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The next day Cyrus was getting ready to leave, Vivian went down to breakfast as usual, she didn't look at anybody as she sat in her own seat this time and began eating quietly, the warriors were all looking at her, one of the Omegas that she got use to her went up to her. "Ma'am do you wish to have more" she said Vivian clench one of her fist under the table. "No, servant that will be all" Vivian said coldly The Omega bowed her head as she step back the warriors looked at her, as for Vivian she wanted so much to apologize that she felt a lump in her throat as she continued to eat she had finished her food and place her napkin down. "Servant take the plate away I am finished" Vivian said Vivian stood up as she made her way out of the dinning room her heart was hurting of the way she was talking to them but she kept moving forward, the warriors looked at her as she walked out they were so quiet during the whole breakfast as they began talking among themselves asking what happened. Vivian went to the office made for her as she began doing the finance for the pack, she clicked away on the computer for day and night she was in the office working, learning. The Omegas were now distance from her even Iris, Vivian had told Iris to start calling her Ma'am or Luna and this hurt her more when she saw the hurt in Iris eyes so she had told her to leave even Kelo who started warming up to her that ended. "What of the school's" Vivian said as was looking through the records "The gym needs to be done, some classes need books and some of the class rooms needs to be remodel" Kelo said "Get the car ready and will go see" Vivian said "V-Ma'am" Kelo said He bowed and left the room, Vivian sigh out as she looked at the documents and place them to the side as she fixed the things and went out of the pack house and made her way down the stairs where the car was waiting for her Kelo was standing off to the side holding the door open for her as she got in and he went to the passenger side the car then left to the school, they spent the whole day there as they got everything on a list she took it back to the pack house. "Ma'am Alpha well be returning before dinner" Kelo said Vivian gave a nod as she looked through the list and the number of students in the school, their was a lot to be remodeled in the school so she had to make calls for the next few hours. "Get the numbers for the contractor out when we get back" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Kelo said They reached the home before she could do the list she had to order the Omegas to clean up the pack house and cook a fest as the rest of the warriors and their Alpha was coming back that took about an hour she had to check if everything was right before she could go upstairs and began making calls, for three hours the phone was to her ear as she was making orders and telling them what needs to be fix by six their was cars pulling up to the house. Vivian sigh out as she looked out as warriors were getting down on the car she looked back at the pile of documents in front of her. "We will continue after dinner, your dismiss" Vivian said "Yes ma'am" Kelo said He left the room, as Vivian fixed the papers up a bit before she got up and made her way downstairs she can hear laughing and talking, she step into the dinning area as they stop, she nodded to them as she made her way to her seat and sat down, didn't want to look at him as he came in, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she looked up but there was a woman hanging on her arm as they made their way to chairs, she froze in shocked. "This my other mate" Cyrus said And just like that she felt her heart crumble, she didn't know what to say. "Two mates is that possible?" A warrior said "I think it's true remember the great Alec he had two mates" another said Vivian looked at the girl as she was smiling away, she was much prettier then she was and she was wearing a crop top shirt her breast looked like it was about to pop out she had on a mini skirt on, her hair was blonde, when she saw them together she couldn't help but feel like they are the true Alpha and Luna of the pack, Vivian looked at Cyrus as he was looking at her, she didn't know what to say but she looked away from him. "Servants bring the food" Vivian said Jules who was sitting beside her was shocked, the warriors that stayed were use to it while the ones that came back were shocked, when the Omegas heard Vivian they began to bring the food out placing it around the table, Cyrus sat down, he reached his hand out wanting to let her sit on her lap but Vivian spoke. "Your dismiss" Vivian said All the Omegas bowed their head. "Yes Luna" they said Vivian picked up her fork and began eating her food, soon everybody began when her glass was empty the Omega beside her would pour her more she didn't even smile or say thank you to them, she just waved her hand, Jules was uncomfortable about her change as he looked at her. "Vi are you okay?" Jules asked "Yes, Beta Jules I'm fine" Vivian said Jules looked at her with a weird look. "I was thinking to take the guitar out and we can play" Jules said "I have duties Beta Jules. Servant take the plate away" Vivian said Vivian stood up as she walked out of the dinning room the new warriors that came back were shocked, Cyrus frowned as he watched her leave.
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