
1700 Words
Lilu finished her lunch, and when she tried to pay for her meal the waitress refused, pointing over to the kitchen. I tall black haired man in a chefs apron nodded his thanks towards her. Despite this she still wanted to pay for her meal, so taking out a 20 she left it on the table before leaving. While walking out of the open diner she used this moment to go over the notification Alice had given her. "Mission Success! You have defended an Innocent." Pamela thought "We didn't accept any extra missions, did we?" Lilu responding quietly "No I dont think so..." Alice then answered them both "Ok big sis, So from what I can see it looks like this is a mission that is more or less always in play. if you save people you get rewarded." and at that she displayed the reward panel and accepted them with a unified thought from Lilu and Pamela. "Congrats on completing the mission. You Defended an innocent. You have been awarded 500 soul energy" "Hunh" Pamela thought quizzically seeing a different reward from the last time they had seen this mystery mission get completed. Lilu on the other hand was happy to get back the energy she had spent yesterday plus a little extra. Pamela brought this up with Lilu anyways, and Alice seemed to chime in "Sis, I dont think there is a set reward for any given mission, and it is all based on the act itself. Larger the act, Larger the reward." She had thought about it for a bit, but still came back to a interesting idea. If soul energy was this easy to get, she might be a little more liberal with her feats. Pamela then reminded her that the store uses soul energy to purchase items. They both thought as a single She then, that they had not even checked out the store! Both of them enjoyed a good shopping spree, and as they had just seen that gaining more wouldn't be extremely difficult, they decided to check it out. If anyone happened to be walking next to the stylish little blonde, they might here her occasionally giggle, or seem to talk to herself in a soft voice. Most seem to dismiss it as having a little too much going on upstairs, or too little.  One set of eyes seemed to follow her down the street, perched behind a newspaper on an opposing corner. He placed a little more thought into what he was seeing thinking "Who is she talking to?" Alice brought up the store panel in front of them. It was broken down into four main categories. Weapons, Accessories, Armor, and Items. The Weapons tab flashed open as they thought in unison about it. Lilu stopped mid step and gasped, which was echoed in her skull by Pamela. These were so damn expensive! After scrolling through a bit and realizing the cheapest item was way outside of her budget, she moved on to the Armor tab. They blanched in unison again, Lilu almost tripping mid step from shock. The armor was equally expensive! Both of them were quickly thinking this shopping spree was going to turn into a quick window shopping experience. The accessories tab then opened. they sighed in unison, seeing that while these also had some pricey items, there were some that weren't too expensive. Lilu sifted through some choices, while Pamela made some comments. Not surprisingly, it seemed Lilu and Pamela had very similar tastes in style. After a while of walking and sifting, they had narrowed it down to five choices. There were two different styles of hair clip, a set of earrings, a ring, and a belly band. They went back and forth over the attributes of the items. Lilu had to be reminded by Alice that no one would be able to visibly see these items on her, unless they miraculously had a system just like her. Even so, Lilu and Pamela agreed that if something ever did let these items be seen, they wanted some semblance of style and coordination. With this thought in mind they dismissed some of the options for being way to gaudy. This left one of the hair clips, a soft silver looking beret with a deep red rose on it, and the earrings, which seem to be a set of pearls set in a small frame of gold that fastened straight to the lobe. Their consciousness seemed to work in unison as the final selection came up. Not even talking simply pulling open one items stats, then the other, then comparing them side by side. With a unified thought, they bought the hair clip. The reason they only purchased one item, instead of both, is to make sure they didnt overspend their Soul Energy. After witnessing the prices in the weapons and armor section, she knew it would take a lot of saving, and a whole lot of work. The clip had an interesting effect to it, it increased mana regeneration. This would allow her to cast more spells and recover quicker. When she had thought about it, she didnt need more power, she could already overwhelm opponents with a simple spell. She didnt need to add any physical attributes as it seemed she was pretty strong compared to normal people, and anything that did much more than either of those two items were out of her budget. The reason the earing's had made it to the final selection was because they were cute, and would give her a bonus to her charisma. In the end she had decided on utility more than being purely stylish. Paying for the hair clip, a message popped up "item purchased, transferred to inventory". Alice asked her if she wanted to put it on, and she agreed. The item appeared in her hand, and she pinned back the left side of her bangs near her ear with it. This simple action lead her to an astounding realization. While these items couldn't be seen, as she wore them they could interact with at least her own body. This knowledge she stored for later. She looked up for a moment and realized she had actually walked quite a way from her Inn, at least she had continued to walk in a single direction. Pausing for a brief moment to check out her reflection in one of the store windows. She smiled and then continued on her trek. While she continued to walk, her mind went back to the task at hand, and Alice opened the Items panel. Inside were a lot of utility items, and most seemed to be reasonably priced. From simple items like health and mana potions, to complex items like spell scrolls. Alice chimed in at that point "Typically these items can only effect you sis, but since you upgraded me...Now items from me can interact with your surroundings. People still cant see them, but they will feel them if they contact them. Oh Oh OH! the best part? You can use potions and scrolls on others!" With this thought in mind, she proceeded to buy a few health potions, some mana potions, 2 scrolls of speed, and 1 scroll of teleport. She had decided that having a couple of "just in case" items would never hurt. One of the stipulations for the teleport scroll was that the destination had to be set for the scroll before it could be used, and the scroll had to physically be at the location when it was set. While this was a big issue if she had planned on just buying them as she needed them, she figured she would set this one to her room at the Inn when she returned home. She thanked herself for purchasing this one and learning this fact before trying to buy one in a hurry in a bad situation. This also taught her further the need for pre planning. All said and done she had about a quarter of her previous Soul Energy left. She closed off the last of her panels and finished an internal dialog with Alice regarding the effects items could have if they could now respond to others. No, she could not give other people weapons or armor. Yes she could use the potions on others not only by them drinking it, but also by pouring it on them. Yes she would have to physically pour the potion into their mouth, or onto their body because she could not hand them the bottle. In the end, it came back to the item only existing in the system, and only being able to interact with the corporeal world through her. Her stomach grumbled then, and she stopped and looked around to see if she saw any food stands. Her blue eyes adjust slightly as she realizes it has gotten late, and the sun is slowly going down on the horizon. While deciding if she should turn around and walk back, or continue on, A little chime came from her pocket. She pulled out the small tube with a little crystal on the top and then tugged it open seeing Macky's face appear quickly on the screen when it slid out. Her voice soon followed "Oh My God she is alive! hey everyone she is ok!" she shouts off to the side in what looks to be her room in the Inn. "Yes I am fine, whats with the long faces and why do you look so worried?" she asked in earnest. Macky's face seem a bit haggard, and then pulled out a note and a knife "This was stuck on your door, and I am pretty sure who stuck this note on your door, as it was stuck at about waist height. We thought he had gotten you!" and then she held the note up to the screen for her to read. "I have your friend, if you want to see them in one piece, come to the old mill on the outside of town, dont bring the authorities or you will just find your friend scattered around the floor when you arrive. I am watching."
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