Chapter 3

1352 Words
"Why didn't that b***h accept your marriage proposal, Tyron? Isn't Arielle head over heels with you? Why did her mind suddenly change?" Claire asked Tyron while they were hugging each other inside the ladies' room. "I don't know. But after she finishes mourning for her parents, I will insist that she marries me," Tyron replied in a soft voice. "Well, I think it's good that she didn't accept your marriage proposal because I really don't want you to marry her. I don't want to be your mistress, okay?" Claire's voice expressed annoyance. "I should marry Arielle, Claire. Or else, it will ruin my long-prepared plans. Even if I marry her, you are still the one I love. And I promise you that I will never be intimate with her even once after we get married. Because you are the only woman I want to be with in bed," Tyron convinced his girlfriend. "Really? Promise me that after your marriage, you will find a way to completely dispatch her from our path." "I promise you that after she willingly transfers all her wealth to me, I will silence her completely. Then, the two of us will take charge of the company left to her by her parents, and we will be the king and queen of her house." "I trust you, Tyron. Don't disappoint me because you know I have a bad temper," Claire's threatening words. "Of course not. Why would I disappoint you? Everything I do is for our future," Tyron quickly replied, then claimed Claire's lips. They didn't care if they were inside the ladies' room. Arielle, who was just outside the ladies' room heard all the conversation between Tyron and Claire. She really wanted to open the door and flush them into the toilet bowl to reduce the number of bad people in the world. If she had only followed them to the comfort room back then, like what she did now, she wouldn't have experienced the horrifying events they did to her. Because if she had discovered back then that the two people close to her heart were just deceiving her to get her money, she would have broken up with Tyron immediately. She feels nothing for knowing that he didn't really love her, not even a hint of jealousy or pain because all she feels at the moment is intense anger and hatred towards both of them. She will never allow them to succeed in their dark plans against her. They will pay for what they did. For killing her parents and also killing her in her first life. When she felt that the two were about to come out of the ladies' room, she quickly took a few steps back, pretending that she was just approaching the ladies' room. Both of them widened their eyes, displaying intense worrying on their faces when they saw her walking towards the ladies' room. They looked as if they had seen a ghost. "A-Arielle, it's not what you think. Tyron and I didn't do anything wrong inside the ladies' room. I tripped so I called him and asked him to come inside to help me. Please don't think badly of us." Claire explained, fearing that Arielle might assume something negative about the two of them and ruin their plans for her. "Yes, love. I was about to return to our table when Claire called me and asked for my help because she tripped inside the ladies' room," Tyron immediately agreed. He approached her, held one of her hands, and kissed the back of her palm. She wanted to pull her hand away from him and slap him for the unwanted kiss. She feels very disgusted. She restrained herself from doing it to avoid ruining her plans for the two cheaters and murderers in front of her. However, she wanted to play with them. She wanted them to feel nervous and anxious, so she pretended to be angry. "Really? You didn't do anything wrong inside the ladies' room? Why is there lipstick on your lips if you didn't do anything wrong?" Her thumb wiped off the lipstick on Tyron's lips that was left after they kissed. She secretly rejoiced when she saw their faces turn pale, unsure of what other lies they would tell her to convince her that they hadn't done anything wrong inside the ladies' room. "Excuse me. Can I pass through to the men's room?" The cold and husky voice of a man shattered the quiet atmosphere. They were blocking the way, so others couldn't pass through to use the comfort room. Tyron moves aside for the man to pass. When the man passed by in front of her, he briefly stopped and looked at her face. Her lips slightly parted when he recognized the man she caught staring at her earlier. She couldn't understand why her heartbeats suddenly raced while gazing into the light brown eyes of the man. Perhaps it quickened because she felt embarrassed. Maybe the man heard what she said to Tyron and Claire earlier. Or perhaps she found the man attractive, causing the rhythm of her heartbeat to change. The man is handsome in the true sense of the word handsome. She thinks his face is perfect, from the thick eyebrows that complement his slightly slanting light brown eyes, a prominent nose with a perfect nose line, and his reddish lips that are somewhat plump at the bottom. And he is so tall too. In fact, he is taller than Tyron, who is five feet and ten inches tall. Maybe he is six feet tall. It made her look like a dwarf in front of him with her height of five feet and five inches. After staring at her for almost five seconds, he quickly continued walking and entered the men's room. She couldn't believe that in that short time, she managed to study the physical appearance of that man. And she couldn't believe even more that for the first time, she looked at another man. Before, her eyes were only focused on Tyron and she didn't see any other handsome guy around except him. She wasn't just stupid back then, but also blind. She returned his gaze to Tyron's face and then changed to Claire. Both were still pale and looked like they couldn't tell who would speak first between the two of them to convince her not to think badly of them. "Hey! Both of you, take a breath. I'm just kidding, guys!" She laughed loudly to show that she was not serious about what she said earlier. "Of course, I won't think badly of you two because I trust you guys." She secretly smiled when the two seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "You're crazy, Arielle. Do you know that I got nervous, thinking you might have a bad idea in your head with Tyron and me? I don't want our friendship and cousin relationship to be ruined because of a misunderstanding," Claire said with a frown, she was the first one to recover from the shock compared to Tyron. She couldn't help but chuckle a bit when she saw Tyron wipe off his sweat. Due to extreme nervousness, Tyron perspired. And that's what she wanted. To make them feel nervous when facing her. "Don't joke like that again, Arielle. You know you're the only woman I love and no one else," Tyron acts as if he is sulking. She didn't resist when she embraced her tightly even if she wanted to push her and crash the eggs between his legs. Tyron still hugging her when the men's room opened, and the man who passed by earlier came out. He looked at her, so their eyes met again. Her forehead wrinkled when she saw him frowning and had a dark expression on his face. She quickly broke free from Tyron's embrace and avoided looking at the man's face again. As he passed by her, the man slightly bumped into her shoulder. What's his problem with me? she irritably asked in her mind while following the man's back with her gaze.
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