3. The True Alpha

1888 Words
"Ezekiel... you came," Claret uttered unbelievably and almost sobbed in bliss. He smiled. "I can't ignore your call." For a moment, they said nothing. Nevertheless, happiness is in their eyes. The adoration they could feel was so intense that it was palpable and tangible, as if it had formed a lump in their throat. "I've been waiting for you to show up, although it's too vague." the sadness in her voice was evident, but Claret managed to force a smile out. "Well then, I'm here," Ezekial reacted. "But I won't be here for long." "Why? Are you not happy to see me now?" "I am." the silence fell for a moment, holding their gaze to each other. Sadly, they can't convey their sentiment, especially for Ezekiel, who is frightened to be caught by Alpha Haleio, who stole his body and ruled the Vermilion Pack. The vicious battle will initiate once he discovers he is still alive. Claret was about to say something, but Ezekiel cut her off. "You're gonna choose your mate now, right?" With that one question, the bitterness slowly displayed in his countenance, expressing his deep rancor not to her but to the man who wrecked him, the clone Alpha. "Yes," Claret replied with her expression load with uncertainty. "Whom did you choose?" the question made Claret think, as she wasn't sure what response should follow. But before anything else could say, Ezekiel spoke again, cutting the thought process. "I know I'm not supposed to interfere, but I want you to be safe. Reject the Alpha for your sake." Claret agreed by nodding her head and said, "If I do that, will you stay? I want you to-" "I can't do that..." Ezekiel interrupted her. Feeling uncertain and apprehensive, he shook his head as a sign of dissent and repeated the words, "Can't..." Her mouth fell open. "B-but why?" Claret was dismayed, but her longings for Ezekiel's presence were genuine, although they met only last night. Ezekiel hesitated for several seconds. Then he finally broke his gaze away from hers and peeked around. His expression became even tenser. Claret sighed and followed his direction. She saw Alpha Haleio and his pack approaching from afar, with the Celestine Pack beside them. "Do you know them?" Claret asked, making Ezekiel swallow hard. "No... I don't," he answered in the most diminutive voice possible while staring at the Celestine pack's Alpha, Beta, and Omega. He couldn't help but recall how he was forced to surrender his life a decade ago. When he endeavored to fight back, he failed and was eventually slain by Zack, the Ultima Wolf from Lactuvo Pack, who is known as the cruelest and most detrimental because of his capability to kill anyone by just looking at his eyes. Who dares to stand against him will end up dead. Zack killed the Omega of Vermilion Pack a decade ago. Aside from that, Zack also took Ezekiel's body and position, throwing his soul until he died. He made everyone believe that he was the True Alpha. Fortunately, Ezekiel has a Wolf Orbit Stone, containing ferocious strength and immortality. Only the Alpha of Vermilion pack possessed this sort of stone provided by the Moon Goddess, a reward for being the most exemplary. He used that for a second life, and he was reborn to another body, Omega's body. However, Ezekiel hides from everyone and decides to live temporarily in the Enchanted Palace with those good witches who took care of him, lingering for the right time he could go back to his proper form and position by conquering Zack's evilness and an act of impostor. "Is there a problem, Kiel? You can tell me," Claret interrupted him from bleak thoughts. "I have to go. But before that, can you promise me one thing?" Those words made her slightly curious, which she hid behind an assuring smile. "Of course. Whatever you want." "Please, don't find another mate, Claret." a serious look appeared on his expression until it became even more solemn. "When my time comes, I will find you." Claret was stunned in bewilderment, trying to comprehend all the sentiments streaming within her heart. She never envisioned such a remark from him; however, there's no time to think of things like that, so she just set aside the things that kept bugging her mind. "I don't understand, but I trust you," she stated truthfully and took a deep breath. A shocking scenario stunned her when Ezekiel kissed her lips quickly. Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second before she closed them. It was quick enough to almost slip from her fingertips, but her instincts told her it was genuine and honest. Ezekiel placed his forehead against hers and whispered, "I pledge to the Moon Goddess that I will find you, Claret, at the time of my quintessence." Claret could not emit a single word; nevertheless, Ezekiel left her without waiting for her response. His eyes were set in fire and fury when he glanced at Haleio; the look reminded him of the previous encounter. Claret stayed hushed until she lost sight of him. Only then did she realize that a smile was plastered on her face. She was in love. "Claret Quera?" a voice was coming behind her. She saw Celestine Pack walking toward her when she turned around, so she immediately conditioned her sanity back to reality. Her heartbeat increased drastically at seeing them, and feel herself slightly quivering in nervousness. She knows them only by their name and rank, but she's not close with them. "Hi, Claret, my name is Leona. The Head Alpha of Celestine Pack, and these are my beta sisters, Arceli