let it go...

1761 Words
Lilu hit the floor hard. Her face was raised and she was forced to watch as the slimey man picked up Thistle into his greasy lap, and began to touch her body. She shouted at him "STOP RIGHT NOW!!!!!! NOO!!!!!" as she watched him begin to fondle her. She quickly thought to Alice "Is there anything I can do in this situation? Anything at all?". She tried to jerk her arms from the men holding her and almost manage to get free before their grip tightened like a vice. Alice whispered in her head "you should be able to still cast magic, but I dont think any of your current spells will free you, but sis, you could always throw a spell at the evil man in that wheel chair..." Lilu's eyes showed an sinister glint at that moment. In her mind she quickly willed the following to happen. She targeted the man in the wheelchairs face, and prepared a magic bullet with all of her feats attached to it. However she didnt want multiples of shots, she wanted them all to form one giant missile, and waste this disgusting vermin. In the air in front of her, energy surged forth, many particles forming, and then joining together. Lilu didnt know it, but the only reason this was possible was because of her greater than average mana manipulation. Just as soon as the giant missile was formed, it launched itself at the man, targeting his face. All of this took place in just 3 seconds of time. The missile launched, rocketing forward as the man in the wheelchairs face seemed to change from glee to pure shocked horror. Right as the missile was about to land, a lightning coated blade swept out and slapped it to the side. The missile changed course and hit one of the random flunkies surrounding them. On impact, it detonated releasing all the energy it had used. The man was turned into a storm of b****y chunks getting splattered around the room. The reason her feat improved spells were so powerful was because of their cost of Soul Energy. The energy was directly translated to the spell when used. Even the spells she creates from these that get added to her spell list would still not hold as much power as the original. They were not embedded with Soul Energy. The greasy p*****t coughed as he would have peed himself if he still had physical control of his bladder. Decon had deflected the giant missile, using pure strength and his blade imbued with magic. His deep voice range out "Well I wasnt expecting that, it looked like a first stage spell, but one much stronger than normal." he also added in his head "and she didnt chant of scry the spell at all! This punk said she was a beginner!" cursing the client in the wheelchair next to him. He looked over at the guy in the wheelchair and grumbled out "I want me money now, send it to my account or I am walking. You violated the terms of our contract by saying she is a beginner, but she did not chant or motion that spell" he then looked over at Lilu and then looked back at the man. All this while Lilu is trying to think of something. Her whole family is laying there, "and willow was.... willow.... was... he killed him...Alice, is there any way I can see how strong he is?" after a short pause Alice responded "Dummy you have the scan function! Here I will turn it on for you". Suddenly Indicators popped up over every persons head. Some white, some blue, and one big red indicator over Decon. Just as she was about to ask Alice a question about how to see more info, a panel opened on Decon. All it said was the following. "Level: ??????? DANGER!" She cursed and then looked at the creep in the wheelchair. "Name: Ryan Derrick Theodore Richards the 114th Age: 25 Health: 10 / 20 Class: Aristocrat Race: Human Current Level: 1 Strength: 12 Dexterity: 4(10) Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 8 Charisma: 12 " Lilu smirked at his name, "even that was pompous and slimey!" she thought "who names their child Ryan? or Theodore? Or Derrick? and he had them all! and the 114th? wow he was way down the line!" Then she looked up at the man on her right and scanned him " Name: John Michael Dickerson Health: 30 Class: Mercenary Race: Human Current Level: 3 " "Gah another poor name" she wailed in her mind, and then looked at the guy on her left. " Name: Ricky Smithe Health: 30 Class: Mercenary Race: Human Current Level: 3 " "This one is pretty plain." she thought before she asked Alice "What is the reason between the difference in the amount of information between them?". Alice replied in her sweet sisterly voice "Well the higher the level you are over them, the more information you can see! the closer to your level, the less information you can see! If they are too far past your level, then they will Show like Tall Dark and Bulky over there!" Taking this information in, she