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Vivian was cracker her fingers as she breathed out she looked out from behind the stage, she shook her she shouldn't have look now she was more nervous, she jump up and down shaking her body trying to get rid of the nerves. "You'll do fine" Marsha said beside her. "Easy for you to say" Vivian said She started stretching out hoping to loosen herself up. "Seriously just think we are at practice and let the music guide you" Marsha said Vivian nodded her head, she checked her hair, her hands became sweaty as she wipe it on a towel. "Okay ladies get ready, starting in five" Mrs. Norms said Vivian went to the back of the line she was the last to go out, as she took deep breaths as she rolled her neck making sure it pop she stretch out again making sure she was okay. "You got this Vivian" Vivian said to herself She did a fist pump to herself when she looked up the girls were looking at her as she got shy. "A ritual I do" Vivian squeaked out The girls nodded their heads to her. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I present you the Ladies Contemporary Dace crew" Mrs. Norms said clapping as she quick got off stage. The music began Vivian took another deep breath closing her eyes as she slowly open then she began walking but started to take off once she saw the light she smiled and did her jump and join the dancing. Vivian was in middle of the stage as her breathing was hard but she was smiling as she took a bow, she can hear people clapping, later the other girls joined her as they all bowed, Mrs. Norms came out to her giving her a flowers, Vivian waved before getting off stage. "Vi, you were so amazing" Marsha said "Thank you" Vivian said "Good job Vivian" each of the girls said coming up to her. "Thank you" Vivian said to each of them. Vivian went back to the changing room as she looked at herself in the mirror her hair was half up and it was curled, her make up was natural with glitter on her cheek bones her lipstick was red, the outfit was white, she got up and started changing, she would shower when she got back home, she grab her duffle bag and grab the flowers as she went out. The girls family were with them out front, Vivian was looking around till she saw Dax waving his hand around she saw her grandmother beside him, she smiled and walked towards them. "Darling you were beautiful" her grandmother said "Thanks grandma" Vivian said Her grandmother gave her flowers. "I got you, your favorite" Dax said He passed her a bouquet of pink tip lilies. "Thanks Dax" Vivian said "Come on ladies let me escort you home" Dax said Vivian smiled as she followed them out of the theater, Dax drove them back home as Vivian went to go shower and change then she would head to the pack house with him for the cook out that they put up in the back yard. "Your seriously going to wear that?" Dax said "What? I just want to be comfy" Vivian said She looked down at the jeans and crop top sweater with some Black boot wedges. "Nothing let's go" Dax said Vivian nodded his head, as she said her goodbye to her grandmother and left the house. "So, I know that your 18th birthday is in the next few months, what are you planning" Dax said "I'm not sure yet, well be in college then you'll probably be Alpha then" Vivian said "Yeah, I was thinking we should hold a party for you" Dax said "Ehh, I just want it to be me, you, and grandma" Vivian said "Come on Vi we have to do it big your getting your wolf, I was think we can shift and run the woods" Dax said Vivian thought about it, she already seen his wolf before so she shrugged her shoulders. "Okay" Vivian said "Yes" Dax said They arrived at the cook out as people were mingling eating, drink, talking, laughing. Vivian felt out of place she knew everybody but she didn't know the new faces, so Dax would introduce them to her. "Vi, this is Alpha Jack of the Grey Howl Pack" Dax said "Nice to meet you" Vivian said "The pleasure is all mine, you were wonderful in the show, never seen moves like that before" Jack said "Thank you, lot harder then you think but thank you" Vivian said "Well are you planning to make a career out of contemporary dancing?" Jack asked "Of course she is she has too" Dax said Vivian smiled. "Yes, I actually have an audition for Julliard in the fall and I'm the waiting list to hear back from them" Vivian said "Good, and good luck. If you guys excuse me" Jack said Vivian and Dax nodded their heads as they made their way to the food table. "Can you believe it?" Dax said "What?" Vivian said "I never seen Alpha Jack praise anybody before" Dax said "He probably has you weren't there to see it before" Vivian said "Yeah your right, but they are starting the fireworks soon come on, I know the best spot" Dax said Vivian grab some more fruits and followed him, they went around the pound and Vivian saw a blanket and picnic basket there. "I got all your favorites, I knew you would do good so why not celebrate" Dax said "Nice" Vivian said They took their seat as Dax took out the food and drinks, they ate first before Vivian was full and laid down looking up at the stars. "This is the life right" Dax said "Yeah, have you found your mate yet?" Vivian asked "Nah, honestly I haven't even start looking been busy with school, training, alpha business, and the tutoring" Dax said "I can't wait to find mine" Vivian said smiling Dax looked at her longing before he looked back at the sky. "I bet when we met them, it will be intense feeling the sparks, having the bond with them and sharing everything together" Vivian said "I know, Vi I...." Dax was saying but the fireworks started going off. Vivian was looking at the colors as she smiled. "Your right this is the perfect spot" Vivian said Dax looked away and looked at her as he watched her smile grow. "Yeah beautiful" Dax said Dax sigh out as he faced back up to the sky as the fireworks was exploding in the night sky.
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