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Lilu stopped as he pulled the knife and sneered at him. Her cherry red lips turned up in disgust. She thought to Alice "How many steps till I reach him? and how much time would that take?" Alice quickly replied "You have 15 steps till you reach him, maybe you should have started counting later? but at your current speed it would take you 46 seconds, if you sprint it would take you 20 seconds." Lilu followed up and asked "If I Max out my quicken spell will I make it in time?" Alice sighed and sadly replied. "You would still be short by about 5 seconds..." Lilu cursed in her head and then looked at her inventory remembering those scrolls of speed and asked "If I used one of the scrolls how long would it take?" Alice replied "If you used one scroll and you quicken it would reduce the time down to being short by 1 second, I am sorry sis but it only doubles your speed, and to go faster the amount of reduction greatly increases. You would need to double your speed again to just make it before he could harm her." Lilu quickly thought and had an idea "Can I use my feats on scroll spells?" Alice replied "Sis.... this.... might be possible as I dont see any restrictions on it, but I think it will cost you many more Soul Energy if you do it....." Lilu noted and asked "Will I have enough to pull it off?" Alice hmmmmmm'd for a moment before replying "I think it is possible sis, shall we give it a shot?" Lilu confirmed. Just like that and in an instant her Soul Energy was reduced greatly, The scroll appeared in front of her and then burned to ash as she felt a strange power quickly enter her body. Her muscles felt like they were stronger, coiled like springs ready to unleash themselves forward. Her perception seem to speed up. Everything looked like it was going in slow motion now except her. As soon as she felt this she darted, sprinting ahead. The dust fluttering off the ground as she left where she stood. Like a streak she zoomed in on the man in the wheelchair. His eyes went wide, he even started trying to move the knife towards Thistles neck. The closer to them Lilu got, she could see a small red drop of blood appearing where the tip of the knife was pressing against her neck. Her eyes went cold, maybe she wouldnt have killed him if he had instead tried to release her at the last minute. However, seeing that single red drop of blood in slow motion wiped any doubt in her mind that this man had to die. He was one of "Those" that was less than dust. Each step happened quickly as she neared. She stretched out her arm opening her hand wide. She did not stop in front of him. She extended her hand with the claw and used her palm to grab his neck continuing forward. The force generated from this speed yanked him right out of the wheel chair flipping it over backwards with Thistle being dumped unceremoniously on the ground. His hands were yanked away and the force of the impact made him lose the knife somewhere. His neck distorted from the force, and his limbs flailed in front of him as he was forced backwards at literally break neck speed. Lilu felt a twinge of pain in her hand and arm as it made contact but ignored it. With a loud yell that strained her vocal chords she snatched him and hurled him back like a freight train with her as the conductor. She stopped just before the wall and released him letting him crater into the concrete. The mortar and blocks themselves cracked with the force. This was accompanied with the painful sounds of bones shattering as he splatted against the wall like a fly on a windshield. Blood gushed from his mouth as his internal organs all seemed to dislodge themselves and twist inside his own body from the force. He choked as he tried to scream from the pain. She had not noticed, but when she snatched him out of the chair the red fluid in her pendant drained about a third. This is the only way she didn't damage her body performing something she couldn't really handle. She didn't stop when he slammed against the wall, she began to madly tear at him with those lightning claws. She screamed with each strike. "ASSHOLE!" "CREAP!" "TWISTED BASTARD!" "F*** YOU!!!!" Half way through this tears started streaming down her face. Her screams continued as she kept rending his body. "THIS IS FOR WILLOW!!" A claw tore at what was left of his pelvis separating his legs from the rest of his body. With each pass his own pained screams got softer until there was nothing but air leaving his body. "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME KILL YOU!!!!!" "I TRIED!!! BUT NOOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOO!!!!!!" "YOU HAD TO BE A PERSISTENT CREAP!!!!!" Each pass left a line of scorched deep wounds on his body. She kept slicing till the effects of the scroll wore off, his shredded and smoking remains were still stuck to the wall. She slowly walked away getting a few notifications from Alice. "Congrats sis, you have killed a future tyrant!" right in the middle of Alice speaking though Lilu coldy replied "Can you just condense it all down into a single message and stop having a ton of messages scroll across my vision?" Alice stopped for a moment, then answered in the affirmative "Sure can sis.. " and then a brief moment passed and a single panel with all of the rewards grouped together came up. "Congrats on completing the following! Killed a Future Tyrant Killed 42 Evil Men Saved 4 Damsels Completed 3 missions Rescue your friends Defeat the Tyrant First blood Rewards have been added as follows, items will appear in your inventory. Exp 14,200 Soul Energy 7200 1 Greater Spell Ticket 1 Soul Assist Upgrade 42 item tickets 4 lesser spell creation tickets 1 Weapon Crafting ticket 1 Manual of weapon crafting and enchanting You have leveled up x2 You are now level 5 All metrics increased. You have 8 stat points to distribute. You have 20 skill points to distribute You have gained one Feat You have gained 6 spell slots You have added the spell Exploding Energy Rocket You have added the spell Delayed Energy shotgun " Lilu smiled half heartedly at her winnings. Prizes that cost her the life of her friend, her brother, part of her family. It didnt seem like enough. She looked back at what was left of him and scowled before growling out "It isnt enough..." She pointed her hand at him while internally asking Alice as she didnt feel like opening the panels to check on anything she had gained "Do I have enough mana to cast the rocket?" Alice answered in a sad voice "Yes.... you will be left with 2 mana, and you will feel a bit woozy, but you can cast it..." it seemed her own mood reflected Lilu's in this moment. Lilu answered quickly and shortly after hearing that and targeting the b****y smoking splotch on the wall. "Do it" The rocket was created and shot forth. It landed easily on the unmoving corpse before exploding and scorching the wall. All of the remains were turned into ash and particles, Obliterating his remains into dust. When the explosion cleared it seemed a soft breeze took away the few remaining specs left on the wall, a huge black scorch mark and a hole in the wall was all that was left. Lilu nodded and then looked back at her friends laying on the floor speaking one phrase. "Dust to dust...."
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