Not that good girl anymore

1655 Words
Lilu slowly and somberly walked back to her friends piled on the floor, and the body of willow still tied and strapped to the metal chair. Her gaze drifted down to find his head laying in a puddle, eyes wide open, tears having streamed down his face, and bruises covering it with a piece of duct tape still covering the lifeless heads mouth. Slowly and with soft steps she moves over to the 5 bodies. with a slight bend of her knees she crouches down and gently lifts the severed head. She pulls it into her lap, the dark red blood dripping from the disconnected neck and staining her clothes a deep crimson. Her arms cradle this part of her friend and she lets out painful tears of guilt and regret. "I wasnt fast enough, I wasnt strong enough" her thoughts going to dark places. "This is my fault! I should have killed him sooner, then none of this would have happened.... and you would still be alive...." she says cradling the head to her body and letting her tears fall. In the middle of her grieving she hears a groan echo off the walls and land on her ears. She looks to her friends still sprawled out near her and sees Macky starting to come to. Mackys dark strands fall in a mess over her face and she struggles to sit up. Her head has a splitting pain coming from the back of her skull and she grasps it with a groan before looking around. Her eyes stop as she sees Lilu crouched on the floor in a pool of blood, cradling what looks to be a severed head. Then she sees the body strapped to the chair and quickly realizes who the head belongs to. staggering to her hands and knees she crawls over to Lilu not wanting to believe what her eyes are telling her. "Is... is that.... Willow....?" she barely squeeks out. Lilu turns to her with her eyes swollen and red from the tears and can only nod. Macky crawls over through the large pool of blood and wraps her arms around Lilu's body hugging both her and and willows cradled head. They both wept together for a bit. Each of their friends one by one begins to come to, all with a similar reaction as Macky. After their group hug and the tears would no longer come, Thistle asks "What happened? and why does my body feel so gross...." as if she subconsciously could feel where the mans hands had been on her body. Lilu settled herself. She took a deep breath and began to tell them what had happened from her side. Tears started coming again when she explained what had happened to willow, and then what the now dust spot on the wall had done as well. When she was done and could finally compose herself she asked how they got captured. Macky explained that as soon as Lilu broke off, and they were starting to separate to perform their side of the plan, she felt a large impact to the back of her head and then everything went black. Next thing she knew, she was waking up here to this scene. Rose, Nadiri, and Thistle all said pretty much the same thing. They all consoled each other, and began to slowly get up, each looking at Willows body in the chair before turning away. Macky Decided they may as well call the authorities and have them come or else this could get a lot worse. It seems she had the most brains in the group. While waiting for the Inquisition , which is the term used for the local Police/Military force, Lilu seemed to be drifting into a dark place. She did not move, continuing to sit in the large puddle of crimson on the floor. Her small group seemed to meander before moving to the outside of the warehouse and sitting by the door. Only She was left inside, sitting in that large pool of blood. She still cradled the head of Willow in her lap. After a bit of time the Inquisitors arrived and roped off the area. What they brought at first was a simple Group of six, all Brass shields in white jackets. The Inquisition thought it was a prank, but sent a squad instead of a pair just to be safe. All six arrived in a Floating carrier transport which swooped in from the sky, decked out in white with red flashing lights at every corner of the box like shape. Their uniform was standard in white with red accents only. Only their shield was allowed to be displayed, and also the only sign of rank. They wore a standard white bomber jacket in white leather of some sort, with red trimmings. Each was also seemed to be given a matching pair of wide aviator sunglasses. Under the jacket there was a white Polo shirt, With White Jean like pants with White High Ankle boots with thick soles. If it wasnt for the different hair styles and shields, it would be hard to tell them all apart. In fact the reason they were allowed different hair styles was because of an internal issue that had resulted in one Inquisitor being charged with the crime of another because they indeed could not tell them apart in full uniform. The one of them who wore an Eagle on his Brass shield approached them first while the others spread out to make sure the area was secure. As soon as they saw the 4 women sitting against the stone wall, all of their clothing soaked in what seemed to be blood, their thought that this was a prank and they were going to scold a bunch of kids went right out the window. When they were serious they seemed to be very good at doing their jobs. Each Inquisitor circled the building and checked the surrounding area and then reported back all clear. With that, and after talking to Macky, who seemed to be the only one who could really process this whole situation, They entered the building leaving one of the plain shields to stand with them and radio for an ambulance. When they opened the door and entered the sight that greeted them was quite a wicked one. Right near the door there were two bodies riddled with holes, and then spread out around the inside of the empty warehouse were 40 other bodies all riddled with holes. The very back wall had a charred and black ringed hole in it about 6 feet across. In the very center of the room, sitting in a large pool of blood. There was a small blonde girl, seemed to be bathed in blood, it was on her arms, her face, even the original coloring of her clothing has changed to match the new stain. Only her blonde hair seemed to be unhindered from the mess with few spots having touched it. Behind her was a body, taped to a chair, missing its head, and then they noticed the thing she cradled like it was a loved one was said missing head. It had blue hair, and the eyes and mouth had been closed into as peaceful of a shape as could be made. Lilu sat up slowly, whispering to herself out loud "I need to be stronger, I can never let this happen again...." her blue pools seeming to have turned a little colder, a little closer to a deep icey blue. The man with the eagle on his shield approached her, "Miss, I am an Eagle Inquisitor, can you speak?" Lilu lifted her head and turned to look at him, however she only nodded. He moved a little closer to her and then asked her "Are you injured?" She looked over her body slowly and then back at him and shook her head. He seemed to relax a little, "Can you tell me who did all of this?" She softly smilled a little at him "I did... these bastards had it coming..." He stood up and seemed to nod at her as if his brain hasnt processed what she said. He even repeated out loud "You did this, ok Ma'am.." before it seemed like someone flipped the light switch on in his head. The hamster jumped back on its mental wheel, and the smoke rose from his ears before it hit him. He did a double take, looking at her , then at the m******e, Then at her, "you did this? there are 43 bodies here, and you arent even injured?" She grinned at him with ruby red lips "44 bodies" and then pointed at the burnt hole in the wall. He looked over to the hole, and really drank in what he was seeing before looking back at her "You did this? are you sure?" She smiled at him again, an odd calm having seem to come over her as she had recited those words to herself. "I am a Caster". letting the sound roll off of her tongue with a sultry tint to it, as if enjoying every syllable of the simple phrase as she says it for the first time. He stopped and steeled himself a little bit suddenly taking everything in a new light. He even tapped the side of his glasses and called into headquarters himself instead of delegating one of the other plain shields to handle the task for him. "This is Brass Eagle 114, We have a multiple homicide, Female Caster Involved, I need a meat wagon for 43 bodies, and reports for 44 bodies." A reply seemed to come from the edge of the frame of his shades "Are you sure you need 43 and 44, what happened to the last body?" He chuckled "I will need to sweep what is left of it up...."
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