Chapter 4

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After eating at the restaurant, Arielle immediately had Tyron drive her to her house. She wanted to go home and rest because her head suddenly started to hurt. Maybe she was just tired from controlling her again and pretending to be friendly to the two people she despised that's why she felt pain in her head. Oh, it's not two but four people because she also despises Tyron's mother and younger sibling who have been bullying her making her life miserable, and treating her like their slave. "Are you sure you don't want me to come inside your house for coffee?" Tyron asked when she got out of his car. "Yes, I'm sure. My head is aching a bit, so I want to rest." She wasn't lying this time because her head really hurt. She saw again the meaningful exchanges of glances between the two, so she suddenly remembered what she discovered before they killed her. She recalled that she discovered Tyron was slowly poisoning her. Perhaps Tyron didn't just start poisoning her slowly when they were together but had been doing it for a long time. "Okay fine. I'll just escort Claire to their house, and then I'll go home," Tyron said. He was about to lean in to kiss her on the cheek but she quickly turned away, pretending not to see what he did. "Bye. Take care," she smiled and bid them farewell when she turned and faced them again. Once Tyron's car was no longer in front of her, she entered her house and took the key to one of her cars. She left her house and headed to the hospital where her best friend Kim works as a general doctor. "What's wrong, Arielle? Why did you come to the hospital? Are you going for a check-up? Are you sick?" Kim asked with concern as she saw Arielle walking down the hallway towards her clinic. "Yes, Kim. I've been feeling dizzy, and this has happened to me several times, so I want to get a check-up," she quickly replied. Kim assisted her in walking until they entered her clinic. Kim first made her sit on the couch, then went back to the door and hung a sign on the doorknob with the words "no doctor" before closing the door. After Kim checked her blood pressure, she also examined other parts of her body. Finding nothing unusual, Kim, decided to have her blood, urine, and saliva samples taken. She waited for almost an hour before the results of the tests conducted by her friend doctor came out. "I found poison in your blood, Arielle," she immediately informed her upon returning from the lab. Her voice and face were full of concern. "This poison slowly eats away at your red blood cells. Your blood circulation is no longer good, so your brain lacks oxygen, causing your frequent dizziness. And if we didn't discover this now, it would be the cause of your early death. Who could be so evil to poison you slowly like this?" She took a deep breath before answering her friend's question. "Who else but Tyron? And my kind cousin is his accomplice." She narrated to Kim everything she heard about the sinister plans of Tyron and Claire. However, she kept her second life a secret from her because she might faint upon hearing what she experienced at the hands of the two before she suddenly went back six months before her wedding with Tyron. Or Kim might think that she's going crazy due to the side effects of the poison inside her body. "What? Are they crazy? Let's go, Arielle. Let's go to the police station and report those two shameless people!" said Kim angrily. "After all the good things you've done for both of them, they harbor ill intentions towards you? I knew that those two had hidden claws. That's why I objected when Tyron became your boyfriend, and I get upset when you're always with your cousin because I feel they are not good people. And I was right. They are bad people." "We can't complain to the police because we don't have concrete evidence against them. But don't worry, now that I know their evil plans against me, I won't let them succeed." "Okay. But make sure you always take care of yourself. Always call me to make sure that you're still alive and breathing. And never ever eat or drink anything from those two, okay?" said Kim when she finally calmed down. She quickly nodded at her. "I will do that. And thank you for being a good friend to me. You really are my best friend," she sincerely said to her friend. Only Kim and her lawyer, Attorney Edgar Sanchez, are the people who truly care about her. Kim just hugged her tightly and gently patted her back to make her feel that everything would be okay. After leaving the hospital, she returned home and rested. The next day, she spent the whole day inside her room sleeping and didn't bother to answer Tyron's calls and text messages. But when night came, she decided to go out and head to a bar she had never been to before. She wanted to drink and get drunk tonight. But not because she was hurt by the betrayals done to her by Tyron and Claire, but to celebrate her second chance at life. The chance to change her fate and to give justice to what was done to her and her parents by the two people she trusted the most. When she was inside the bar she chose the table in the dark corner of the bar. She was already drunk when a tall man suddenly approached her. "Hi. What is a beautiful lady doing inside the bar and drinking alone?" She smiled when she heard the husky voice of the man who approached her. His voice seemed music to hear ears. This is the first time that she likes a man's voice aside from her ex-husband. "Nothing. I am just enjoying myself for being able to see the world once again." Although she couldn't see his face because her vision was slightly blurred by the high amount of alcohol she already consumed, she still gave him a sweet and wide smile that exposed her perfectly white teeth. "What a beautiful smile," the man uttered. She giggles at what she heard. It was the first time that someone praised her smile. Come to think about it. Tyron never praised her smile or anything she's good and best at. Her ex-husband often told her that she was very beautiful even if she looked plain and simple but she didn't feel like she was thrilled just like how she felt when the man simply praised her smile. She couldn't help herself to touch the man's face and trace her fingers from his eyes down to his high nose line and stop at his lips. Even if she can't see his face clearly, she could guess that he has a handsome face because of the structure of his face. "You are beautiful," she praised the man. She was too drunk to feel embarrassed about what she was doing. "Really? It's the first time that a woman told me I am beautiful," the man chuckled. His voice seemed amused. "Would you like to dance with me?" She didn't answer the man instead, she pulled him encircled her arms around his neck, and danced beside her table. "I like your smell," she whispered as she leaned on the broad chest of the stranger. His perfumed smell is not strong, not like Tyron. Her ex-husband's perfume is very strong and she doesn't like to smell it. She feels like vomiting every time she smells it so she bought him a perfumed with a nice scent. But he doesn't like it and gets mad at her instead. "But I like your smell more than mine," he whispered to her ear. She was tickled when she felt the warm breath of the man in her ear. She couldn't help but laugh because her ticklish spot was in her ears. The next thing she knew was the man already kissing her lips hungrily. Instead of pushing him, she responded to his kisses with the same hunger. He quickly carried her out of the bar and brought her inside his car, then kissed her again. His body was burning with intense desire. This is the first time she feels this kind of intense desire to have s*x with a man. She never felt this to her ex-husband. It seems like she experienced a lot of first times in just one night. She thinks that she might be crazy. Because she allowed a stranger to kiss and touch her body. But she doesn't care anymore. All she thinks is to feel the hot body and the hardness of the man on top of her. Tomorrow, she will just blame the alcohol for the mistake she made. She heard the loud moans from him when her hands caressed her chest down to his hardness. Her hand teased his hardness until it became as hard as a rock. But the man didn't allow that she's the only one who would enjoy his body, because he undressed her and then his mouth and tongue played with her sensitive body parts. A loud moan escaped from her throat because of the sweet and unexplainable sensation she felt. The man's tongue explored her whole body, leaving a wet and hot sensation on her skin. Then he positioned himself on top of her and entered his hardness on her womanhood which even her ex-husband didn't have a chance to explore. She feels like she sees sparkling diamonds in the dark when they both reach the climax. She quickly fell asleep after their hot night. When she woke up, her eyes widened and she almost screamed when she saw that she was inside an unfamiliar car and a naked man was sleeping beside her. Before the man could wake up, she quickly put on her clothes and hurriedly got out of the car. And before leaving the car, she promised herself that she would never allow herself to get drunk again to avoid that kind of mistake.
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