Mind over Body

1649 Words
The next day around mid afternoon, Lilu finally came to. Her night had been filled with what she thought were dreams of a different world, where people lived similarly, but without the main classes or magic. However she quickly learned from Pamela while describing the "dream" that it was actually a memory. To start her day, she rolled out of bed and put her feet on the cold tile floor. She stumbled into the bathroom, feeling her way along the wall. "Where's the damn light?" Pamela thought. Lilu turned on the light but was careful to keep it dim, letting her eyes adjust. She showered with her eyes half closed, dissecting the memory. "Why?" Pamela thought. "What's the point?" Lilu got out of the shower and dried her body, first her arms, then her face and stomach, followed by her legs. "Clothes," Pamela thought, "we need to get dressed." Lilu walked to her dresser and opened her drawers in a routine-like way. She dressed herself and then hesitantly walked over to her full-length mirror. She was wearing a blue blouse with bell sleeves and a tie around her waist. Her jeans were ripped and fit every curve. She tied the laces of her high topped sneakers as she said with a sigh, "let's do this." Her hair had been brushed and pulled back into a tight bun on the top of her head. She didn't use much makeup, and Pamela appreciated her natural approach to beauty. "A little blush never hurt anyone though," Pamela said as Lilu lightly brushed her cheek bones. Just a few strokes of dark mascara, and then brown shading in to fill out her naturally thinned brows. Right before she walked out the door, she caught a glance of herself in the mirror. "Eh..." Lilu said, unsatisfied with her finished project. "Your lips, maybe just a little color." Pamela suggested. Lilu picked up the silver tube that was at the bottom of her bag. She looked in the mirror, "really?" She asked. "Just trust me," Pamela said in a patient tone. And with that Lilu applied the dusty rose colored lipstick careful not to leave uneven blotches. Lilu rubbed her top and bottom lips together as she watched herself in the mirror. "Okay," Lilu said, "I'm trusting you." She walks out of her room at the Inn Closing the heavy black marble like wood door and heads to the sunny street below. Picking a direction at random she begins her adventure for the day. Lilu thinks to the group that she wants some good food. Pamela thinks they don't really have time for that, but then feels her stomach rumble when a pleasing aroma hits her nose. She says "mmmmmm what is that" and begins to follow her nose to the source. About a block away on the unshaded sidewalk a small open food stand was setup. It had a small roped off area with tables set about inside the cordon. A motherly looking hostess was standing at the entrance holding a menu. When Lilu approached, the brown haired woman smiles and asked "How many please?". Lilu almost said three before quickly answering in a soft tone "Just one!" and then followed the hostess to a table close to the kitchen. A couple of waitresses stood at the counter to the small building that was the kitchen. Each one would be considered pretty by Lilu's standards. Each was grasping a plate or two and ushering them out to the other patrons. She twitched her nose as the delicious smells wafted against her as each of the girls walked by with their food. And after a moment noticed most of the plates had the same thing on it, what looked to be a large type of steak, two eggs, and a mound of deeply cooked stringy potatos. Her mouth salivated with just the thought. When her waitress reached her table only a few moments after she was seated Lilu asked "What is that?" and pointed at one of the plates she had just thought of that walked by. The cute waitress with a petite stature, bright red hair, and dark tanned skin smiled as if knowing "That is the special". Lilu turned to her with a very serious expression Pamela thinking "what is that look?" and said "I must have it". The waitress nodded and asked "How would you like it cooked?". This was actually a matter of debate for her, Pamela preferred lesser cooked steaks in the medium rare area, while Lilu like her food cooked. A brief internal banter ensued with Pamela calling Lilu an uncivilized heathen at which point they agreed. "Medium please, and can I get the eggs scrambled?". The demure waitress nodded "Sure can, anything to drink?". She answered with "Ice water please, and some lemon". Lilu tended to live a little luxuriously with her inheritance in trust. If it wasn't for the fact that it was metered out to her every month, she would probably have spent it all by now. Pamela on the other hand had to live by herself in the city. This meant pinching every cent. She was also grooming herself to become a CEO of her own company eventually, so she was quite thrifty with money. It seemed while Lilu still had her habits, some of Pamela's habits were also starting to show through. Such as ordering the water with lemon instead of a soda or tea. It was not like Lilu was against this also, as the things that seem to show were traits she could agree with, especially when it came to money. She had many times gotten to the last couple of weeks of the month having blown through her stipend. This was something she really wanted to change. She usually ended up mooching off of her friends at that point. Not that they could refuse, she could be childish at times, especially when she wanted something. This very much came through when she was hungry. Pamela was similar in the fact that she could get very serious about some food. It seems both of them would kill over moose tract ice cream. It wasnt as if Lilu would demand it, but those big blue eyes tearing up when something she wanted passed by and she couldnt have it was enough to make all of them melt. And as they had all spent several years together, they considered each other family. Lilu was also the first to offer help if any of them needed anything. This is also one of the reasons she would end up broke towards the end of the month. She had a hard time refusing her friends. The waitress deftly deposited a glass of ice water, a bowl of fresh cut lemons, and even a container of sweetener packets on the table in one move while delivering another plate to a table on the other side of the dining cordon. While walking past a certain table, a middle aged man who seemed to have one or five too many drinks reached out and slapped her behind as she passed. A combined thought went through Lilu and Pamela witnessing that, "I cant believe she has to put up with that", followed by Lilu saying to herself "She doesnt have to put up with that!". The waitress grimaced as she felt that but took it in stride as she walked passed and dropped off the food. On her return trip to the kitchen the man hiccuped and reached out to grasp her hand "He...Hey Misssy, Wannn....Whaat ti....ti....ttiimmmmeeee do you ge....get off?" he said with a drunken slur. Before the waitress could respond and pull her hand away Lilu was up on her feet. Her face contorted in anger while Pamela echo'd in her head "What are you doing?!!?". Lilu Blurted out loudly "Get. Your. HANDS. OFF. OF. HER!" and stepped over towards the other table. Pamela started raging in her skull "Yes!!! Lets do this! teach that p*****t a lesson!" Lilu quickly stepped over to the table and swatted the mans hand off of the waitress. "What makes you think you can just grab any woman on the street HUNH?!" she berated the drunken man who stood there shocked as this golden haired girl ripped into him with her words. After a moment in his drunken stupor he stood up and began to raise his voice "WHO ARE YOU, YOU ... YOU.... You..." He stutters for a second as the word leaves him. Lilu scowls at him "Don't you say it...." her  right arm tensing as she has a feeling what he is about to say. Then he continues "YOU b***h!". As soon as the words leave his mouth, Lilu's hand leaves her side to the cheers of Pamela's voice in her head. As he finishes the last sylable, Lilus dainty hand with its fingers splayed wide makes contact with his cheek. While it may seem like she is just a dainty demure blonde girl, Alice had improved her a ton. Her hand crashes into his face. His head quickly rocks to the side his lips flying open like a slobbery dog, if the dogs slobber had a mix of teeth and red in it. and he fell face first onto the table after his head recoiled from the shock. Pamela's voice in her head says "1 hit K.O.!". After the brief scene, she had walked back over to her table and sat back down like nothing had happened. A few of the people in the area, and some outside the area clapped for her. After a bit that settled down and everyone went back to their business while an officer came up and took the man away for drunken disorderly. The applause was not the only thing that Lilu heard, Alice voice also rang in her head "OoooOO Mission Complete!"
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