1022 Words
Vivian was warming up for training, she join the Contemporary Dancing when she was six years old, she had lost her parents when she was about four years old in a car accident, she was taken in by her grandmother and it was just the two of them, her grandmother would always say it's me an you against the world kiddo. Vivian was a shy and quiet girl growing up so her grandma decided that maybe joining a club would help her get out more but it didn't she would let her dance speak for her, she wasn't bullied or anything she just mainly kept to herself she does have friends but they all went their way when they reach high school only one friend remain close to her, Dax the heir to the throne of their pack he was the opposite of Vivian he was loud, popular and handsome girls would throw themselves at him but he had eyes only for Vivian, she didn't know his true feelings for her but she was glad to have a friend. The girls scream in excitement Vivian stop stretching as she looked up as Dax came into the training room, he smiled and waved at her and Vivian return the wave and smiled. "Hey I know your busy and all but my dad wanted me to talk with your teacher is she in?" Dax said "I'll take you to her office" Vivian said "Cool" Dax said Dax helped her get up as Vivian fixed her tights as they walked out of the training room. "So that was contemporary dancing" Dax said "That was just stretching" Vivian said "Oh, you guys stretch like that" Dax said "Yeah, my body is use to it" Vivian said "Man you guys make football stretches easy then" Dax said Vivian giggled out, as they reach the office. "She's inside, I have to get back and start rehearsing" Vivian said "Okay, thanks Vi and see you after you know tutoring" Dax said "Same place" Vivian said Dax nodded his head, as she smiled to him and started walking back to the training room, Dax looked at her with longing before he turn and knocked on the door. Vivian stood in a row with the girls. "Okay well pick off from yesterday, and a 1, 2, 3. Move those feet ladies, 4, 5, 6 and pick it up Marsha. Again" the instructor said They started all over again before the head teacher came in clapping her hands. "Alright gather around" she said The girls gathered in a circle in front of her. "Okay we just received some good news, we will be hosting our very first show for the pack during the alpha visit in a few weeks so Mrs. Keller and I will be coming up with a whole knew steps and will pick one lucky lady to be the lead, so will be doing these steps you learned and add more so practice these at home and will hold an audition to all of you for all to see who got will get the part remember we want to see perfection. For now go ahead and get back to work and will tell you when we do the audition" Mrs. Norms said The girls got excited as they all clap Vivian as well she was excited, the teacher clap her hands as they got back into the rows and began dancing again, Vivian was sweating when she was finished she went to the locker room took a shower she was always the last to leave because she would stretch out at the end so she wouldn't be to sore in middle of the night. Vivian put on her sweat pants with a crop top hoodie she had on her sports bra under the hoodie. She grab her white sneakers and put her hair in a braid as she grab her duffle bag and her book bag she then walked out of the locker room when she saw the headmistress. "See you miss, Mrs. Norms" Vivian said "Ah, Vivian so glad you haven't leave yet, here I want you to practice this for the audition I just want to see if you got it" Mrs. Norms said Vivian took the USB stick as she nodded her head at her and smiled as she left the building, she got on her bike and rode it to her met up spot with Dax she was the first to arrive, it was in the woods there was a little cabin that they found when they were kids they fixed it up to a running home it was just kitchen and living area with a bathroom and a small room not big but also not small too, she went to make some tea and some food to eat knowing he'll be hungry she just cut up some fruits for herself and place it on the table. She set up her books and the food and went back to get a drink for him and get her tea when the door open. "Hey sorry practice was a bit late" Dax said "It's fine, had time to set up" Vivian said "Your famous BLT and Fries" Dax said "Yup, how come your didn't tell me about the show?" Vivian said as she sat down began eating her fruits "Oh that I wanted to surprise you" Dax said "Well, thanks to you I have to do a whole new routine and the one I'm doing now for the lead role, I think Mrs. Norms wants me to be it cause she gave me the video to learn the moves" Vivian said "And you will get it" Dax said with a full mouth of food "Yeah, yeah come on let's start" Vivian said Dax nodded as he took his books at as he was still eating, they were in the cabin for three hours studying, Dax needed to pass his classes in order to graduate by time they were finished the sun was setting and Dax walked Vivian home before he went back to his home as well.
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