Chapter 6: Battle

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Sera occasionally left Raina hiding so she could kick a demon off one of their friends, or slit the throat of some goblin creature who got too close to Raina. Raina felt so useless as she watched the battle from behind a knocked over pulpit. She saw Rygel fighting up the front, grappling with huge muscular monsters, glowing with black and red magic. Sera returned to Raina, out of breath. “He’s nearly here I can feel it” she shuddered. Not a moment later, the ground shook as a tall, dark figure appeared in the church. Thunder crashed around them at his entrance, causing the fighting to cease momentarily. The members of the Malgoth used this moment of distraction to all simultaneously swarm Dazomar as he materialised. Raina knew this was her moment, she jumped over the pulpit and sprinted to Dazomar. They wouldn’t be able to hold him long so she had to move fast. She reached a hand into the writhing mass of Malgoth fighters, until she reached writhing, cold flesh. She pressed hard against his skin, pushing the cancers into him. She heard him gasp and screech as the writhing grew more intense. She pushed as much as she could, manifesting the most violent of illness she possibly could. As she felt the last of the sicknesses eke out of her, she collapsed onto the floor. Sera rushed to pull her aside, away from the approaching mass of Dazomar’s minions. Raina watched as Rygel thrust a blade into Dazomar’s rib cage, she could tell it was doing damage. So it had worked. Raina had weakened him enough to be damaged by Malgoth weaponry. Raina sighed in relief, even though the battle was not nearly over. Each Malgoth that had swarmed Dazomar was now sticking him with every sharp object they could find, Raina saw a particularly nasty looking scythe trace a line of inky blood down one of Dazomar’s reaching arms. A burst of light flashed from within the mass, and Malgoth fighters went flying. Dazomar stood, laughing. “You think that is enough to stop me?” His mouth curled into a hideous sneer. He swept a huge clawed hand across the church, pushing the fighters back against the walls. “f**k”, Sera whispered an incantation under her breath and flung a spear towards one of the opposing demons. Fighting resumed as it had been before Raina and Sera arrived, this time with Dazomar in the fray. Raina watched in horror as her comrades were cut down, mortified that she had failed them so immensely. Raina screamed into the church “RETREAT!”. The fighters that could flee, did, the rest were too injured to move, or were dead. “This church is MINE”, Dazomar cried, once against sweeping his hand across the church, this time causing the Malgoth bodies to slide out of the church and onto the pavement outside. The church doors slammed shut and glowing symbols began appearing on the walls. Raina rushed to start healing Malgoth fighters, absorbing as many wounds as she could. She transferred them into bodies that only had moments of life left in them, apologising profusely as she did so. It wasn’t pleasant work, but if she didn’t do this they’d lose far more people. A Malgoth truck pulled up, with volunteers ready to lift people in. Raina had done the best she could, when a thought struck her. Rygel. Where was he? She jogged around the church, searching for him, and found him covered in blood, lying at the foot of a gravestone nearby. “Rygel!” Raina knelt beside him, assessing the damage. “Hey Raina”, Rygel said quietly, smiling up at her. Raina sucked as much of the damage out of him as she could, knowing full well she had nowhere to put it. His injuries were beyond her though and he would need to go to the demonic hospital. Raina enlisted the help of some other volunteers to move Rygel into the truck. The faster she moved the better, before Rygel’s injuries started manifesting on her.
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