Just a touch of Black...

1804 Words
The small team of friends had made their way towards the destination. They took a ride share from their inn. The black sedan hummed as it left them just outside the warehouse district. One their way in, they rehashed the basic plan of theirs. Thistle was the only one who brought up a small hitch in the plan. "What happens if something goes wrong? what do we do?" Lilu had more or less become the brains of this outfit. Oh they were in for a fun ride! Nadiri stopped them at a corner, and then climbed up a fire escape to the roof of one of the buildings. The speed at which she did this imparts a certain feeling of awe. Her body seems to bend and move with such precision that she seemed to climb better than most people could walk. Making her way to the top of the building she lept to the rail, jumped up and kicked off the wall before sliding nimbly over the edge of the roof. Her dark clothing seemed to blend perfectly with the shadows with only a brief moment of her head peeking up every so often to be seen. Macky had worn her cell on her wrist, and unrolled it as she got the notification of a message from Nadiri. "There are over 20 people on the roofs, I cant move any closer and barely didnt get spotted getting up here. It will take me quite a while to take care of them, and I am sure they will notice when they start disappearing." ending her message with an angry face and then a frowning face emoji. Macky turned and glared daggers at Lilu.  You could almost hear her cursing her in her head. Lilu looked down before saying "I guess we should just keep going?" Rose looked forward and decided to be the first to work her way forward. Waiting from a message from Nadiri, she quickly advanced. Then Thistle, Then Macky. Finally it was Lilus turn, as she goes to take a step forward a rat runs right under her foot. She steps down hard feeling something distend like a baloon and then pop. With the sound of a pop and c***k also comes the feeling of warm wetness splashing onto her foot and legs. Her blue pools glance down to see the smashed rat under she shoe, and its dark blood and entrails splattered on the ground and her leg. Her face pales a little as she sees this and quickly steels herself so she doesnt let out a loud girly scream. She lifts her foot and bits of smashed rat stick to the sole. This causes her to miss her moment by just a few seconds and then she scuttles over quickly with a look of disgust on her slightly tan face. ------------ On the roof of a building, one of the towering men notice something move down on the street as he turns to keep on eye out. He radios in to the main room "She is here, just saw her sneaking by an alley near the main road." The vile man in the wheelchair pushes his hands together and rubs them in a greedy manner. "Excellent" and turns over to the tall and dark man with the well groomed facial hair "Are you ready Decon?" Decon grins widely "She wont even know what happened until she is all yours to play with". while saying this he pulls out a long serrated edge blade from a sheath on his hip. The blade then glows a soft blue and crackles with electricity. Willow, still strapped to the chair eyes widened in shock. Sweat began to pour down the boys face. Willow knew this man was was a battle caster, able to imbue his weapons with magic. And apparently an adept one as he didnt even have to chant or scry the spell in the air with his hands. In this world, most casters had to chant or scry, or both to activate their spells. As they harmonized with their magic, some would learn to be able to do some of these tasks mentally, with only adept ones being able to activate spells completely internally. This is another reason no one had believed Lilu when she said it was her first time casting magic back then. As she didnt scry or chant her spell at all, something that took years and years of dedicated practice or a genius in casting. ----------------- Not knowing they had been discovered, Lilu and her friends gradually crept closer to the particular warehouse Lilu was supposed to enter. When they got close enough, Lilu had told them to get to their positions and she would go in.  