
The Omega's Incarnation

previous incarnation
love at the first sight

In the Land of Guada, Claret Quera of Red Moon Pack is about to be married to Alpha Haleio of Vermilion Pack to awaken her wolf blood. Feeling resentful and upset, Claret wants to transgress her father's decree, but she doesn't have the privilege. It is grievously the worst idea because she's not prepared enough to have a husband.

Everything changed when she met the incredible man in the forest. While glorifying the Moon Goddess under the moonlight, she accidentally met Ezekiel, the peculiar white wolf, and fell in love with him in the first instant itself. But then, fate had unveiled their history, and she discovered the profound identity of Ezekiel.

Would the revelation be the cause for the epilogue of their whirlwind romance? Or would they choose to stay for love's sake despite perpetual battles?

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1. Underneath the moonlight
Underneath the moonlight, surrounded by the fructiferous trees and luxuriant forest, a lovely woman was crying while kneeling on the sand named Claret Quera, praising the soul of the Divine Athena, the Mood Goddess, in expectancies she could grant her entreaty. Claret is the noblest wolf of the Red Moon Pack in the Land of Guada who is about to be married to the Alpha of Vermilion Pack. For her, it was a grievously bad idea from her father because she was not prepared enough to have a husband, but she could not defy him even if she wanted to. Claret turned eighteen yesterday; and found out she was a silver wolf. This occurrence had a massive impact on her, especially when she recalled the stories of silver werewolves slain by some greedy packs living in the forest. Some are kidnapped, power abused, and used as s*x slaves of Valir, the cruelest and vile wolf, but nobody knows where they're precisely living. Silver werewolves were rare because of their extraordinary ability to heal the physical state of the werewolves. Their blood was highly versatile; they could dedicate it to someone who needed and saved lives. Since the blood of silver werewolves was universal, Valir and other packs were hunting them to be part of their alliance. Whoever fights back and refuses will end up lifeless. Artemis, her father, knew even before Claret shifted that she was a Silver, and he had to protect her from peril. Despite her legal age and wolf status, her blood is still unawakened, and she has to marry the Alpha to strengthen her wolf and accumulate her strength. With that, Claret was so upset but accepted it anyway for the sake of her wolf. That is also why she was praising the Moon Goddess underneath the moonlight. "My beloved Divine, I don't want to marry the Alpha. Please... save me from unintended marriage," Claret muttered as if it would change anything. The wind whistled through the trees, the only sound to accompany her. She tried not to make moves to avoid the noise, even though she felt like she was being observed. Suddenly, a bare noise disturbed her as she prayed, ignoring it. Looking up at the sky, she saw nothing except the moon imprisoned by darkness above her. Wiping her tears, she stood up until she glimpsed a fluorescence light hovering in the middle of the dark forest at the right corner, wondering what it could be. As she strode closer to it, she started feeling uneasy, as if someone was watching her. She stopped abruptly, holding her breath and surveying around her for any indication of peril. But she heard no footsteps, which drove her to sigh with relief. Nevertheless, the light suddenly got more prominent, almost blinding her. After blinking a few times, she glanced to see it, and there were numerous lanterns shimmering brightly in her direction. They're all floating in the sky like there is a mystical creature who made them. A smile curved to her lips as she strode slowly, observing them. When nothing particularly suspicious came into her mind, she resumed her observation until she caught an eye coming in the opposite distance from where she was standing. A man with hazel eyes was standing in front of her, wearing white pants and a tunic. He has an attractive countenance that can make any woman bring into the madness obsession, making her heart thump at such an impressive speed. The man is tall with broad shoulders and tousled black hair. Soon as their eyes met, they both stared at each other without moving. The man's gaze was cold and fierce, while hers was delicate and curious. Feeling dumbfounded, Claret remained motionless. She did want to leave. More than anything else at that moment, unfortunately, the man's presence kept pulling her back. But then, the man displayed a short smile, and that was when she sensed something indescribable in her chest as if an arrow had hit her. "Who are you?" the man questioned her, remaining stiff. "I am Claret." she continued examining his face. His brow was thick and defined; his nose wasn't crooked or flat; his mouth didn't appear to be thin but had full lips, a kissable lips. "And you are?" "Ezekiel. But you can call me Kiel for short." Claret didn't respond; instead, she stepped to the right side, following the direction of the lanterns revolving around them. When she turned around, she found Ezekiel walking in the same direction. They ambled together until they reached the center where all the lanterns were. They both stood silently before each other, staring intensely at each other. "What did you wish for?" Ezekiel spoke after minutes passed. "I just prayed to Divine Athena for my safety," Claret responded, averting her eyes from Ezekiel. "There are some things I'd rather avoid in my life. But I don't know how?" "That's understandable." Ezekiel agreed before looking away. There was silence for a moment before he turned to Claret. "May I ask why?" Claret frowned at him for a split second and then looked down before responding. "I don't want to get married to him." "To the Alpha," she added. She is resentful toward her father for compelling her to marry the man she doesn't love. However, she decides to ignore her grievances in hopes that she can embrace the serene mind just once. "I'm sorry, Claret. I shouldn't ask you about that," Ezekiel apologized, heaving her compassionate gaze. He should leave at that moment. He shouldn't entertain that woman but instead let her suffer the gloominess alone; he wants nothing more than