2. Finding her Mate

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A constant noise roused Claret from her deep, untroubled sleep. She had no clear idea at what point she became aware of it. She wanted to wrap the blanket around herself like she intended to sleep again. But she abruptly altered her mind and opened her eyes instead, significantly when her stare shifted to the clock, and she realized it was already 9 a.m. She stretched and yawned, sitting up in her bed until someone knocked on her door. Soon as she opened it, her father Artemis appeared in front of her, and they both walked inside. "Sit down, Claret," Artemis ordered. "There are things I need to discuss with you." Claret strode directly at the chair, sitting up with a nervous in her chest. "You are 18 now, but still, you can't release the wolf blood within you," he said. "Yeah, I know, Dad. And I have to marry the Alpha, right?" Claret was upset; if only she could transgress her father's order, she will. Unfortunately, the only thing she could do was heed his words by marrying the Alpha of Vermilion Pack. "That's the reason why I'm here. There is no arranged marriage anymore." Artemis swallowed hard as he heaved another intense look at Claret. "I have invited the Alpha Haleio Lauxeri of the Vermilion Pack and his pack to our place. We'll be having a party this evening, and it's up to you, whoever lucky man you choose. You have to find your mate amongst them." Claret's eyebrows creased in confusion. She wondered why the plan changed so suddenly? "I understand, but let me know why you changed your mind?" she inquired, loaded with curiosity. "I went to the palace of Nirada, and sought some help from Lady of Hera, the superior of the covenant. According to her, you cannot accumulate your strength if I force you to marry the Alpha you don't desire. The only way is to meet the Vermilion Pack, and after that, you can find your mate." Claret remained stiff and wordless, envisioning herself in the arms of the Vermilion Pack. But what if she finds Ezekiel at the party? Is there a chance to see the incredible being she met last night? The thought of having Ezekiel had a profound impact on her chest; she silently wished to have an opportunity. A sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation. "Come in!" Artemis shouted. A young Beta named Reverie opened the door, ambled towards them while holding a paper, and then handed it over to Artemis. Artemis unfurled the paper carefully and glanced at its contents. His lips curved into a smile as he read everything. After a few seconds, he gave back the piece and smiled widely. "It seems that everyone accepted my invitation. We need to prepare everything for tonight." "Okay, Dad." Claret bowed her head. "Reverie will get you ready for the party. Rest now," Artemis said before leaving the room. Claret sensed excitement about tonight as the door closed, even though it wasn't essential for her to become a wife or even find her mate 'cause she was still young. It was a mere tradition, after all. But tonight will be different because Claret will find someone other than just a friend and ally in the Vermilion Pack. Someone who will make her life worth living. That person will also be her mate. A part of her feels relieved about it, but her other side is worried. What kind of partner will she choose to spend her life with within this lifetime? Will it be good or bad for their relationship? ***** Claret was standing in front of the vintage wooden cheval mirror, wearing a red gown with a silver belt. She has a simple, curly loose hairstyle, and she wore a small red flower crown on top. She was looking stunning. She couldn't help but admire how exquisite her reflection was with her slightly parted red lips and mesmerizing eyes. She was infallible that the whole pack would be staring at her every moment of her time tonight. But it doesn't matter if no one notices how great she is; there is only one being she wishes to see anyway. "You're so beautiful, Claret!" Reverie interrupted her from deep thoughts. "You too, Reverie," she replied with a smile. "So, are you ready?" Reverie asked, lending her hand as a sign of assistance. Claret nodded and took her hand without hesitance. "Okay, let's go. Your father is waiting for you on the lawn." Reverie guided Claret to the stairs until they reached outside. The sky looked as if it was shrouded in thick black clouds. The moonlight glinted through the dark veil of mist that surrounded the land. "It's beautiful out tonight," Reverie commented as she scrutinized the view with interest. "I'm pretty sure you'll find your mate. Come on, don't be anxious." Claret smiled; it somehow eased her apprehension. Reverie is her cousin, who always managed to cheer her up in any situation. When they finally halted at the entrance of the enormous gate into the lawn, Claret saw her father walking toward her with a significant smile. "Are you ready?" Artemis inquired, glee laced in his voice. Claret nodded; although she was still uneasy about all the possibilities, she was exemplary at repressing her emotions. "The Vermilion Pack is coming. This is the right time for you to unfurl our bloodline, but you can only do that if you find your mate who will make it awakened. Don't embarrass me, Claret. It's for you, your wolf's sake." "Don't worry. I won't." Claret began observing around; all the visitors were already present. She tried to look around as inconspicuously as possible, yet everyone knew she was there. Everyone always focused on her, greeting her endlessly, but she was glad that Reverie had her back and made her feel not alone. "They're here," Artemis said, pointing to the five men striding towards them. