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"Okay everybody's outfit fit's them? If not see Mrs. Keller and she can adjust it for you but first let's start from the top" Mrs. Norms said. Vivian was able to get the role by an anonymous decision she was able to perform the piece that Mrs. Norms gave to her and Marsha but she was able to land the jump flowless she been working night and day on that jump, she even had to do the dance while she was tutoring Dax, she was nervous during the audition but her grandma was there to watch her to give her some encouragement. "Okay we have just a few days to make it, so everybody get it together and begin" Mrs. Norms said Vivian and the girls practice over and over till night fall as they all drag there feet back to the locker room, Vivian was still in the training room stretching out. "Why do you do that?" Marsha asked "Oh, so I won't feel cramp in middle of the night" Vivian said "Does it help?" Marsha asked "Yeah, this and nice cold ice bath" Vivian said "Okay" Marsha said They began to stretch out together when finished they took a cold shower and got dressed. "Do you want a ride? I have my brother's truck" Marsha said "Sure" Vivian said Vivian and Marsh put her bike in back of the truck and got in starting up as they left. "So, how long did it take you to get the jump perfect" Marsha said "I practice that like everyday, my feet was swelling up every evening, then one evening I finally landed it so kept at it" Vivian said "I twisted my ankle first time" Marsha said "Well, I can show you after one of the practice" Vivian said "Could you" Marsha said. "Yes" Vivian said They pulled up to Vivian's house as she saw Dax sitting on the stairs of the front door. "Oh shoot" Vivian said She got down from the truck as Dax came up to her, he looked in the truck and saw Marsha he was worried it was her brother or something. "I waited for you but you never showed" Dax said "Yeah we ran late" Vivian said Dax helped her bring the bike down as Vivian waved to Marsha as she left. "We can do that now?" Vivian said "Sure but I left my books" Dax said "Don't worry I have mine come on" Vivian said Vivian went inside the house as Dax followed her, she said hello to her grandma and took her dinner to the room, this was Dax first time in her room but it was girly only it had posters of dancers and the bed wasn't that big he went to her desk and sat down as he saw the picture of her and her parents then there was one of him and her when they were kids arms around their shoulders, they was pictures place along side the wall where her desk was of her dancing or of just her and her grandma and some of the two of them growing up. "Okay, shall we begin" Vivian said "Yeah" Dax said They studied all the way up to the earlier morning that they fell asleep at her desk, Vivian woke up to a knock at the door. "Okay kids get up time for school" Vivian heard her grandma's voice Vivian yawned out as she stretch, she looked to her side saw Dax sleeping she had to push him awake. "Dax school time" Vivian said "Huh" Dax said waking up "Time for school" Vivian said "s**t, okay. See you at school" Dax said standing up "Yeah, well continue during lunch" Vivian said "Okay" Dax said Dax left as Vivian got ready for school, she grab some jeans with her under clothes and took out a Romans crop top shirt and left her hair down she grab her bag putting her books inside and duffle bag she took out her old training clothes out and put in a fresh pair inside as she picked them up. Isabella grab her bags going down drank the orange juice and took a toast and jam. "Bye grandma" Vivian said "See you" her grandma said Vivian grab her bike as she left for school. ----- "Okay this is the last day before tomorrows show so let's make it count" Mrs. Norms said They moved their practice to the theater they needed a bigger space to fit the 20 girls they were on the stage as Mrs. Norms was down in the seats as she watched them. "Okay cue the music" Mrs. Norms said They borrowed the school band to play the music, Vivian took a deep breath so did the rest of the girls as they began dancing about an hour later Mrs. Norms stood up and clap. "Okay ladies nice work, I want all of you to get a good rest and make sure to be here by five for make-up and dressing. Dismiss" Mrs. Norms said Vivian sigh out as she sat down rubbing her feet, the girls were congratulating her as they passed her she gave them her thanks. "Vi" Dax said "Hey" Vivian said "So, dinner and study" Dax said "Yeah, let me get change" Vivian said She got up and went to the locker room, taking a quick shower and changed into her comfy clothes before meeting Dax out front. "So you ready for tomorrow?" Dax said "Yeah, and a little nervous. I have to do a solo for the first time" Vivian said "I'm sure you'll do great and just know I'll be rooting for you" Dax said "What time are the Alphas coming" Vivian said "During lunch we set up the pack house and I along with my dad, his beta and my future beta will be showing them around then at seven will be heading to the theater for the show" Dax said "Then a cook out back at the pack house after right" Vivian said "Yeah, but I can wait for you and we can go together" Dax said "Okay, grandma said she's just going to watch the show and go home" Vivian said "Okay, tomorrow I'll be busy with meetings so I won't make study" Dax said "That's fine, I think we'll be meeting up talk about the show and celebrate" Vivian said "Okay, I just can't wait till they leave tomorrow evening" Dax said "You have to get use to it, you'll be Alpha soon" Vivian said "I know" Dax said They both arrived at the small cabin, Vivian made them some food and they sat ate as they studied.
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