Chapter 2

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Christipher Dixon was the CEO of the largest advertising company in the United States. He had started the company from nothing when he was poor and only 23 years old. Now he was the owner of a large fortune. His assets included several mansions and apartments throughout the United States, as well as several high-end cars, a helicopter and a jet. He even had a sailboat that he rarely used these days. He was very attractive and athletic. Since he was young, he had always devoted part of his day to working out his body and eating healthily. Women always fell at his feet, and now, at 37, he was performing at his peak. He had a very masculine face, with a full beard that he undoed daily, black hair, with an expensive cut, which he kept perfect throughout the day, light green eyes, which contrasted with his light brown skin and black hair. Owner of a perfect body, without a single accumulated fat, he had powerful biceps, strong back with broad shoulders, a dry abdomen with a perfect s*x-pack, a V-cut that made any woman want to see the c**k that the V pointed to, some strong, well-worked legs and buttocks that made his hard, firm ass visible in his pants. Nobody said he was 37 years old, only his birth certificate confirmed it. It's not hard to believe he was a playboy, and bounced from woman to woman, not keeping them beyond one night of hard s*x. International models, actresses and singers made the list of women he had dated and taken to bed. Working in the advertising business had opened doors to a lot of female beauties for him, and the women who surrendered to him did so with an interest in advertising, but basically, what they wanted was to have s*x with the Greek god that he was. Some tried a relationship, but they were always disappointed, because he only slept with them once, and left them. Even with that fame, it didn't make it difficult for the fact that every time Christopher wanted a woman, she appeared, and she was always beautiful and with a perfect body. It wasn't that he didn't want to settle down. At the age of 37, he was ready to get married and have children, but the woman he was looking for never appeared before him. All of them were very superficial, almost plastic, most had plastic surgery and wore silicone boobs. He wanted to find that girl who looked like “the girl next door”, simple and shy, with a natural and beautiful body. The girl he thought he would never find. Today's women are too futile and the perfect ones are either married or out of hand. But while that perfect woman did not appear in front of him, he continued to take the others to bed, not remembering their names after a few days. Christopher looked at the CV in front of him. Of those who had reached the interview stage, only 7 were potential candidates for the position. He divided them into 2 groups. The first pile was for candidates for the PA position, and the second for the PS position. A CV he held in his hand, not knowing which group to put it in. The candidate had run for both positions, and had an impressive CV for someone so young. He opens and rereads it, looks at the accompanying photo, and places the folder in the pile of PA candidates. The pile for AP now contained 3 candidates, while the other pile had 4. The phone rings and Christopher picks it up, not taking his eyes off the stack. He had decided to make the final choice, but he already regretted it. - Christopher Dixon speaking. - Bro, I've been waiting for you down here for half an hour. When are you coming down? I'm starved. With the choice of new employees, he had completely forgotten that he had arranged to have lunch with his younger brother. He looks at the clock and sees that it is 12:57 hours, and he has agreed to meet at 12:30 hours, at the door of the building. The brother must have had enough of waiting. - Sorry Leo, I completely forgot the time. I'll be right down. He takes one last look at the piles of folders and sighs. He gets up, takes his coat and puts it on, leaving the office, heading for the elevator. Along the way, he told the temporary secretary to inform all who contacted him that he would be in the office around 3 pm. - Bro, you're always the same. You make me get here on time, but you never comply. I was about to steal the lollipops from the kids passing by. Christopher looked around. - You're full of s**t. No kids eat lollipops around here at this hour. At this time, they don't eat sweets. They have lunch. Leonard Chuckles. His brother always took everything literally. - There isn't, but if there were, I'd steal it. Christopher opens the passenger door of his brother's car and sits down. Put the safety belt on and look at his brother who was still in the same place. - Have you lost your hunger? Leo runs around the car, gets into the driver's seat, puts on his seat belt and turns to face his brother. - Shall we eat Japanese? I'm craving Sashimi. - You could have told me in advance. If you wanted to eat raw fish, I would buy some fish and you would eat it directly from the fish market. Leonard makes a disgusted face. The car starts and only stops at the “Sushi Yasaka” parking lot. The brothers enter and Christopher is immediately met and assigned a well-placed table. Obviously, the sashimi was ordered, with some other delicacies. When they started to eat some starters that were served to them, Christopher decided to talk about the candidates he had on the table. - I have 3 candidates for PA, who have a good curriculum and 4 for PS. I already regret deciding to make the final choice myself. I'm a little lost. - If you want, I can help you - the 22-year-old brother said. - Kid, you are 15 years younger than me. What do you know about business? - Nothing – Leo says, laughing – but I know how to evaluate people. Did you forget that I'm studying psychology and I want to be a profiler? Christopher sighs. - I don't want to find out if they are psychopaths, but I'll get advantage of your offer. The meal had arrived, and they were still talking. - Don't you have any in sight? One that was the best on the interview? - There is a man aged 30, who has an impressive curriculum as a PA. The only thing that bothers me is how often he changes jobs. Despite having good references from everywhere he worked, how can I rest easy with a PA who has had 3 jobs in 2 years? - And applying for the fourth job. Really, if he's so good how come he changes so much? - There's also a 25-year-old girl. She doesn't have a CV as big as he does, but it's a good CV for her age. She came from Texas, and was a secretary to a CFO for two years. She said she quit her job to escape the director's harassment. - Is she pretty? - I didn't evaluate her for her beauty. I don't know if she's pretty. - Bro, you're old. How do you not know if she's pretty? Are you blind? - It's not a girl like the ones you see around here. It's not flashy or hides its face behind paint. She doesn't seem to be plastic like the other candidates. - Did you notice all that except if she's pretty? - Leo asked, frowning. - I think she's pretty. A little provincial beauty, but yes she's beautiful. - I think I like her already. Is she single? - Leonard Dixon, do you want to help me or arrange a date? - Calm down bro, I want to help you. But if I can gain something from it…. - if she stays as my PA, I won't admit any approach towards an employee of mine. If not, you won't know how to contact her either, as the information is private. - Jeez bro, you're really are an old fart.
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