Chapter 3 - Unwanted truth

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We sat there, waiting for him to start explaining. "Come on, psychopath, start telling us this so called 'truth'." Skylar muttered. There were a few nervous laughs, some still shaky from the letter. Cody looked around the room. His put his hands through his hair, and for a moment I could see the way my mom saw him and how she could fall for him. That didn't mean I hated him any less. "When we met, it took a while for her to trust me." "Shocker." I blurted out. Cody shot a glare at me. I smiled darkly. He went on. "We would go on silly little dates. But it made her happy, so it made me happy. She always tried to look her best for me, though she never needed it. Claire was always so beautiful…" his voice trailed off. The next second of silence went on for what seemed like hours. "Her parents didn't like me, and they had good right. I wasn't safe for her. There were so many times I could have killed her-" "Which you ended up doing." "But she still stuck with me anyway." Cody ignored me this time., something about his look said 'yeah look who really killed her'. I hissed, but he ignored that too. "Claire and her parents fought-" "I've heard all this before, Cody! Do you really expect me to listen to it in full detail what you did to her?" Jason stood up, shouting. Skylar stood up too, backing him up. I've never see Jason so angry before, without phasing into a wolf first. "Would you people let me get through the whole story?" Cody hissed. There was another c***k outside, just like the first one, and when I looked at Angel, only then did I realize she was gone. "Fine." grumbled Nick. "So like I was saying, Claire and her parents fought constantly, and one night it was too much for her. I was waiting outside her house when she stormed out. She grabbed my hand and towed me somewhere. I followed her without a second thought, because I wanted to be where she wanted to be. "She took me to the grave yard, the only place where we could be together, alone. We started to talk, but her words were so rushed. Claire's face was redder than a tomato." he laughed, remembering. I looked at Jason, who's face was red too. I knew that face. I knew where this was going. I wanted to drown it out, but I couldn't. "I couldn't get her to tell me what she was so nervous about. So we just kept chatting. Then she kissed me, but it wasn't like normal, it felt more…what's the word? Urgent? Like she needed to. Before I knew what was happening she was already pulling off my shirt. And I was too weak to stop her. I wanted to, but that doesn't mean it was less wrong. "I tried pushing her away, but she just kept coming at me, her kisses so sweet, like always." he stopped abruptly, his head snapped toward the window. But then he went on. "Then before I knew it…" he shook his head sheepishly. "Then it went all wrong. She smelled too good, better than Bella to Edward-" someone hissed but I didn't look away from Cody's face to find out "-and I-I bit her. Her blood was like a live wire, wanting me to take more. It was a miracle I could stop, but she was writhing in pain already. 'What have I done?' I said. That's one part she got right. "Then I ran, unable to take the guilt." he finished on a low tone of voice. His face was sad, his voice weak. He wasn't smiling, he just looked…lifeless. No pun intended. "Liar!" Skylar and Jason bellowed together. But for some reason I believed him. I know what you're thinking. You're her son! How can you think that? But in truth it wasn't that hard. I cry myself to sleep every night. I had nightmares about my dead mother every night. I use girls because I killed my mom. I would rather believe that she was a w***e than a normal girl who loved my father, mostly because it lessened my guilt. Yeah I know it's selfish, but its how my mind works. "I'm telling the truth, Jason." Cody spoke his name slowly. "Remember how she spoke of me when she was talking about how she was changed? How she got suddenly nervous? She was worried you would find out the truth and hate her more than you already did. She didn't want to hurt you." I snorted, all eyes looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders, meeting Jason's eyes with a glare and walked out the door. "I'll be back later." I said without another parting glance. "Just do as I say." whispered a voice. "But!" I recognized Angel's voice, but the other was unfamiliar. "Do it now!" Angel hissed and there was another c***k. I ran towards the noise at a sprinting pace. When I reached her she looked slightly happier, but almost like she was trying to fake a saddening face. "Angel?" She turned around, startled. She looked at me with brown eyes, and then they were full of relief. "Good, its only you." I blinked and looked behind her. "Who were you talking to?" Cody was at my side in the same instant. He looked at her with some unspoken question. She shook her head and now it was his turn to sigh in relief. "Jon, take this. I have to go." he ran away. Okay now I was really confused. I had no idea what was going on, but I wanted answers, but for some reason I also knew I didn't. It scared me to think that. I looked down at the piece of paper Cody left in my hands. Read only when alone I looked down at the beautiful script that I knew belonged to a girl. I shoved it down my back pocket and didn't look at it again till I was home, which I wouldn't be for another few days. I didn't know why, but for some small, fleeting moment, I felt that someone was watching me. Its hard to explain right, but they eyes I felt were from someone I knew, but form someone I wanted to know. I turned and walked to my car. With the purr of my engine calming me, I road out into the country, where I parked my car and ran. I didn't know where, but I felt like I was either running for my life, or running to save someone else's. All I knew is that I had to be alone to remember the one I tried to hard to forget.
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