Baby you're a Firework!

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Lilu's plan was actually quite simple. She would go in alone and draw their attention while the rest came in the side entrance and get to the help desk to have their belongings all moved to a new hotel. Once they were done one of them would give her the signal and she was supposed to find a way to get away from the lot. The part her friends needed convincing on was how she would delay them long enough for them to get in and get their belongings moved, and also get away from them. She had to repeatedly tell them she was stronger than she looked and knew a way to get away from any man. Finally they had agreed and they all moved into their positions. Lilu waited at the front door off to the side while one of them stood at the corner. When Macky saw everyone but herself waiting next to the side entrance she gave Lilu the go ahead sign. Lilu started walking towards the main entrance. Inside all the of the men perked up. The creepy slime ball instantly started shouting at them and pointing at her from his position still seated in the wheelchair. It amazed Lilu and the rest about his tenacity to literally wait the entire day in this lobby for her to return. This however was the only trait of his she admired. The rest were pure toilet swill. This made what she planned to do next give her goosebumps and almost shake with anticipation at what might happen. When she opened the door she purposefully walked straight into the center of the lobby and whistled loudly with her fingers in her mouth. This was quite unbecoming of a lady but she didn't really care at this moment. Once she was sure she had everyones attention, she slowly looked at every single one of them. A small smile forming on her goddess like face. her bright eyes fluttered as she cleared her throat "Any man who wishes to remain as such should please leave, If not I am prepared to defend myself and I cant promise you wont regret it." All of those massive brutes looked at each other in time and then finally the whole lobby blurted out in roarous laughter. She had wanted to wait for the laughter to stop to give them a second chance, but the slimey toilet scum in the wheelchair shrieked out not amused at all "GET HER!!!!!" All 20 men cut their laughter in an instant and then began to advance on the small blonde in the center. Slowly they spread out forming a complete ring around her. Lilu waited for this moment to enact her secret part of her plan. After a brief conversation with Alice and Pamela earlier, she had come to the conclusion that the target ability of her Soul Assist would also allow her to target specific parts of a human body with a very low margin of error if the targets were close enough and the visibility on the desired spot was unobstructed. This being her first time using magic, Lilu didnt really know what would happen. Alice had reassured her that because of her assist she wouldnt need to do any singing, chanting, arm flailing or writing in the air. All she would need to do was think what she wanted, and fire. She had also asked Alice regarding the Magic Bullet spell, and found out the spell would produce a number of bullets equal to her power. She had also learned that if she combined all of her Feats together and spent only 300 Soul Energy which she now had in abundance, she could deal maximum damage. Lilu still had the mindset of a young woman being assaulted by a group of men, and without knowing the level of power she held she didnt want to leave anything to chance. She opened her eyes and focused. All three feats activated at once as well as the Spell.  Marble sized balls of pure energy formed in the air. Each of them then grew brighter and turned a bright white radiance while forming from Balls into conical cone tipped projectiles. They each then split forming even more bullets, and then went from about the size of a pellet rifle to the size of a .50 cal handgun bullet. Before she could change her mind seeing the result of her full power come to light, The split second this occurred ended and all of the bullets exploded outwards at their targets. The men stood frozen in place. Expecting this rain of bullets to riddle them like swiss cheese. However, Lucky for them These bullets actually had low damage power each. Unlucky for them is the target Lilu had set for these bullets. When she was looking through the crowd as they surrounded her, she was targeting a certain spot that was almost a guaranteed weak point on every man. In a flash all those bullets rained on the shrieking and screaming Muscle bound grown men. Every single one of them was hit with no less than 5 Bullets, right into their family jewels. All the men fell to the floor their mouths drooling and filled with foam aside from the slimey waste of air in the wheelchair. He simply stood there pale faced. Even his hair had turned white from fright at what he just witnessed. Mr Slimey toilet scum in the wheel chair sat there staring. The clerks behind the help desk stood there with their mouths hanging open. Lilus friends all stood frozen with slack jaws. Everyone in the lobby was frozen and staring. No one made a noise. The quiet was so still even the sound of a soft breeze was apparent. Lilu stood there with a deep red face in embarrassment. She had wanted to stop them, maybe hurt them a little. But she did not expect THAT to happen. Pamela's voice in her head was elated but also with awe, also not having expected that result. Softly she spoke "oh my, I am soo sorry, I did warn you, This was my first time using magic...." Off to the side in the corner of the lobby, sat a man holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a news paper in the other. He seemed to be the only one not awestruck by the commotion and magic he had just seen. He was just taking a sip of his hot drink when he heard those words. He audibly coughed spraying the tan colored brew into the air in front of him. When he regained his composure his face turned and he looked at who had just said those words. His eyes drank her in, medium height, not too skinny, well proportioned, golden smooth hair tied behind her head in a ponytail, casual clothing, and pert rose petal like lips. He then looked at all the men laying on the floor. He examined their injuries in an instant and then looked back to the girl. He made a note to check into that one before going back to his newspaper. Lilu quickly left the ring of downed men leaving the slimey worm to his wheelchair. She took a mental note having used a third of her mana with that spell combo. Quickly skipping over to her friends and stopping just in front of them. All of their faces still frozen in shock, except for willow. His eyes seemed to shine brightly in adoration, and was also the first to speak "Sense when can you use magic?!?!" Lilu felt like playing with her friend a little, and answered quickly "about that long ago..." trailing off and pointing over to the ring of pain she had left. Willow turned and looked, the rest of her friends only moving their eyes in the same pattern. When he turned back he just stood there dumbfounded and could only mutter one word "HOW?!". After a bit they all regained their senses and finished the task at hand. All of their belongings were moved to their new location a little closer to the Academy. Even though it had been quite an eventful birthday, all the excitement was still ripe in her mind, or maybe that was the adrenaline. Either way Lilu was not the least bit tired, nor were her friends. They chatted back and forth about what had just happened. Most of this was them asking her questions, and Lilu answering. Occasionally Pamela's voice would come out in her head with a bit of help on her story. In the end, she had told them she felt something different that morning, and by the end of the day had guessed what it was, and gave it a try. Simple answers were the best answers, especially when they were all true. She left out all the bits about her Soul Assist named Alice, Or the other life that had merged with her own resulting in a whole other set of memories and personality in her head. They had finally settled down right before dawn. Each of them slowly giving in to exhaustion and falling asleep. Finally the last one left awake was Lilu, and she used this moment check out the messages that Alice's sweet voice had mentioned earlier after she downed all those men. A new spell had been added to her spell list, "Energy Barrage: Multiple Energy Projectiles form and fire in any direction the caster wishes." Lilu was giddy with this news and Pamela also was left speechless. The next message panel showed the experience she had gained. Leaving her just a hairs breath from the next level. The final message was a bit odd, even to Alice, it read: "New Mission Unlocked: ???????????????????????? You can not view these mission parameters yet" She conversed in her head between the three of them. Alice was limited and not able to answer many questions. A few times Lilu and Pamela had thought the same question, but it only came as a single request. In the end the only thing they were able to figure out is they hadn't reached a point either by level, strength, or time, that she would be able to view the mission and its details. With this thought Lilu flopped down on her bed and fell asleep.
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