Hello Alice

2001 Words
Just like that, the world around her disappears and she seems to be traveling through space with stars zipping by like white trails. Galaxies come and go while she zooms across the cosmos. As soon as her journey begins, she hears a chime inside her mind almost like that of an old computer booting up even a reminiscent sound from an operating system that has something to do with glass covered portals in homes from the 90s is played. She is greeted with a mechanical voice, "Welcome to deaths custom made soul assist operating system. This software is brought to you by death scythes. Deaths scythes, Killing in style! Would you like to customize the interface?" She groans at the annoying voice in her head.  What kind of cheesy advertisement was that? crosses her mind. While mechanical, the voice almost sounds like that man in black.  She quickly thinks she should customize the voice at least. At that moment the voice comes back "please decide how you would like to interface with me?". She begins to think of all sorts of options, from just changing the voice, to having a personal butler! The system, how ever, begins to tell her its limits as she thinks of things. "I can not leave your body and become my own entity, I am a part of you" "I can not be seen or heard by anyone but you" "Yes I can give you visual displays of information, no one else will be able to see them" "Yes you can alter my gender tones" All said and done, she had decided she wanted a sisterly voice, with visual menus and indicators. She didnt want constant scrolling notifications as she felt like if things were always happening in her field of view It would be troublesome. She decided on a sleek look. One that displayed her level, her life force, and it looks like there is also a bar for soul energy. She had also decided to call the system Alice. "Alice, what is this soul energy bar for?" Alice responds "Soul energy is one of your system benefits. It allows you to perform certain feats with its use. It can be used to strengthen your body, and also purchase items from me. It will slowly fill on its own equal to your level per day, but can also be rapidly filled by stealing soul essence from others. Currently you have 1000 units of soul energy" Alice replied reading each of her thoughts in time. Pamela wondered if she could chose a new name and Alice instantly replied with her cutesy voice "You already have a name, here is your information along with the details of your new life" and then a screen appeared in front of her and opened into multiple panels. The top right panel had her basic information such as name, level, numbered indicators on her health and soul energy, as well as physical stats such as the following. Name: Liluminai Aurora Casteel Age: 17 Birthday: Jan 1 2033, Northern Continent, Westshore Hospital, 12:00am Status: Sleeping Experience points: 0 Health: 20 Soul Energy: 1000 Class: None Race: Human Current Level: 1 Strength: 12 Dexterity: 14 Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 16 Charisma: 20 Current Skills: 0/10 Current Feats: 0/3 Current Class Abilities: 0/0 The bottom right panel shows what looks to be an inventory and equipment list. As soon as she thinks it Alice Replies "That is your inventory. You can store system items inside this inventory, and can gain the ability to store external items into it as you level." "Your equipment panel displays all currently worn equipment. " "No this equipment will not be visible to others unless gained from outside of the system." "You have multiple types of equipment you can gain from me. You can go through the store, complete missions, or level up. One piece of equipment will be given at each of the following levels, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, And 100." "Each piece of given equipment will be appropriate to your level, and some of the equipment will be able to advance with you. " Lilu thinks about this for a moment and before delving deeper into the inventory, she decides to check out the panel on the bottom left. Looking at it it seems to only have two items listed, and a title at the top. Missions Select a class Be Reborn When her mind thinks about selecting a class Alice responds "Yes you get to select a class, the class list is as follows: Fighter Rogue Healer Berzerker Caster and she continues, "Each class has its own merits and drawbacks. Fighters have excellent physical abilities but are weak willed, rogues are stealthy and quick, but lack power and constitution. Healers can heal and are fairly average elsewhere, berzerkers can cause massive damage but you will take an intelligence hit, and casters can weave arcane might but typically are lacking in physical abilities and constitution. She thinks "I can use magic?!?! Well of course I would want to use magic! " and as if she had asked Alice goes deeper into the caster class. "Casters come in various forms, you have casters who use items to assist with their spells, while this gives them a greater variety of spells to cast they are limited in power. Then you have elemental casters. They are limited to spells of their element but the spells power grows with their own. Then you have specialty casters like necromancers and enchanters. " Her voice gets grows in excitement. "Now here is the good part! Because you have me, I can unlock all the limits and you are not bound by any of the traditional barriers of casters. You can learn any spell that you can comprehend, and once you know it, you can cast it at will without having to recite an incantation or wave your hands! isn't that great?! OH