoo, body wash, lotion and comb in the bag, she quickly put on her school bag and duffle bag as she made her way out of the building grabbing her bike as she rode to the pack house. "Made it" Vivian said as she painted out a deep breath She place her bike to the side and went up the steps to the pack house she place her bags on the bench couch, she looked at herself in the hallway mirror redid her hair into a high ponytail her face was a bit red so she went to the kitchen and wash her face with cold water and wiped it with a napkin before drinking some water, her heart finally calm down so did her breathing as she place the cup down and waited for Dax. Vivian had her earphones on as she watched videos of Contemporary dancing in the living room when she heard footsteps she looked up seeing Omegas with suite cases and taking them out, she paused her video placing it away as she stood up soon she heard voices and went to stand at the entrance of living room, she saw Dax and gave him a small wave. "It was good seeing you Alpha Jack" Dax said "Likewise, oh Miss. Vivian it was a pleasure meeting you." Jack said "Same Alpha Jack" Vivian said He was the first to leave as Dax and Vivian stood beside each other saying their goodbyes to the Alphas, Vivian waved when she felt someone hugged her from behind making her eyes widen in shock she gasp out as she felt light sparks on her stomach and neck where the person was sniffing her. "Mate" the low rumble of the voice said Vivian looked shocked as she looked at Dax, he too was surprised, she just stood there as the man hugged her. "Why can't I feel your wolf" The man said Vivian was turned around as she looked at the man with deep blue eyes, he had a frown as his thick eyebrows creased together, his lips was full unlike hers, he had a strong jawline, she can feel the callous of his hand from him holding the side of her waist. his nose was straight a bit point at the end but overall he was the handsome man she had seen, her heart did a summer salt as she could feel her face heat up to the tip of her ears. "Why can't we feel your wolf" he said dangerously low "My wolf? I haven't gotten any" Vivian said "An omega?" he growled Vivian frowned out she hated wolves that treated omegas like dirt, she was always nice to them when she was here. "Alpha Cyrus" Dax father said Vivian looked away from him towards Dax father, she straighten herself just as she moved the Cyrus man warp her arms around her, and he looked between her and Cyrus, but didn't say a word as he stood off to the side as the other Alphas left, before they went inside. "I see you have met your mate" Daniel said "Yes, is she a worker here?" Cyrus said Vivian frowned at his remark so what if was she thought, her mate was giving her bad impression, Daniel saw her frown and chuckled. "Vivian isn't a worker, she's my son's best friend since childhood, thought she is a few months younger than Dax that is why you can't feel her wolf yet" Daniel said "I see, that do I have your permission to take my mate" Cyrus said Vivian's eyes widen as she looked up to him then at Daniel. "I grant you permission" Daniel said Vivian couldn't speak before she could, she was already taken out of the house, she saw one of the Omegas grab her things from the doorway and followed them out, Vivian head was in a mess and it was blank she looked back at the pack house as Dax looked at her when she saw Daniels face he was beaming happy waving at her. Vivian was then place in the car she looked out the window as she looked at Dax, then the car left she bite her lips, she saw they were leaving the pack grounds making her eyes widen more. "My things" Vivian said "I can provide the things you need at my pack" Cyrus said Vivian looked at him, then her hands she didn't even say goodbye to her grandmother. Cyrus took her hands into his. "What's your name mate" Cyrus said as he played with her hands. "Vivian Hope" Vivian said "I'm Cyrus, Cyrus Black" Cyrus said Vivian didn't know the Alphas but she did know the pack names. "Which pack?" Vivian asked Cyrus looked at her surprised. "I only know the pack names and where they are located but I don't know which family runs it" Vivian said truthfully as she bite her lips looking down at there intertwin hand. "As the future Luna you would need to learn, when we get back home, I'll arrange teachers for you for your training and when you become of age you will take over the pack. The Howler's Pack that will be your home now" Cyrus said Vivian nodded her head, she never read much of the pack before just that they are famous for the tuff training and they would kill rogues on the spot if they step on their lands.
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