and Mariposa. We're glad to meet you." Claret nodded and offered her hand. A charming woman with long brown curly hair and sparkling brown eyes. "And this is Carson, my brother, the Omega of Celestine pack." "It's a pleasure to meet you all." Claret bowed her head to them, smiling politely. "I'm so happy to meet the Silver wolf. I hope you can visit our house next time." Carson smiled with a slight blush on his face. "Well, our brother has a crush on you, Claret!" Mariposa teased her brother, making all of them chuckle. After introducing themselves, the group went to talk to the rest of their pack members. They were curious about Claret's presence. But the way she handled herself seemed calm and collected, which impressed many of them, though their interest grew stronger than ever, especially now that they discovered that she was a Silver Wolf. "So," Leona started, sitting next to Claret. She gave a small sigh and resumed. "We've heard about you, and we're very grateful your father invited us here. Now, what is your preference regarding finding your mate?" Feeling awkward and hesitant, Claret is uncertain about her answer. "Honestly, I don't know yet," she answered frankly, but not without a tinge of guilt in her voice, as if ashamed of her indecisiveness. "Well, I guess Alpha Haleio has been kind enough and deserving to guide me on how to preserve my life by awakening my wolf blood, but I'm not exactly interested. I'm not even prepared enough for this." "I understand." Leona smiled. "If you feel that Alpha Haleio isn't good enough for you, seek for any other alternative." "Really? How do I get rid of him?" Claret asked, looking worried and anxious. The three women glance at each other as if there's something they want to express. "I don't know if I should say this, Claret, but there is some strange stuff about Alpha Haleio. And you have to be prudent." Claret creased her brows. "I know nothing. Can you tell me more precisely about that, Alpha Leona?" Leona sighed. "Look, he may seem passionate and delicate, but inside, it's the contrary of what you envisioned." "How can you possibly say that?" Before answering Claret's question, Leona leaned forward and minimized her voice. She glanced over Claret's shoulder, ensuring nobody would catch them talking in private. "There's this secret palace called the Bloodline Palace. They are an alliance that holds the history of all, and they can trace all the werewolves' saga. Last time with Carson, we went there and found out that Haleio is not the True Alpha. The soul living within Alpha's body was Zack from Lactuvo Pack, the avaricious werewolves eager to take possession of other beings even if that meant killing." Claret gasped with disbelief as she listened carefully to everything Leona was enunciating. "Then who is the true Alpha Haleio?" she inquired, curious regardless of how scary this whole thing sounded. Leona heaved a deep sigh. "Please, do not tell this to anyone." Claret nodded. "Do you notice something about the Vermilion Pack?" Claret surveyed the surrounding until her gaze redirected to Vermilion Pack, who was conversing with the other visitors. "Do you know where the Omega is?" Claret shook her head. "He is the True Alpha." Feeling confused, Claret was wordless, yet her mind carried so many questions. More than out of curiosity. "Could you explain it?" Leona resumed. "When he died, we never heard any news about him. The only thing we can assure you is after death, his soul was devolved from Alpha to Omega." Claret nodded, trying to wrap her head around all the information she had received. The situation was getting even more alarming, and she was clueless about how the True Alpha could become an Omega because of the cruel wolf who wrecked him just to take the position. "What should I do now?" Claret asked, full of doubts, looking at Leona with pleading eyes. "We can help you with that. I know your father would be glad to choose Alpha Haleio, but please, don't. Remember that he is not your Alpha." Claret frowned. "My what?" "Your alpha," Leona repeated, clearly emphasizing the first two words. "He is not your Alpha. Zack of Lactuvo Pack took his body, and his soul was devolved from Alpha to Omega. Do not assume he was your mate, Claret. We'll help you sort this out. Just keep it quiet for the moment. Don't tell anyone." "So, it means.. the soul in his body is.... Zack? One of our greatest opponents?" Claret inquired. "And the soul of True Alpha is in the Omega's body? That's disturbing!" "Precisely. You have to reject him, Claret, if he is claiming you were his Luna. Don't let him fool you." Claret stared at Leona for a few moments before nodding slowly. "Thank you, Leona, for letting me know. I badly need that information." "My pleasure." she smiled. "It's our job to protect the Silver wolf. I will be here every day, so you don't have to worry." With that, Leona left her feeling curious and upset toward Alpha Haleio. For now, she couldn't tell this anyone. Suddenly, a short flashback of memories with Ezekiel emerged in her head. "At the time of my quintessence, I will find you, Claret." Reminiscing those remarks, Claret knows there is something untold truth behind that. Suddenly, an abrupt question popped into her head, causing her to heave a deep sigh with the impressive speed of her heart. What if... What if Ezekiel was the Omega? And the soul living inside there was the True Alpha?
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