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Vivian sigh out as the book was in front of her a week had gone by and she now knows all the rules of the pack and she frowned at most on the list it was the opposite of what she learn growing up, she didn't know if she will last long here but she didn't want to part from her mate, her mate that she hardly saw and was always busy and only saw during breakfast. He wanted them to live in sperate rooms till she was of age and they can mate then as well, she sigh out and went back to looking at the book she was now learning the family of other packs along with their Lunas, she need to know everything about them in case they would host anything here at the pack she needed to know what their likes and dislike is along with their food if they have a specific taste or if they have any food allergy, she was glad she has a photographic memory so anything she reads she'll remember. "Here is the ledger of the pack house" the trainer said "Okay" Vivian said "Once your finish with the reading and will go over the ledger, and tomorrow will go around and see what is needed then place an order write it down in the ledger then there are something that would need to be rebuilt so we have to hire some contractor for that as well as the supplies" the trainer said "Okay, we can start seven is that okay?" Vivian asked "Yes Ma'am" he said Vivian went back to the book as she sigh out, about an hour later she finished the book and picked up the ledger as she looked over it she was glad that she was good in math so she easily knew everything as she was going over it. "I see that during Winter we tend to get extra of everything" Vivian said "Yes, winter usually start earlier here and earlier March so we have to start making orders" the trainer said "Okay, I see, I have everything" Vivian said "Okay then shall we take a look around?" he asked "Why don't we get lunch first then go" Vivian aid "Yes Ma'am" he said Vivian put the book down, she got up stretching out as he left the room, she missed dancing so much she hasn't dance since she left home, she took her phone out and there wasn't a single text or call from Dax or her grandmother will she did get one from her grandma congratulating her on finding her mate and to take care of herself and to call whenever she can. Vivian pressed the music on her phone as a soft classic began to play as she slowly let her body move she smiled as she missed this feeling her body was loosing up as she enjoyed the feeling, but stop when somebody knocked on the door she paused the music. "Come in" Vivian said Iris came in with a tray of food, placing it on the table for her. "Thank you Iris" Vivian said Iris quickly looked around. "It's just the two of us don't worry" Vivian said Iris slowly raised her head and looked at Vivian. "When it's just the two of us, remember" Vivian said smiling at her. Iris for the first time smiled and nodded her head. "I brought your favorite" Iris said softly "Thanks, you can go back to work now" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Iris said "Please Iris when it's just the two of us you can call me Vivian" Iris said "Okay, Vivian" Iris said Vivian smiled at her, she sat down happy as she ate her lunch when she finished she took the tray down to the kitchen when one of the servants rushed up to her. "I'll take that ma'am" she said "It's fine" Vivian said But the woman just took the tray from her and place it in the sink, Vivian didn't like the feeling as she walked out. "Ma'am are you ready" the trainer said "Yes, lead the way" Vivian said She followed him as they went out of the pack house this would be her first time stepping out of the pack house since she came she looked around as they step out and looked around she frown a bit. "Do we have a gardener?" Vivian said "Yes, but he is on vacation" he said "Well why don't we ask the help?" Vivian said "They are only allowed to stay inside the home and do work there" he said "Is there another gardener we have to fix up the front yard?" Vivian asked "I will look for one" he said "Also can we get fresh paint for the house" Vivian said "I will put it on the list what color do you have in mind?" he said "I think deep marron and the window shield will be dark navy blue, and we can repaint these white as for the walk way deep forest green, I would like to order some flowers" Vivian said "Okay" he said They kept walking as she looked around when she saw a building that was old. "What's that over there?" Vivian asked "That would be the old banquet hall, hasn't been used in years since we don't host" he said "Can we go over and take a look" Vivian asked He nodded his head as they went up, Vivian went inside. "We would need new marble floors white with some dark blue, we can knocked down this wall add some window's build a stage right there not to big I would say about four feet high, add some curtains to the windows dark red, as for the paint inside make it wood brown but darker, and the outside make it like the same color of the pack house" Vivian said She walked back out the building. "Add some flowers around the building rose bush in the front and on each side would be different wild flowers make a gravel path leading to the pack house." Vivian said "Okay" he said They began walking again as Vivian pointed out what needs to be fixed and the people that worked they asked what need to be ordered, by evening time she went back to the pack house to get some sleep.
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