and the best part, casters spells are powered by their personality, IE charisma, the higher your charisma, the stronger your spells! isn't this the perfect class for you?" Pamela would nod her hear head if she had one "I agree, I want to be a caster!" and just like that, a notification pops up in her vision. While she requested that small notifications are exempted from popping up, big notifications such as mission alerts and skills will still present a notification. Like a happy chime in her head, a notification pops up "Congrats on selecting a class!" comes Alice's cheerful voice, along with the notification. It states that her personal board will be updated and a new bar appears in her display in bright blue with the title "Mana", as well as a changing of class abilities to "spells" and an indicator of 0/20 listed next to it. She also noticed other lines had a 0 then a number behind them. Before Pamela went to ask Alice, she already started explaining. "You can choose skills from the skill list, feats from the feat list, and spells from the spell list. The 0 is how many you currently have while the second is the total number you are allowed. Yes I know you want to go ahead and accept them.." Alice replies hearing her next thought " but I think you should accept your mission rewards first! all rewards will not be added until you accept them." Pamela nods and says "Lets accept the rewards then" and the missions panel comes into view. Another notification Happily chimes and Alice voice repeats "Congrats on completing the mission!" an then the notifications appear. "You have gained 1000 experience points, 1 greater item ticket, and 1 greater spell ticket! these items have been placed inside your inventory." Another happy chime sounded shortly after accepting the mission rewards and Alice can be heard clapping "OOoo You leveled up!" and then another string board appeared showing the results. Now level 2, Her mana now shows a number of 60/60, her health went up by 10, and she now has 4 stat points and 10 skill points to spend. Pamela cheers to herself and Alice as she sees that she leveled up, and all the notifications that she has received. Her brain goes over the rewards and some stick out to her , "What is are item and spell tickets?" and the voice of Alice responds "Item tickets can generate an item of their same grade to use, Spell tickets can add a spell of the appropriate level to your spell list without consuming a spell slot." After Pamela gets her answer, she thinks about asking Alice to begin selecting her skills, feats, spells and the menu opens." "OKAY! so skills are more simple then feats and spells, they are basic learned items like driving, lockpicking, math, etc. You can pretty much select what ever you want, the higher your skill points in the skill, the easier it is for you to perform. For example a novice in the skill will have 1 or 2 points, where as an expert will have 10, and an adept master will have 20!" Pamela thought for a moment and Alice knowing what she is thinking continues "Some skills that may be useful to you in this new world are Enchanting, Alchemy, Riding, Writing, and what ever you can think of!" Pamela thought for a moment, and agreed with the skills that Alice had recommended opting to save the rest of her skills and allow the new her to assign them as needed. They then moved on to Feats and Alice goes through the list of feats. Many feats are recited, as well as descriptions. Countless feats flood her consciousness. But a few stick out to her as slightly broken. Pamela decides to give her new self the feats, Empower spell, Enlarge Spell, and Multiply Spell. Each one Costs 100 Soul energy to use. Pamela was happy with her selections so far. For spells she decided to simply start her new me with a couple of basic spells so she could decide the best spells to use. Her spell list had Energy Bullet, Lightning Claw, and Armor. Being very happy with all of her selections she was sure the new her should have few issues making use of her new abilities. She converses with Alice a little enjoying the last bits of her time and ironing out the smaller details of Alice use and also made Alice agree to go over all of this with her new self once again. Finally she went to the last panel which had her new identities background on it.  Born to a middle class family, grade A student, Graduated High school early and is in the process of selecting colleges while studying abroad. Parents are both deceased, no siblings, has a bit of money from a life insurance policy that is in trust until she turns 18. She reads the information and at the end a notification pops up "Would you like to erase your memories and move on to being reborn?" Pamela curses death a little under her breath as she sees that her memories will be wiped clean, but then sighs thinking maybe it would be better this way. In the end she double checks all of her selections and then clicks the confirm button. Everything in front of her goes black as if a computer is loading its main screen. A new indicator box opens with the word "Formatting" and a progress bar. The bar begins to move and little by little she feels her memories being deleted from her consciousness. When the bar reaches about 13% the screen suddenly freezes, and a warning box trimmed in bright red fills her view "ERROR ERROR ERROR" repeated over and over again with loud blaring sirens echo inside her skull causing her great pain. Shortly after her view completely clears and memories begin to flood into her consciousness.
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