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After the incident, the Inquisitors took them all into questioning. A special squad of silver plain shields came to the warehouse to assist with the documentation, retrieval of the bodies, and bringing in of the main suspect, a young 17 year old small blonde woman. They got them to the station and separated them into different rooms, each equiped with its own silver eagle shield Inquisitor. The questioning went on through the rest of the evening, each one being asked many questions over and over again. They each explained what happened, with only Lilu giving the most details as she was the perpetrator. The Inquisitor with Lilu was internally jumping for joy this entire time thinking he was getting a slam dunk case, this would even lead to a promotion for him to a Crested Eagle Silver Shield. At the very End when Lilu was almost done she said "If it wasnt for Ryan Derrick Theodore Richards the 114th k********g my friend and killing him in front of me, him and his men wouldnt have had to die..." The Inquisitor clenched his teeth hearing this, all of this work, and now she says it was self defense! DAMMIT! there goes his dreams. His fist clenched and the pen he is holding snapped in two. Lilu arched an eyebrow seeing this. "Something the matter?" He stops and coughs to change the mood "No ma'am, So this whole deal was self defense? you killed all 43 of them in self defense??" Lilu nods her pretty little head, still drenched in blood. The Inquisition did not even give her time to clean herself. Having sent her straight to the interrogation room. "That is right, it wasnt like they were going to let us leave....." said with a slight bit of annoyance. he hmmms "And you killed them all with a single spell?" making sure he has these facts correct. Lilu corrects him "I killed 42 of them with a single spell, the last one I used two spells, cause he didnt deserve a funeral". Her eyes turned cold after that and looked straight into the inquisitors eyes "He killed my friend, right in front of my eyes, and was planning to r**e and tortue all of my other friends in front of me, and then r**e and t*****e me...." The Inquisitor stopped and looked at her "And how do you know this?" Lilu turned up those rose red lips of hers in a smile "Because he told me he was going to, while molesting my friend thistle while she was unconcious...." The Inquisitor looked at her a bit more carefully and then thought for a moment before asking "And why would he go through all of this trouble, just for you? what did you do to him?" Lilu giggled slightly "I kicked him in the crotch hard enough to put him in that wheelchair, He had that coming too..." The Inquisitor stopped a little shocked. His eyes went up and down her body. If it wasnt for the stench and splattering of blood all over her body and clothes, this would have seemed like the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. Even if she was a caster, she is too young! Her level of skill should not be anywhere close to being able to end 42 trained men with a single spell, Let alone her body seemed so small, how could she kick a man so hard she could crush his pelvis?! He couldnt handle this anymore. "Ma'am, I am going to consult with my superiors, you can remain here." He said this then stood from his chair and exited the room locking the door behind himself. Lilu sighed tiredly, it had been a long couple of days sense this whole mess started. She didnt rest though, she had made up her mind to become stronger. She did not want to waste a single moment of time, and this whole ordeal was a huge waste. She closed her eyes, but not to sleep, she was going to speak with Alice, and go through her winnings. Pulling open her Inventory and status panel, she quickly scanned over the new items. She had some stat and skill points to distribute. She had also gained a bunch of tickets, 1 manual, and even a Soul Assist Upgrade!  "Alice, what will this upgrade do?" she thought to herself. Alice responded "This upgrade will enhance my features a little, and it will also further solidify the systems power in reality. This will allow you to manifest some items into a corporeal state and them be visible to others." Lilu thought quickly "Do it". Alice then replied shortly "Ok Sis, upgrading now, system rebooting...." When she said those words in her head, her vision went black, and a small progress bar appeared in the blackness. It had a small counter that started to increase from 1% up to 100%. When it was finished her vision was restored. Lilu took note that everything seemed to be normal for now. It did not look like much had changed. The only thing she noticed was a small icon in the bottom right corner of her vision that had the emblem of a person with a shield and sword, that was currently surrounded by a circle with a line going diagonal across the center of the circle covering the image. "What does this new icon do Alice?" she asked. Alice responded with a happy voice "This is the new visibility Icon, it allows you to make items you are currently wearing visible or not at your discretion. There are also a few other functions that you will figure out later." Alice decided she would play with these new functions later, and then moved on to the other items she had acquired. "What is this manual and weapon creation ticket??" she asked Alice in her mind. "The ticket is to create a weapon for you that fits your desires and wants, the manual obviously explains how to do this." Alice replied. "So like I can instantly create a weapon?" Lilu mused. Alice hrmed "Well not instantly sis, you will actually have to take time to craft it. All the ticket does is generate all the appropriate materials to build it, but you will still have to work to put it together and enchant it yourself....." Lilu nodded and would play with that later as well, "What about the spell creation tickets? why do I have those if I can simply create new spells using a combination of my mana and my feats?" she asked. Alice replied with a giggle "Because you can only do that with spells you already have silly! this will allow you to construct a whole new spell! there are limits to their power based on the grade of the ticket. Lesser tickets can be used to make a spell with only 1 effect or purpose, Standard tickets can make a spell with an effect, and an elemental base, Your lightning claws are an elemental standard spell" she continued with an amused hint in her voice , which then changed to a little awe when she continued "Greater tickets are even better! Those tickets can make a spell that can pretty much do what you want short of altering the laws of the reality you are in, they cant bring back the dead, they cant change time, and they cant kill outright, but short of that they are fairly limitless! and then there are Supreme Spell tickets, these have no limits! but I dont think we will ever see one of those..... My database says none have ever been claimed or found...." Lilu canted her head in thought, "so if I can get a supreme spell ticket, it will let me bring back the dead?" instantly thinking of willow her deceased friend... Alice knowing her thoughts sighed begrudgingly, "Well in normal cases yes, but we would have to find the ticket, create the spell, and then hope all this happens before Willows soul has moved on..." her voice got a little bit softer as she continued. "And creating the spell is not easy, you have to have a basic understanding of the principles of the spell you are wanting to create for the ticket to assist in constructing the spell formula, and then imparting the specific mana needed to form the spell.... with your current knowledge, a revival spell would be impossible...." Lilu did not get disheartened by her words "But it would be possible?" Alice thought for a moment and replied "If all of those conditions are met, then yes it would be possible sis!" Lilu grinned visibly, "ok Alice, tell me what I need to learn to build the revival spell!" After a bit of time of Alice explaining the needed base magic elements, and skills, Lilu had decided there was still a lot of work to be needed, and she understood while Alice had said it would take a lot of time. The basic spells were many, some parts healing, some parts necromancy, some parts elemental magic, even soul magic was needed! Her skills would also need a lot of work, she learned she would need to be a Grand Master in all of her current skills, and even have to add some more to her list! As this would take some time, Lilu decided to select a couple of the base spells to use. She got a lesser healing spell called "lesser restore", a lesser necromancy spell called "undead pet", and a new elemental spell called "Fire Arrow". Alice explained to Lilu that while her system can help her instacast any spell, she would actually need to learn spell construction by forming the spells normally like any other caster. Lilu groaned at this but ended up putting 5 points and taking the skill to help speed up her progress. Lilu didnt take any higher level spells yet, as when she attempted to, she learned that each spell was actually part of a spell tree, and she had to have the basic spells and understand them before she could unlock the higher level spells. Even if her level and stats were high enough to use these spells, with out the basic understanding of them, she could not add them to her list. She did notice she had opened the next tier in her Magic Bullet tree, and saw a spell she really wanted to try out. "Energy Grenade" the description simply said "Creates a small energy grenade that can be thrown at targets".
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