Chapter 31: Tobias' Story

2315 Words

“What?” The man I was looking at didn’t only look like my father. This whole time he had been my father. “Let me explain,” he said. Flashback Tobias “Tobias, are you done with your studies?” My mother asked as she stood at my bedroom door. “Yes, I’ve memorized two new spell books this week. I’ve learned how to craft another classification of potions and elixirs,” I answered as I listened to music and wrote. “That’s great but what about your non-magic studies?” She asked. “Yeah, those are done too,” I answered. “I’ve cut down on them because I know most of what I need to know as a nobleman.” “Good but you can always know more.” She walked into my room and handed me a packet. “I know you’d rather travel but I saw you filled out the application King Ronan sent you so I sent it out for

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