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Finally after a while the Inquisitor came back and released them all. Lilu was tired, filthy, and still covered in willows blood. Luckily the Inquisitors were nice enough to give them a ride back to their Inn on a transport. A Brass Eagle Inquisitor told them as they got off "We have verified that you are all here for the academy, however as this is an open investigation, do not go anywhere, we may call you in for questioning. Your Ids have been blocked from ordering a trip outside of the city." and then the transport flew off after leaving them in front of the Inn. Lilu went up to her room, still acting like she was depressed and telling them to leave her be for a bit. In truth she wanted to devote all of her time into learning Casting the traditional way to improve herself. After reaching her room, she stripped out of the stained clothing and threw them in the waste bin. She stopped seeing the pile there and thought "They almost look black, maybe I should get some black clothing" before stepping into the bathroom and waving the shower on. She stayed in the shower for quite a while, letting her mourn her friend one last time, and then rinsing his life off of her. She had to do better, she had to be better, and even with Alice it was going to take a lot of hard work. Finally after having thoroughly cleaned herself of the dirt and blood and watching it run down the drain until the water was clear again, she waved the shower off and turned on the dry function. A warm gust came from above blowing all the remaining moisture from her body before she stepped free of the shower area. After taking some time on herself in the bathroom, she left and sat on the bed in her robe. She spoke with Alice at length, learning some things about the way her stats reacted, and which ones controlled what aspects of her abilities. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution were fairly simple, as they had direct correlations to her physical body. Intelligence and Wisdom were a little different. She learned Intelligence would not actually make her smarter, it would allow her to retain information better, more clearly, and recall the information quicker. Wisdom on the other hand went to her sixth sense more or less. The higher her wisdom, the more she would be in tune with her world and be able to sense things other people could not. Lilu had noticed that ever sense getting Alice, her perception of things had changed slightly, and then there was Pamela, who had now fully merged with Lilu, where there was not two conflicting consciousnesses but a single unified thought. Even her memories had fallen in line being able to recall experiences from both lives. With this thinking, and knowing that Intelligence and Wisdom both had effects on her spells, she decided to balance out the points in each, and then the remaining would be split between the other stats. When she was finished she checked her updated status panel. "Name: Liluminai Aurora Casteel Age: 17 Birthday: Jan 1 2033, Northern Continent, Westshore Hospital, 12:00am Status: Awake Experience points: 18,200 Health: 200 / 200 Soul Energy: 7222 Mana: 150 of 150 Class: Caster Race: Human Current Level: 5 Strength: 15 Dexterity: 15(17) Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 18(18) Charisma: 21 Available Stat Points: 0" After nodding to this information she went about chosing her new feat, as she wanted to be able to create more and more spells, she decided to chose something that would enhance her ability to create new options, and chose "Combine Spell". Its function was allowing it to combine two spells of equal grade and also combine their effects. Alice told her in her sweet voice "So take your energy bullet spell, if you combine that with your lightning claws spell, it creates stun bullets!", Lilu knew she would have to try that one soon, but put it for later. She also distributed her skills, this time while she chose her new skills and added to her existing skills, she felt a rush of information hit her brain. It was almost like having someone take the whole book on the subject, and forcibly cram it into your skull, but instead of dieing, the information somehow absorbed. Yes the pain was there, but manageable. "Current Skills: Alchemy: 10 Enchanting: 10 Mana Control: 10 Riding: 2 Writing: 10 Spell Construction: 10 Arcana Magica: 4 Scrying: 4 Available Skill Points: 0" She had taken the skill scrying to give her a little advance in controlling the spell paths she would have to draw, she also took the Arcana Magica, this was the root knowledge of all magic, it allowed her access to the encyclopedia of magic. While a normal person would have to spend years reading and researching books, she had spent half a moment to learn the knowledge up to someone who had studied for 4 years. When she opened her spell book, instead of being greeted with a simple list of spells, she was greeted with tabs and tabs of spell trees. She noticed that there were root spells in each tree, The main trunk displayed the type of Magic it was in, and then there were branches of spells. Most of the trees seem to have about 4 root spells, with three to four branches going up, each branch held