Chapter 4

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After the contracts were duly drawn up, they were given to the women to read and sign. They were told to return to the CRHO office. The contracts were individual and they did not know what each contract contained. The first to enter the CRHO office was Sarah, and when she left she had a happy expression on her face. - See you in 8 days, Miss Green. - She says to Saphira, already in a professional tone. Saphira would be her superior. That didn't sit well with Saphira, but she would sort that out when the woman started to work. She gets up and walks into the office. Caroline Jackson was sitting at her desk, and the office might be smaller than the CEO's, but it was impressive. - Miss Green, please be seated. Have you signed the contract yet? Saphira sits down and hands the Director the contract. - Yes, Mrs. Jackson. The director takes the contract and sees that it is duly signed and initialed. - Perfect. She hands the contract to the secretary, who photocopies it and gives the copy to Saphira. Then, with a bow, she withdraws, leaving the two alone. The director takes an envelope and delivers it to the CEO's new PA. - Inside's everything you need here to start your work. The keys to your office, which is immediately adjacent to Mr Dixon's office. The offices are connected by a door for quick access. You have been assigned a credit card, with a monthly credit limit of $1000. The monthly balance on the card will be $1000, whether or not you spend the entire amount. I advise you to keep the invoices for 3 months, because if you need to justify expenses, it makes it much easier. You can use that card as you want. It's yours to spend, but make sure to have money on it because it's with this card that you will buy the coffee or other things that Mr. Dixon orders. The woman looks at Saphira's simple dress. – Don't get me wrong, your clothes look great on you, but the role of PA requires contact with many important people. I advise you to use the card and buy a more professional wardrobe. There are other things there that you will see later. Now go to the first floor, look for Mr. Sparrow. He's waiting for you to take your picture and get your company card ready. Hope you enjoy working with us. Mr. Dixon's a very demanding man and does not tolerate failures or delays, even if justified. It's with his stringency that he got where he is now, being so young. Good afternoon Miss Green. Saphira felt it was her cue to leave, and with a bow, she left, looking for the elevator and going down to the first floor. Sarah must have been there already. The smell of her perfume hovered in the small office of Mr. Sparrow. He was a man who looked no older than 30. He wasn't handsome, but his laughter and friendliness made him an attractive man. When he sees Saphira, his eyes widen. - Good afternoon Miss. Don't get me wrong, but I have to ask you: Has a girl like you ever thought about being a model? Saphira lets out a slight giggle and blushes. - Not Mr. Sparrow. - If you, some day, are ever interested in trying… - Mr Sparrow, forgive me. The only photo I have come to take is for the card. Billy Sparrow coughs and blushes. - Sorry. I didn't want to seem too cheeky. It's Mr. Dixon's new PA, right? - Yes I am. My name is Saphira Green, - she says, holding out her hand. - Billy Sparrow, but you can call me Billy. Sit down and relax. - he said, picking up the photo camera that was connected to the PC. He takes 3 or 4 photos, then invites Saphira to choose one. - This one – she says, pointing to a photo – but they are all perfect. The man swells with the eulogy. - I'm a company photographer. I do advertising work, but I have the honor of being the photographer who accompanies Mr. Dixon at company parties or campaigns, in addition to, of course, making these cards – he says, handing Saphira the finished card. She takes the card, drops it into the envelope she was carrying and, with a bow, leaves the small office to go to the motel. When she finally sits up in her bed, she can finally breathe. She had landed a better job than she could have dreamed of, and she was looking for one for only 2 weeks. The salary was very good, and had one more zero than the previous one. The extra $1000 per month to buy clothes was the icing on the cake. She no longer had to wait to have a more professional wardrobe. Dumping the envelope onto the bed, she checks the contents. A state-of-the-art phone, still unopened in its box, which she needed to get working before bed. That's her professional phone for now on. The keys to what must be her drawers and doors to her new office. The credit card with the firm's logo and her worker's card were under her photo had engraved the name “PA (SB) Saphira Corson Green”. A professional diary and several closed letters containing passwords to access the PC and internal, intranet and extranet applications where she would work. To her surprise, one of the envelopes contained the CEO's address, house key and card to access the apartment complex, with the indication "only used to pick up the CEO for business trips or emergencies". Shee didn't like carrying the CEO's personal things. It was a responsibility that went beyond what she was used to, but she was now a PA, and that put her at the service of that man 24 hours a day. Saphira looks at her wardrobe and sighs. Take the card and think: “Would it work before my first day at the job?”. She sighs and packs everything she had on the bed into the envelope, and hides everything behind the headboard. She didn't feel very safe there. She grabs the handbag and goes out to find a store. She would have to spend some of the money she still had in the bank to buy some clothes, even if it meant having to cut back on food until her first paycheck. The day was getting dark and she didn't feel very safe in that place, so she calls an Uber and goes to the nearest shopping center and quickly buys some clothes and fabrics. She wasn't a seamstress, but she would try to make something more professional, with better quality fabrics. When she returns to her room, she leaves her clothes ready and takes the envelope, puts her things in her suitcase and goes to bed, while she tries to turn on the phone. Tomorrow will be the first day of a new life.
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