Chapter 3

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When Christopher returns to the office, Leo follows enthusiastically. Christopher takes off his coat, loosens his tie and sits down comfortably. There were times when he envied his brother's casual way of dressing. - These are the CVs of the PA candidates – he says, pointing to the folders on his left. Leo takes the bottom one off, opens it and starts reading. - Bro, you don't want this guy as your PA. - Why? – the CEO asks, frowning. - He's ugly as hell and will scare your customers? Christopher laughs. In fact, the man looked more like a bodyguard or a mobster, full of tattoos. - But he has a good CV. - Christopher says. - True. Let's see the other ones. Leo puts the folder down and takes the second one from the pile. - This is the guy you told me about. You're right, the CV is impressive. – he picks up the letters of recommendation – the former bosses don't say why he left, but they praise him a lot. Perhaps it has to do with his wife's work. She could change cities and he will follow. It says here he's married. Perhaps you should call him for a new interview and clarify the doubts. Leo passes the folder to his brother, who looks at it again and places it on the table. Leo reaches out and takes the last folder. - f**k bro, you must really be blind. She is beautiful. - Focus Leonard. – the CEO says with a sigh. Leo picks up Saphira's photo and whistles. Then start reading her resume. - The second best in the pile, but has an impressive school career. Lots of extracurricular activities, an excellent internship, and 2 years of work in a great company. According to what you told me, she only left the company because of harassment? - That's what she told me. - One letter is missing from the previous work, but due to the situation, it is predictable. Oohhhh she's also trying out for the PS spot. - Yes, she was the only candidate who did it. - Call them both for a new interview this afternoon. The one that's available to come, is your PA, right? Leo takes the other pile and reads the CVs. - They all look the same to me. All of them are secretaries in different companies. Probably looking for a job that pays more. - I agree with you. - If you give the PA job to the man, the other one has a better CV for the PS position. Let me call the PA candidates. Christopher nods and Leo gets up, and picks up the phone. He dials the number and puts it on the speaker. - hallo? Am I talking to Mr Jack Lycat? - Yeah, who's calling? - I'm calling from “Dreams Came True, advertising inc.”. We would like to invite you for a new interview, today… - he looks at his watch – at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Are you available? - Sorry, but I can't make it today. I already have an appointment. - Well, in that case we'll call you back. Leo hangs up the phone and looks at his brother. - It seems that he doesn't have that much availability to be your PA. Christopher sighs and Leo dials the other candidate's number. - hallo? Am I talking to Miss Saphira Green? - Yes, you are. Who's speaking? - a sweet voice, with a light Texas pronunciation, says at the other end of the line. Leo made a pleased expression and Christopher rolled his eyes. - I'm calling from “Dreams Came True, advertising inc.”. We would like to invite you for a new interview, today at 4 pm. Are you available? - Yes I am. Where should I go? - To the same place where you came to the first interview. - I'll be there at the appointed time. Thanks. Leo hangs up the phone. Grab the pile of PS candidates, spread them out on the table, and choose the oldest woman. - This is your new PS. She's 33 years old and has experience. Deserves a raise more than the others. And besides that, she's very pretty, and she makes a good presentation at the reception. Saphira is your new PA. Total availability. - What am I going to ask that I haven't already asked? - Nothing. Prepare the contract, tell them how much they will earn and when they will start working. Christopher shook his head. His 22-year-old brother just made everything easier…. Or not... because then Leo says: - With these two new employees working for you, I will come to visit you many more times. The CEO rolled his yetis again. Leo goes away, leaving his brother to pack the folders. His new secretary would contact the eliminated contestants to give them the news. When 4 o'clock arrives, the new PA and the new PS arrive too, neither of them knowing that they were already hired. - Hi, looks like one of us is going to be the CEO's secretary. - the older woman says. - It seems so. Good luck to you. replies Saphira. - For you too - the other woman answers, with a smile. Sarah Brown was a very beautiful woman, and she knew it. She dressed soberly but sexyly, and Saphira couldn't help thinking that her clothes, most of which she made herself, were too plain. Even so, she knew the clothes fit her very well, and as soon as she got an apartment, she was going to invest in a wardrobe worthy of working in a big company. Despite being a reliable person, she couldn't help but think that, between the two, the CEO would find the other much more professional. A woman opens the door to the CEO's office. It was a lady close to 50 years old, very pretty for her age, who walked up to them and introduced herself. - Good afternoon, my name is Mrs. Caroline Jackson and I'm the Chief Human Resources Officer. Please accompany me. Mr. Dixon awaits you. The two women get up and follow the director. In the office, they sit side by side opposite the CEO and wait expectantly. - Good afternoon. I want to thank you for the availability of the two in having attended this meeting at such short notice. I assume you are still interested in the work you set out to do. - Yes. - both answer and nod. - Well, I want to welcome you two to the company. When can you start working? - The CEO says, looking at the older woman. - The company I work for is in a difficult situation. The pandemic hurt them a lot, especially after the death of the CEO from Covid-19. I can probably be available from today to 8 days. If you want me to come sooner, I can come to work tomorrow. I don't think my boss will impose obstacles. The 8 days would be enough for me to give my work to someone else. More a matter of conscience than anything else. - That's good professionalism. You can start from today to 8 days without any problems. And you miss Green? - He says, looking at the younger woman. - I can start immediately Sir. - Perfect. Please accompany Mrs. Jackson. She'll take you to Human Resources. I would like to warn you that I don't like delays or excuses. I expect the utmost professionalism from you two. Once again, welcome to the company. – the 3 women bow, and when they prepare to leave, the CEO calls: - Miss Green, I expect you in my office tomorrow at 9 am with my coffee. She bows again and the 3 of them go down 2 floors to the human resources department. As they pass the new co-workers, the men don't take their eyes off them. “the CEO has very good taste”, one of the men says to a colleague through gritted teeth, and they receive an aggressive look from their director. They lower their eyes and immediately return to work. The Human Resources Director's secretary was waiting for them with the contracts ready to print. - I need the ID of the two, and know some data. You can sit down. My secretary will take care of you.
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