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A month has passed since that night, Vivian would find herself beginning to enjoy her life here and any chance the two got they would be in heated make out sessions or do the deed, with her flexibility from dancing Vivian would be in different position at times when they would have s*x. Vivian would be hard at work when someone would tell her the Alpha was looking for the first time she thought it was important but he just wanted to make out with her which lead to having s*x on his office desk, they would almost get caught at time and that would make her shy and blush red to the tips of her ears. Her birthday was just two months away so she was excited she couldn't wait to shift into her wolf, she was dazing off again when their was a knock on the door, she straighten up herself. "Come in" Vivian said Iris came in, as Vivian smiled at her, she became close to Iris. Vivian had learned from Iris that her wolf died when she was in an accident before she came to this pack, her old pack had sold her off as an Omega, she left behind her parents and her mate that rejected her after he found out her wolf was no longer with her, Vivian felt bad for her. "Hi Vi, the Alpha has asked for you" Iris said "Okay thank you Iris" Vivian said She got up putting the stuff away and made her way out of the office and went to his as she knocked on the door. "Come in" Cyrus said Vivian went in she saw Jules and other warriors, she gave a small smile as she went to the desk. "You needed me?" Vivian asked "Yes, were going to train some pack members in the Red Vain Pack, I'll be away for a few weeks. John my third will take over my duties if you need anything just ask him" Cyrus said "Okay" Vivian said as she nodded her head. "Okay that's all" Cyrus said Vivian nodded her head again as she left the office and went back to her office when she sat down she forgot to ask when he would be leaving, she sigh out she'll just ask him later she went back to getting the order ready for the winter season she then place it in the computer when she was finished she got up and stretch out. She looked out and saw it was a good day she decided to take a walk around the pack place, she grab her phone as there was still no text from Dax or her grandmother she wanted to call them but if she did she would miss them and want to go home she was already slowly getting us to this place, she sigh out as she walked before she knew it she was in middle of the forest she looked around nobody so she just put her phone down and began to play the music as she slowly dance, she had missed dancing more, with everything going on she had little time and today felt like a good day to do a little dance her legs kicked up as she bent backwards freeing her arms as if she was flying, when the music end she was painting hard as she smiled, but her smile froze as she heard a clap behind her, scared she turn and saw Jules. "You scared me" Vivian said shyly as she went to her phone. "I was just checking the grounds when I heard the music" Jules said "Oh, is everything alright?" Vivian asked "It's good no rouges or trespassers" Jules said Vivian nodded her head. "I should get back" Vivian said "I'll escort you" Jules said Vivian nodded her head as they began walking, she looked at her phone nothing. "You waiting for a call?" Jules asked "No, I was just hoping my friend and grandma would call" Vivian said "Why not just call them?" Jules asked Vivian shook her head. "If I can, I'll want to go home. I still have work here" Vivian said "I see" Jules said Vivian put the phone away as she looked around the forest. "Peaceful isn't it" Jules said "Yes very" Vivian said Vivian saw the pack house in front of them, she saw Cyrus come out the back door and his face was grim when he saw the two he began walking to them. "Damn big trouble" Jules muttered out Vivian frowned out looked at him then back at Cyrus, Jules left her side and walked away as he came up to her. "What were doing in the woods alone" Cyrus said "I was taking a walk" Vivian said "It's dangerous you should know the rules by now" Cyrus said "That wasn't in there" Vivian said "I don't care, pay attention to the rules! I made them for a reason" Cyrus yelled Vivian shocked and looked at him, as she slowly frown out, rules it's always about the rules and she was getting tired of it, these months she felt uncomfortable about the rules that was made. "I'm not you stop trying to change me!" Vivian yelled back she couldn't take it anymore. Cyrus looked at her in surprise but soon frown. "I'm not changing you all I ask is to follow the rules, how you think I feel when the pack members know their Luna is making friends with the help instead of the pack members" Cyrus said "There not help they are human beings just because they don't have a wolf and we do doesn't mean we can treat people like trash and you are changing me, so what if I want them as my friends?" Vivian said "I AM NOT CHANGING YOU" Cyrus yelled out using his alpha tone Vivian took a step back as her head bowed, she clench her fist as her breathing was hard, she felt tears welled up she closed it trying not to cry but she soon felt a tear slid down, she saw that he was taking a step forward but she step back from him. "I will follow the rules" Vivian said She then side step him and made her way back to the pack house as she used her hand to wipe the tear away from her face.
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