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alpha Haleio Lauxeri, and your pack," Artemis said. "I want you to meet my daughter, Claret Quera." All of them made a short recognition until Artemis and Reverie decided to leave Claret in the presence of the Vermilion Pack. "I'm so pleased to see the noblest wolf of the Red Moon Pack," Alpha Haleio greeted Claret. Soon as he took her hand, he bent his head and kissed its back. "Thank you, Alpha Haleio. I hope to know you much better," Claret responded, wandering her gaze to his pack. "Please, enjoy the party." Everyone began introducing themselves, conveying what kind of strength they possessed. Alpha Haleio has a strong appearance. Fair skin, sharp jawline, and pointed nose. He looks strong, something that most females would love. But this cannot change the fact. Claret doesn't sense any spark despite his drop-dead gorgeous appearance. King is one of the subordinates, he has a burgundy hair color, and his eyes are sparkling with excitement. He is a tall man with a muscular body and a confident aura surrounding him. Next is Vero, the one who has a serious countenance. His fierce expression made it easy to imagine the warrior in his hands. The third one is Akiro, the Delta wolf, who has a small height but is quite bulky. He is the shortest out of the three yet still looks threatening with his large physique. The last one is Cardinal, who introduced himself as a Beta of the Vermilion Pack and the Alpha's right-hand man. He is extremely attractive in his black suit, pale complexion, and long black wavy hair. After the introduction, the party started, and everyone danced the traditional dance in honor of the Moon Goddess. The Alpha stepped toward Claret and said, "Can we dance, Claret?" "Of course." The Alpha offered his hand, and she took it without reluctance. Together they swayed side to side as they danced. "Do you know how beautiful you are, Claret?" She chuckled. "Why do you ask?" she asked curiously as the music became louder. "I honestly want you to be my Luna. I can give you everything, Claret, only if you could entrust your heart to me," Haleio said when their eyes met. Nevertheless, Claret doesn't feel the same way. She knew something was missing with this man. He may be the Alpha of Vermilion Pack, but she couldn't compel herself to like him. "Do you find me attractive, Claret?" Haleio asked with the sweetest beam on his lips. "Oh, yes! You have a look that can make anyone fall in love," she replied truthfully. "But I guess we don't need to rush everything." "I'm willing to wait, Claret," Haleio said, lifting her chin to make her look at him. "You are the noblest wolf of the Red Moon Pack. But if you choose me to be your mate, I will make you my Luna, my Queen." Claret felt the impulsive pressure with just statements, but she managed to prevail calmness and resume their dance; the other subordinates danced with her also. A few hours passed, and everything went well; however, Claret felt incomplete, like an empty hole. No matter how often she disregards her mind, her heart keeps saying only one name. "Ezekiel..." she said in a mumble, hoping to glimpse the butterfly, but nothing ensued. With that, she shut her eyes, reminiscing her memories with him. When she opened it, she looked up at the sky and let her tears drip down her cheeks. Why does her father propel her to choose her mate when there is already someone who fills her heart? It may be a momentary time, but her yearnings for Ezekiel are more profound than anything else. "Hey, Claret, someone wants to dance with you," Reverie spoke behind, inducing her to go back to reality. "Sure," she quickly replied, wiping her tears before spinning around. And there she saw a man with a mask on his face. He was wearing a tuxedo, and he looked stunning, an almost perfect man in her eyes. She followed him and started dancing elegantly. The man pulled her closer and placed his forehead against hers. "You're so lovely, Claret, especially when you smile." Claret sense a thump in her heart by just hearing those words. Sounds familiar. "Thank you." They continued dancing. At first, it feels like usual. But the more they swayed under the rhythm, the more she felt her presence was incarcerated into his tenderness. Soon as her eyes froze on him, she recognized who it was. It's Ezekiel! She didn't emit any word; instead, she enjoyed the moment, sifting through his face. How could she have forgotten about him? She remembered every little detail of his face. The fervency she feels whenever she is near him, his touch, his benign gaze, and his glamorous existence while dancing with her. Claret was about to utter a word, but her heartbeat increased, and she got stupefied by the following thing she witnessed, hovering above their head. The butterfly.
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