quickly scanned the rest of the men and tried to come up with a plan. She asked Alice how much damage a singular magic bullet does, and them about the multiplied magic bullet, and the enhanced magic bullet. After figuring out some numbers she decided to test her plan. Looking back at the slimeball in the chair putting his dirty filthy hands all over Thistle made her blood boil. She quickly formed another barrage of magic bullets moving them into the shape of the missile. Launching it at the creep in the chair again. Decon sighed and waited for the missile to get close enough before swinging his knife again thinking "Man the same thing again? she must be fairly dense hmm? I pitty this fool" but was shocked in the next moment. Right before his blade hit the missile, it broke apart into hundreds of tiny bullets, each one shooting off towards the guards and the men, two even shot back at the ones holding her arms. All of the men were completely taken by surprise, and the bullets landed all over their bodies. A few of them even grabbed their crotch falling to the ground instantly. What Lilu had done was use her feats again, but only the multiply and maximize, not using the enlarge. Then manipulating her mana control, she condensed the spell into the shape of the energy rocket and launched it at the man again. However she had targeted each of the guards when she scanned them all, making sure to target a few of their parts for good measure and forced the rocket to separate back into the individual bullets instead of detonating. Each one shot towards their target. Some of the lower powered men were killed instantly with the bullet going straight through their skull, the stronger ones were dropped to the floor along with a couple of holes in their chest and pants. The two holding her arms werent so lucky. Wanting to make sure she would get free, she hit them with 10 bullets each, exploding their heads in a gory mess. Their lifeless corpses slumped to the ground. Lilu yanked her arms free of the tightening grasp of the bodies as they fell freeing herself and then standing up. She stared Decon in the face. She knew she couldnt beat him, as she had shot 10 bullets his way at close range from the separating rocket, but he had manage to dodge or deflect all of them with ease. Then she looked at "Ryan", snarling her pretty little face at him "You better let her go right now, or I am gonna really get mad. And dont think you are leaving here alive...." Then she looked back at Decon and continued "And you, you killed Willow, I know it was under his orders, but you held the blade, you didnt even let him speak any last words.... You are gonna die as well....." though in her mind she had no idea how she was going to make this possible. She had to keep up the front as he seemed a little worried by her not chanting or scrying the spells. She knew this was an innate Ability Alice had given her with her Soul Assist, but she was betting on him not knowing that, and not being able to scan her like she scanned him. To give her words a little more punch, she spent a bit more mana and activated the Lighting Claws spell, having it Enlarged for effect. She did note she was getting a bit low on mana, and had enough to make armor if she needed to defend, and maybe cast a couple more spells after that. Suddenly White hot electricity arced off her fingers. As if hitting an imaginary barrier a foot in front of her fingers, the force gathered, and then arced back to her hand. The arcs of power also sent of little bolts of energy that also seemed to hit an invisible barrier, collect, and arc back. This continued until 5 foot long razor sharp half inch thick claws of pure Lightning surrounded all of her 10 fingers. The energy it emitted caused lightning to start to leak out of the claws and arc off her hands, arms, and body. Her hair begin to float slightly. She glared at Decon and then "Ryan" back and forth. She then barked out at them "I will give you to the count of 10 to put Thistle down and then you die, Make peace with what ever god you believe in..." Decon looked back at the wheelchair bound Ryan and said "ok Fool, forget the money, this is all you" and then in a flash of white light he was gone blade and all. Her bluff had worked. While Lilu wanted to get him for killing willow, and swore when she was stronger she would track him down and make him pay, she was glad he was gone. She turned to "Ryan" and started walking towards him counting her steps. "1" ... step. "2" ... step. "3" ... step. "4" ... step. and on. When she reached 7, instead of Dropping Thistles unconscious body, he pulled out a knife and held it to her throat shouting "STAY BACK OR I WILL KILL THIS B*****!!!!!"
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