to help her escape from misery. And yet Ezekiel stays because he has a soft spot for this woman. He couldn't stand seeing her drowning in sadness, and he was somehow committed to entirely comforting her. "Would you mind coming with me?" Claret didn't utter a word; instead, she threw him a nod and smiled until Ezekiel held her hands, striding somewhere. They halted when they reached the direction underneath the moonlight. Only the flowing water in the sea from a distance can be heard with the gusts of wind blowing and the rustling of the leaves, but other than that, nothing is there but the two of them. Holding each other's hand, they both felt the bliss they had never felt before, for their first time doing something as if they were a couple. "Do you know what makes my heart calm?" Ezekiel asked with his gaze froze at her. Claret shook her head. "May I know?" "It's dancing. Do you know how to dance?" "Yeah, but I'm no—" Ezekiel interrupted her. "It doesn't matter. I can guide you. Just let me hold your hand." Claret remained wordless, thinking about what to say next, but Ezekiel was persistent. He offered his hand, and she reluctantly took it. The man has a good grip and is steady, guiding her through everything. This way, it was much easier, and Claret could feel her heart beating faster while being held by him. They were dancing under the moonlight as they swayed slowly with the waves. Her breathing becomes heavier than before. Suppose there's one thing that best describes their feelings: happiness. The moon shone brightly above their heads, illuminating the scenery as if they had a romantic waltz beneath the moonlight. They know what they feel with just a long glance and loveliest smile, but no one dared to talk about it until they stopped. "How do you feel now?" Ezekiel asked. "I'm happy," Claret replied, with her eyes glimmering in bliss. "Oh, I think I have something for you." Ezekiel took Claret's hand and dragged her somewhere else to show a particular thing until they reached the other side of the forest while the lantern followed their direction. He handed her a butterfly lantern, shining brightly. "This butterfly will always follow you, even when you close your hand. The butterfly will appear when you whisper my name." Claret stared at it, full of amazement. The wings are made of pure white feathers adorned with tiny rubies. The eyes are blue, with black iris and long lashes. Its antennae resemble little butterflies. "Is this real? This is incredible!" Claret whispered excitedly. "Indeed it is, Claret. Everyone here called it the butterfly because it can fly everywhere," Ezekiel explained. The two fell silent again as they observed the butterfly. After some time, Claret broke the silence. "You know, I think this is my best dream ever. A gift from the most incredible being." "Well, I didn't plan to show myself to a stranger, but something changed my mind." "What it is?" "It's because of your eyes, Claret." Silence lingered again as they felt something mutual inside their chest. Claret smiled slightly at Ezekiel. "I cried when my father apprised me to marry the Alpha. But now, I'm smiling, Kiel. It's still nice to hope for some good luck, right? Even when everything seems so bleak. Especially in life and in the future." "You can choose to be a butterfly," Ezekiel advised her, giving her a reassuring smile. "What do you mean?" "You can live without being bound by someone you don't wish and flee to the place where you feel alive, free, and loved," Ezekiel said. "Sometimes, you have to be brave to heed your heart's desires." "Thank you so much, Kiel. It means a lot." Claret smiled at him, trying to conceal what those words meant for her. If she could just voice her sentiments, she will. She wanted to know more about Ezekiel rather than marry the man she didn't want to spend her whole life with. But how could she ever entrust her fragile heart to someone she only met once? "I couldn't stand to see such a beautiful lady brimming with tears," Ezekiel said, giving her the most genuine smile. "If there's something that keeps unsettling your mind, do not hesitate to whisper my name." "I will," Claret replied, obviously pleased. Ezekiel wants to stay longer with Claret. But it was evident from the beginning that their destined is like an asymptotic line that gets closer but will never intersect because it's bound to another fate. But he wonders why his heart is thumping, knowing this won't last forever. Perhaps the spark he felt when he touched Claret's hand? Or the spirit of love he sensed the first time he saw this woman under the moonlight? Suddenly, Ezekiel pulled her, slowly closing the gap between their lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pressed her against the tree, deepening the kiss. Claret felt a wave of electricity running through her body, awakening her desires and sending them spiraling inside her. Her hands went around his neck, pulling him closer, and she ran her fingers in his hair. It took a few seconds before they were breaking apart to breathe. Claret rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes, breathing heavily. Silently hoping the time will never end, just like the gust that soared through the sky. It's disheartening to know they will split their ways after the quick, soothing hug. "I'll be back soon," the last word of Ezekiel before his hand slowly let her go. Claret opened her eyes with confusion and glanced at her surroundings, and what she saw next left her dumbstruck. Claret witnessed in her own eyes how Ezekiel shifted into a white wolf, running away from her while the lanterns slowly disappeared through the darkness. She stood alone for a few moments and took her time to digest the events that had just transpired. Now, she was curious about where the pack Ezekiel belonged? Is he one of the Vermilion pack? What is his identity? Where did he come from? And where did he run off? "Who are you?" With that question, she understands that Ezekiel is not just an ordinary wolf but a peculiar one. She was left standing still, harboring the profound sentiment she had never felt in her entire life. Meeting Ezekiel is the best thing that happened to her. After a couple of seconds, she found herself brimming with tears again; the reason is not the resentment but the contentment, with a mix of longing to see him again.

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