Little did they know they had been spotted when Lilu had crushed the rat under her foot, and their sneaking journey had been relayed to the slimey man with each movement as if a radio play. Lilu left her friends as she adjusted herself and then proudly began to walk towards the door of the warehouse. Two burley men stood guard at the door, both turning to stare at her as she walked up. When she got closer one of the men pulled out his phone screen, looked at a picture on the screen, and then the girl. He touched an earpiece and spoke "Shes here". He waited a moment before turning and opening the door. "They are waiting for you inside" waiting for her to enter first. Lilu sighed and prepared herself to enter, in her mind Alice chirped in "Something seems off, be on guard". Lilu thought this whole situation was off, starting with this man having kidnapped her friend. She walked with light, careful steps through the door and the two men followed behind her slamming the door with a loud BANG that shook the wall. Jumping, she stopped just inside the door and the two men bumped into her knocking her forward. The scene that greeted her long lashed eyes was one that made her breath catch in her throat. In the center of the large empty space was Willow, tied and taped to a metal folding chair. Tears and sweat were dripping down his face with a large piece of tape covering his mouth. His eyes were ablaze with worry and fright. His face was bruised, clothes were torn in spots, and it looked like they had taken their time and beat him. On one side of the chair was the slimey man in the wheelchair with his rattish features. On the other side was a tall, dark skinned man with a heavily tended bit of black facial hair. In his hand was a long serrated edged blade, which was pointed at willow. Neither of them said a word but the tall dark man motioned with his arm. Around them, spaced very wide apart, was another 40 or so built men. Off to the side 4 of them walked forward. Each was carrying a bound and gagged person. As they walked to the center, they each dumped their load in front of the two others and the bound boy in the chair. Lilu watched in horror, they had caught all of her friends, and were laying them in front of her. At this moment the Slimeball spoke up "I see you didnt listen, and brought some back up, if you had been a bit more careful, we may have not spotted you. BUT YOU DIDNT LISTEN YOU B*****!!!! now suffer the consequences. " he then turned and nodded at Decon. Decons hand moved quickly and without any delay, the long blade sinking quickly into Willows neck. Willows Eyes opened wide and then went lifeless. He then yanked the blade out, the serrated edges ripping free and in one motion the blue haired boys head separated from its body and fell to the ground next to her pile of friends. Lilu screamed "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" and before she could do anything her brother was dead, his head laying in a pool of rich red blood while his body sprayed the red life force into the air like a geyser. Tears brimmed her eyes and she gritted her teeth. Her friends were all unconscious so they wouldnt have seen what had just happened. Her fists clenched tight small drops of blood forming as her nails pierced her own palms. Her face contorted and her eyes seethed with rage. She quickly had an internal conversation with Alice. "Is there anything that can be done to save Willow?" Alice's voice was solemn "No, he is dead, we can not revive the dead at our current level...". Lilu responded "But we can revive the dead eventually?". If Alice had a face, she would have pursed her lips "while the answer to this question is yes, I must sadly inform you that by the time you reach that level, and if you have the qualifications to use the spell, Willows soul will have already moved on, and all you would do is animate a souless corpse....." Lilu cursed in her mind, this whole conversation happening in the blink of an eye. Lilu began to get biligerent, "What did he do to you? why would you kill him? What kind of sick monster are you? GIVE HIM BACK!!!! GIVE HIM BACK NOW!!!!!!!!" Decon whistled before saying in his deep voice "wow, she is a spitfire, and I have no personal grudge against you, but this man paid me handsomely to follow his orders." and pointed at the snake in the wheelchair. The slimey grease ball in the wheelchair also scoffed "I told you to come alone, but you are a loud mouthed, pretencious w***e! of course I had to kill your friend, he was there when you kicked the man out of me, so I will make you SUFFER!" his inflection stressing on the words w***e and suffer. At this moment, the memory of Pamela's final moments before being reincarnated came to her mind. These were the same kind of words those men used as they violated and beat her. A dark fire raged in her heart at this. Her blue eyes shown to be boiling behind her tears. The greasy deviant in the chair scoffed again "I am not done yet, I am going to t*****e all of your friends in front of you, I am going to let me men have their way with each of them, and then after we are finished, we will skin them alive and make you watch as they die in agony! You done F***ed with the wrong man!" and at this the men behind her grabbed her arms and kicked the back of her knees making her fall to the floor. Her anger seething even brighter.
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