a new type of spell. Most of the spells were grayed out, and their names were all that was displayed. Lilu noticed that one of the trees had some extra branches of magic on it, this tree was the Energy Tree. When she saw the names of the spells she grinned. Energy Barrage, Delayed Energy Rocket, and Energy Grenade. These spells were also highlighted for her. When she selected one just to see what kind of information she would get, her brain seemed to absorb some knowledge as the panel displayed the chant, and scry steps to form and fire the spell. She looked at the steps and then her eyes went wide seeing how many different positions she would have to take, in time with the chant! The moves of this spell were also quite complex, it almost looked like learning a dance! She quickly exited the panel and said to herself "Need to learn to walk before you can run...." and went back to the root spells. There was one spell, that came down below the other spells, and it had a very simple name "Light". When she clicked it it highlighted and instantly came into her mind. This one was very simple, She had to collect mana in her hands, scry a circle in the air in front of her ending it by placing her palm in the center and saying the activation word, which happened to be the name of the spell. Lilu closed all the panels and quickly set herself. She moved her hand in the air and drew a circle then placed her palm on it and said the word "Light"..... nothing happened. She recalled the information and went back over it in her mind one more time before realizing her flaw, she hadnt channeled any mana. Closing her eyes she focused on the pool of energy inside her body, reaching out to it with her mind. She remembered the feeling of tapping into this when she had used Alice to forcibly cast her spells before. Alice voice chimed in her head "would you like me to boot up the casting tool into your display?" Lilu stopped what she was doing and thought back "What does it do?" Alice giggled "It shows you the scry image in your display making it easier to copy dummy!". Lilu thought briefly, "why not check it out?" and then a small ghosted out image appeared before her. It had a ring with an arrow showing the direction and a number one on it, then it had a hand in the center in the shape of a palm print with a number 2 on it. When she saw this she quickly went back into tapping her mana, getting use to the feeling. She then directed it to her hand and followed the ghosted image in her mind. This time, when she started drawing the circle, glowing energy appeared in the air following the path of her hand. Her breath caught briefly watching the beauty in the raw power so elegantly transposing itself in the empty air in front of her. She continued till the ring was complete, and then placed her palm in the center and said the command word "Light". At this moment the whole ring of energy condensed down to the shape of a small sphere about the size of her palm right in the center of it. It gave off a warm glowing radiance lighting up the room. She kept her hand in front of the orb astonished. Unlike when she had used Alice to cast the other spells, having done it the supposed "natural" way, she felt really gratified, and amazed. She had created light from nothing but her pure will! Finally coming back to herself she moved her hand and began to inspect the light in front of her. She reached out and touched it, but felt really nothing. Her finger did not push into it, but actually moved it in the air. Seeing this she reached out and tried to grasp the light, and she could! It felt like warm nothingness in her hand. Next she tried to throw the light, it however only went a couple of feet before hovering in the air again. When Lilu went to grab it again, it flickered and dissipated. Lilu spent the next few hours practicing and playing with the light spell. In this time, she had learned that the wider the surface area of the circle she drew, the brighter and more radiant the light would be, and she also had learned she could control the size of the light by the size of her hand when she placed it in the center and activated the spell. By the end, she had hundred of tiny lights floating around the room, as she sat there and doodled them into the air with a finger one after the other. She was testing how long she could go and how many she could make before either running out of mana, or they began to fade away. She was passively trying to increase the speed of her scrying. She had also learned that instead of having to say the words out loud, she could think the activation word for these small lights about the size of a pen tip. After going for quite a while, she had forgotten to check her mana, she began to feel very woozy, and opened her status panel. Unlike the time when she used her last bit of mana to obliterate "Ryan" and was hopped up on adrenaline, this time she heavily felt the effects of mana deprivation. Before she had realized it, she had began to pass out, before she fell unconscious, she glanced at the clock. She smiled as she fell onto her bed. She had manage to cast this spell over 200 times in 30 minutes. Her mind drifting into slumber.
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