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Vivian was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable during breakfast and dinner, this Jessica person was getting out of had always complaining treating the Omegas poorly, she wanted to burst out but she kept herself at bay, her fingers were started to cut into her palms from all the clench she does. "Are you okay?" Jules asked beside her Vivian looked at her then down to her hand, as she open it this time there was blood. "I'm fine" Vivian said Jules sigh out and shook his head, Cyrus looked at the two. "Servant this wine is old bring me another" Jessica said Vivian wanted to roll her eyes but didn't, they heard a scream as Vivian looked up it was Iris bowing her head. "I'm sorry" Iris said "You stupid Omega" Jessica shrieked out as she slap Iris Vivian saw it and she got mad. "Miss Jessica, what do you think you are doing!" Vivian yelled "The b***h spilt the wine on me" Jessica said "It doesn't give you the right to slap her, she has already apologize to you" Vivian said "So what she's an Omega" Jessica said "She is a human begin!" Vivian yelled They both stared at each other, Vivian wanted to punch her so bad. Jessica was about to speak but a someone's phone rang, Vivian eyes snap away from her, she knew that ring tone. Vivian took her phone out from her pocket and sure enough it was Dax calling her. "Dax" Vivian answered. Everybody looked at her, Cyrus frowned as the way she called his name. Vivian listened as her face drain of color as she turn pale she took a step back as her eyes widen, Cyrus saw her reaction he was about to stand up when she spoke. "I'll be there" Vivian said Vivian hung up the phone and rushed out of the dining hall, and too her room and began packing her clothes. "Ma'am the prin-" Kelo was saying "Get a car ready for me" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Kelo said When she was finished packing she went out of the room and ran down the stairs, getting in the car. "Vivian" Jules yelled out "GO" Vivian shouted The driver took off, Jules was shifted and ran, Cyrus saw her with her things too so he shifted and ran after her, Vivian was praying in back of the car as tears was coming down, her pack home was attacked by rouges and her grandmother was hurt, her heart was hurting but suddenly the car came to a stop at the boarders. Vivian saw a brown and grey wolf and Cyrus in between them she got out of the car and went in front of the car. "What are you doing?" Vivian asked "Your not leaving" Cyrus said "My home was attack and my grandmother was hurt I have to go" Vivian said "Vivian you are not going, well send someone to check" Cyrus said "Move" Vivian said Vivian turn to get back in the car. "Vivian your not leaving!" Cyrus yelled using his alpha tone The wolfs wined out beside him as they bowed, Vivian stop in her tracks as she looked back at Cyrus. "She is my only living family" Vivian said "Your home is here" Cyrus said "This is not my home! It's a prison!" Vivian shouted Cyrus looked at her. "You said it was your new home" Cyrus said "Yeah before I had to follow stupid rules calling Omegas servants, I can't be friends with them, do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to live here I can't be myself I don't even remember who I am anymore, I feel like an empty shell a zombie walking around. And the pain in my heart having to treat the people I befriended as servants is hurting me day by day. You said your not changing me but you are your making me into someone I don't like, someone that is like you" Vivian said Cyrus was hurt by her words, Vivian's breathing was hard. "So move out of the way Alpha my true family needs me" Vivian said Vivian turned and got back in the car. "Drive" Vivian said The driver hesitated but turn the car over as Cyrus moved out of the way, Vivian's heart hurt seeing the hurt look on his face but she was worried about her grandmother as she passed the boarder she felt the connection with him weakening, she bite her lips from crying out as she looked out the window as tears slip down her face. It took them seven hours for them to reach her pack home. "I'm sorry ma'am I can't enter" the driver said "You can go back" Vivian said She grab her things and got down from the car at the boarder, she took her phone out as she called Dax. "Vi" Dax said "I'm at the boarder" Vivian said "I'll be right there" Dax said Vivian waited for thirty minutes till she heard a truck come, she picked up her bags and got in the passenger seat as she looked at him, he leaned in and hugged her as she cried yes she was now able to cry her heart out, she then sat back as Dax drove there was silence and Vivian she could only think about the argument she had with Cyrus. "How's my grandma?" Vivian asked "You'll see. We were ambushed out of nowhere it happened all so fast" Dax said Vivian had a lump in her throat. "How many lost?" Vivian asked "A few are gone half are hurt the kids and woman are safe" Dax said Vivian nodded her head, they reached the pack clinic when Vivian got down from the car she rushed inside and what she saw was horrid people were tending to injury she walked around as Dax took her hand. "This way" Dax said They both got away from the hall and towards the very end and Dax open the door, Vivian saw her grandmother laying on the bed she went up to her and held her hand as she sob out.
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