Birth of the Black Widow

1682 Words
When the world turns black like endless night, a small crest of light can be seen. Two eyelids with long eyelashes flutter open. Looking over at the sound of a soft tone slowly creeping into her consciousness, a hand flies out instinctively and slaps the side of the small device silencing the tone. "Morning already?" the 5'6" golden haired girl thinks as she sits up in the bed of the Inn she is staying at. "What a strange dream" she thinks while her mind fully wakes. Without notice, an ear-shattering, loud blaring tone assaults her inside her head. With it comes a sudden, jolting, pain causing her to double over in the bed. She clutches her head from the intense pain and the alarm continues joined by the sound of a soft sisterly voice "system booting". Along with the alarm, the voice, and the pain, memories begin to flood into her consciousness. The golden haired girls eyes freeze in place, and then roll into the back of her head. She falls onto her bed convulsing, having a seizure. Her chiffon nightgown moistens with a cold sweat that seems to last an eternity, flailing about her body as she looses all control. All of these thoughts come pouring in, memories begin to overlap inside her brain. A soft sisterly voice then chimes in as the alarms and sirens cease, and the pain ends with the viewing of the final memories of the life of Pamela. "System booted, Hi!!! I am Alice I am your personal soul assist system!" It takes her a little bit of time to process all of the information, almost getting lost in the jumbled mess of her two lives mixing. Suddenly her previous death centers itself in her mind and all the memories fall into sequence. She is both people, Pamela and Liluminai. Now having lived an entire life worth of memories in but moments. She cant help but sit there and contemplate what just happened. She looks over at the alarm clock that she knew how to turn off, yet she had never seen this device before. She looks over to a panel on the wall and knows you have to touch the pad at the right to open the door to the bathroom, and sometimes it sticks and you have to kick it, yet she also knows she has never seen a door like that before, or a touch pad system. Laying back on the bed, Alice chimes in "I do look forward to helping you! oh and you got a reward for being reborn!" as a small translucent panel seems to float in the air in front of the girl. While she had never experienced this before in her life, she also knew exactly what this panel was, and where it came from. The fair skinned girl sat up in bed, her face contorted in thought as her studious mind went to work at piecing together her thoughts and ultimately deciding where to start. Suddenly a thunderous knock sounded at her door. Before she could say,  "enter" the door opened and 4 figures poured into the room. Three girls about her same age, one with tan skin and bright red hair with a muscular physique, another with dark purple hair and rich brown skin, and another with fair skin and satin black long flowing hair. They all seemed to have radiant smiles on their faces. Parting slightly a smaller blue haired boy steps out holding a Birthday cake with white icing and rainbow sprinkles. Across the top it says Happy birthday and has 17 burning candles. Another part of her knew those people as her friends, and knew the cake was for her 17th birthday. Lilu smiles at her friends and squeals girlishly "OMG you guys! thank you so much! isn't it a little early for cake?" they all giggle a little "we couldn't wait! don't worry we brought breakfast too!" and another girl with red hair and tan skin steps out of the bunch through the door, her frame a bit more petite than the other carrying a trey with all sorts of delicious breakfast foods on it. They talk and giggle for a while before one of Lilu's friends, the dark black haired girl, asks "Are you going to try out for the academy?" and a small ting goes off inside Lilu's mind. A message pops up saying "You have acquired a new mission: enter the training academy, would you like to accept?" Lilu smiles at her friend as a voice in her mind screams DO IT!!!!! "I think I will give it a try this year". Lowering her head with a soft blush. Pamela's voice in her mind screams "COME ON! GIVE IT SOME GUSTO!" Another soft ting echos in her mind and Alice's cute younger sister kind of voice comes in "Yay a new quest! lets do our best!" They continue to chat for a bit and Lilu goes and washes up and gets dressed for the day. She puts on the sleeveless tank top as well as the long sleeved short jacket. She fixes a belt and hangs the leg covers from them. Part of her looks at herself in the mirror wondering what kind of outfit is this?! The small group of 6 leaves the room of the Inn and goes downstairs into the main lobby. When they enter the lobby there is an arrogant man with slicked back black hair, and rings littering every finger standing near the reception desk. Two giant men wearing black suits and chests as broad as car doors stand behind him with a pile of expensive name brand luggage beside them. The arrogant man is screaming at the receptionist about some random flaw in his room that somehow "Ruined" his stay in the executive sweet. Pamela's voice inside Lilus mind says "We should teach that arrogant prick a lesson!" Lilu whispers outloud "not right now..." Her friend Macky the one with the black hair looks over "what, cant we do right now? did you not want to go to the carnival?" Lilu catches herself and quickly comes up with some excuse as to not upset her friend "Oh no not that! I ment we shouldnt hurry over there, and take our time. Maybe we could take one of those flying rides there and see the city?" The large muscular tan girl, whose name is Rose joins in "That is a great idea! we just got here a couple of days ago, we really havent had a chance to see the city!" The smaller girl who looks similar to her is her younger sister Thistle. Her soft voice peaks into the conversation "It would be like seeing the whole city in one go, and we can pick where we want to spend more time! if we have it that is....." trailing off as she thinks about them entering the academy's entrance exam. The cute little blue haired boy chimes in "We can see about the clubs too! I would love to find a boyfriend on this excursion!" His name is Willow, and he also prefers the same s*x. The Purple haired girl with chocolate colored skin adds her two cents worth "Willow you are always looking for a boyfriend, I keep telling you to dress as a girl and you will have more luck!" Her name is Nadiri. Willows whines at that "But I dont like guys who like girls! I like guys who like guys who are soft like girls! I want a big strong hunk to take me!" eyes going dreamy and a little bit of drool falling out of his mouth. Lilu chuckles softly "Willow, no matter what you are still a man who loves s*x! even if you are the one receiving...." and lets out a girly giggle. The rest of them also join in. A voice inside her head cries "I forgot what it was like to be a teenager and talk about boys..." While they are walking and talking they didn't even notice the arrogant man was moving towards the door, which they were about to walk out of. He had noticed them looking at him while he worked his magic on the receptionist and even got two nights free at the Inn. He was sure all these beauties were admiring his good looks and expensive clothes and jewelry. After all what woman wouldn't love jewelry! His two massive moving walls he calls guards following behind him. He steps right up to the youngest of the group Thistle and takes her hand in his "Yes miss I will allow you to accompany me today! yes your friends can come too" Thistle stood there shocked. His hand was cold and clammy, His eyes had a perverted glare in them that seem to go back and forth between her chest and her crotch never quite seeming to make eye contact. She felt dirty just being near this slimy old man. Pamela's voice inside Lilu shouts "GET YOUR HANDS OFF!!!!! HOW DARE HE! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!" as Lilu stands there in shock. With great force of will, Pamela urges Lilu to act. Lilu's leg seems to arch backwards and as the slime ball turns to notice what is happening, her foot flies forward connecting right between his legs. At the same time she shouts "CREEP!!!! She is under age!!!" The slime ball instantly crumbles under the weight of his manhood being sent through his throat and then back down to his toes. He is sure one of them exploded. The sudden pain makes his face go pale, and the wind leave his body. His eyes roll back and he is down for the count. Lilu quickly ushers her friends "Lets get out of here!" and darts for the doors while the twin black walls stand there dumbfounded at what just happened. While she is running another chime goes off softly in her head and a small message pops into view" "You have completed a mission: Save a damsel in distress"
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