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Vivian walked back up to the stairs in a daze, he has another mate? She was hurt no wolf wouldn't share their mate and here she is has to share her mate with another woman she wanted to cry but she couldn't this place was changing her, he was changing her into someone she does not know and it was scaring her, she wanted to talk with her grandmother so bad, she wanted to talk with someone a close friend before she could burst out. "Vi" Jules called out Vivian stop in her tracks as she turn. "Yes, Beta Jules" Vivian said "What's with this Beta stuff? What happened to just Jules?" Jules asked "I am simply just following the rules the Alpha has set" Vivian said Jules didn't know what to say, seeing that he wasn't going to speak Vivian then again spoke. "If you excuse me Beta Jules, I still have work to do" Vivian said She turn and went into the office. Jules went back to the dinning room as the warriors were laughing and talking, Cyrus was sitting in his seat, his second mate was sitting on his lap as she was talking to some warriors, but he couldn't help but look towards the stairs as where Vivian had left, he saw Jules sit back down and Jules looked at him. "She's following the rules" Jules said Jules looked at his food, and he no longer wanted to eat. "I'm done" Jules said Jules got up and left the dining room. Vivian and Kelo worked until midnight. "We can finish up the rest after breakfast. Your dismiss" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Kelo said Placed everything away as she stood up and closed the office door and made her way back to her room, she closed it and went towards the bathroom taking a shower and changing into her night clothes before getting into bed and fell asleep. Vivian woke to the suns shine on her, she got up washed her face brush her teeth and changed into her clothes before going out of the room, she took a deep breath she really didn't want to see the two but she had to eat, she had a full day of work ahead of her so she made her way downstairs the dining room was noisy as usual she made her way to her seat and sat down. "Yack this is degusting!" the girl cried out Vivian saw that she was sitting in his lap, as she pushed the bowl of oatmeal away making it crash on the floor, Vivian clenched her fist but she looked towards Cyrus as he who was looking at her, she looked away from him. "Servants clean up the mess and bring her another bowl" Vivian said "Yes Luna" the Omega went forward Vivian was about to pick up her fork when someone spoke to her. "So your Cyrus first mate, nice to met you I'm Jessica" Jessica said "Vivian" Vivian said "How old are you? I don't feel your wolf?" Jessica asked "I am 17" Vivian said "Oh, I see. Cyrus darling your home is so wonderful" Jessica said "Luna Vivian did the decorations when she first came, she cleaned up the pack ground should've seen it before" a warrior said "Wow, your good it's beautiful Vivian" Jessica said Vivian looked at her and nodded her head. "Babe when do I get to do Luna duties" Jessica said "There is no need" Cyrus said "Oh, okay" Jessica said Vivian, lost her interest to eat. "So, Vivian are you in school? I'm just asking cause your already doing Luna duties" Jessica asked "I graduated when I was 15, I just help out with tutoring at my old school" Vivian said "Wow, genius so what did you do besides tutoring, were you working?" Jessica asked "I was in dance school before coming here" Vivian said "A dancer like hip-hop?" Jessica asked "No, contemporary dance." Vivian said "I don't know that dance would you show me" Jessica said "I don't dance anymore" Vivian said Which was true she missed dancing. "But that day at the forest" Jules said "That was a mistake" Vivian said Jules looked at her and he just nodded his head, Vivian just drank some juice and little bit of everything on her plate, Jessica began talking to Cyrus she just ignored them, she then when she couldn't eat anymore she left the dining room and went upstairs Kelo was already waiting for her inside the office as they began to work, until someone knocked on the door, "Alpha" Kelo said bowing. Vivian looked at Cyrus then back at Kelo. "You are dismiss" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Kelo said Kelo left the room as Vivian place the documents down on the table. "Yes Alpha" Vivian said as she stood up. Cyrus looked at her. "Are you feeling okay?" Cyrus asked "Yes, Alpha" Vivian said Cyrus sigh out. "Stop calling me that" Cyrus said "I am following the rules Alpha" Vivian said Cyrus couldn't take it as he sigh out and looked at her but her head was bowed, he reached his hand up under her chin Vivian looked at him. "Vivian" Cyrus said "Yes Alpha" Vivian said Cyrus looked at her, he sigh out. "Nothing" Cyrus said "Is there anything else" Vivian said "No" Cyrus aid Vivian moved out of his hand and sat back down bring the documents back in front of her. "Servant" Vivian said Kelo then came back into the room as he bowed to Cyrus. "Yes ma'am" Kelo said "The orders of the books are coming in the afternoon, call the school and tell them also ask the principle to make a list of what other school books or supplies they would need, and tell him will do the sports equipment till next week, I want to look at them first" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Kelo said Cyrus watched as she just kept working ignoring him, his wolf was howling in pain he was too he wanted to see her smile at him but nothing he didn't know that she had given up her dance dream to come here, who was he kidding he forced her here and she was finally blooming but he crushed it all, all that progress she had made was now gone and this unknown mate was in front of him.
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