Chapter 5

1600 Words
Arielle is walking towards their bedroom. It's as if a strong force is commanding her to open the door of their room. She did open the door of their room and she was surprised to see Claire and Tyron both naked and reveling in earthly pleasures. She wanted to confront the two but it seemed like there were hands preventing her legs from walking. The two felt her presence so they stopped what they were doing and faced her. Instead of guilty expressions, they were grinning at her. Their smiles seemed to be telling her that she was so foolish for marrying a man who loved someone else. She wondered why the scene suddenly changed, but she was still inside their room. The only difference is that she is now sitting on a chair with her feet tied on it. Tyron tightly holds her hands. "I will put a tattoo on your face, Arielle. You will surely look even more beautiful with the kind of tattoo I'm going to draw," Claire said with a smile, holding a sharp pair of scissors in her hand. "No! Please, no!" she screamed loudly as Claire slowly brought the tip of the scissors to her cheek. She screamed at the top of her lungs as Claire deeply cut her skin using the sharp scissors. "Noooo!!!" Arielle suddenly opened her eyes wide, scanning her surroundings. Her hand immediately touched her cheek marked with a large letter "X" by Claire. She breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that she was alone in her room and her cheek was still smooth. "Thank God, it's just a nightmare," she couldn't help but exclaim. Her hand felt her chest. Her heart beat rapidly. Just as fast as it did in her dream. What happened is not just a nightmare but flashbacks of what happened to her in her first life. She got up from bed, went downstairs, and headed to the kitchen. She grabbed some cold water and gulped it down. Only then did her racing heart calm down after drinking the cold water. Instead of immediately returning to her room, she sat on the sofa in the living room first. Ever since she traveled six months before her wedding day with Tyron, she has been frequently visited by nightmares from her past life. She couldn't help but silently shed tears. Even though she no longer had any wounds on her face, she still felt the sting as Claire cut her skin with scissors. What she felt that time will be forever engraved in her mind. She tightly clenched her fists. She promised herself that they would pay for the physical and emotional pain they caused her. When she finally calmed down, she decided to go to the small gym beside her house. Her Dad always exercises there every morning. She decided to just exercise to make her stamina strong instead of going back to sleep. She couldn't go back to sleep anyway. It's already five in the morning and she needs to wake up early because she's going to her company left to her by her parents. The company that became the reason why Tyron and Claire attempted to kill her. Simpson Real Estate and Development was painstakingly established and expanded by her parents. Their blood and sweat were invested in it to make it grow, so she wouldn't allow it to fall into the hands of greedy and immoral people like Tyron and Claire. And she promises to protect the company no matter what happens. The surroundings were already bright after she finished exercising. She climbed back into her room and took a shower. While she was choosing clothes to wear for work, she furrowed her brow. Her clothes were somewhat old-fashioned, which is why Claire called her a nerd. She closed her closet and approached another closet where her neater, non-old-fashioned clothes were. Even though she had such clothes, she didn't wear them. She only bought them because she liked them, but she didn't have the courage to wear such clothes. But not anymore. She was no longer the old Arielle. She could now wear clothes similar to what Claire wears because she gathered lots of confidence. What happened to her made her become a brave and stronger person. She chose to wear a simple yet still sexy outfit that didn't look old-fashioned. When she came out of her room, both of her housemaids, Emma and Laura, were already awake. They were surprised and couldn't help but admire her new look. "Wow! You look so beautiful, Ma'am Arielle. Sir Tyron will surely fall even more in love with you when he sees how you look now!" Emma exclaimed. She was delighted to see the change in her employer's appearance. "Is that true or you're just teasing me?" She jokingly asked her with a smile. She simply ignored the last thing Emma said because she didn't want to ruin her morning. "She's telling the truth, Ma'am Arielle. Ma'am Claire will surely be envious of you when she sees that you're more beautiful than her," Laura praised her too then while smiling widely. "Okay. I believe you too now. Get ready for breakfast because we're going to eat," The two smiled as they turned around and served food on the table. There were only three of them in the house so they ate together. She treats her maids just like her relatives because they are kind to her. From now on, she will only treat a person kindly when that person also treats her with kindness. While eating, Laura handed her a glass of milk. Every morning, she drank milk instead of water. And that milk was bought by Tyron. She also instructed the helpers to make sure she drinks milk in the morning. "Here's your milk, Ma'am," said Laura in a pseudo-English manner. She imitated her because she often converses with them in the English language. "I want water, Laura. From now on, I will drink water every morning instead of milk, okay?" She poured water into a glass and drank it before speaking again. "When Tyron asks if I still drink milk in the morning, just say yes. Every morning, just throw a glass of milk into the sink to reduce the contents of the box. And make sure that the two of you will never drink milk from what Tyron bought. Understand?" Even though the two seemed confused by her actions, they still nodded and didn't ask why. At first, she thought the milk Tyron bought for her to drink every morning also contained poison. And she made sure that her mids wouldn't drink it to avoid them from poisoning. She had just finished brushing her teeth when she heard the loud horn from Tyron's car outside her house. Without hurry, she left the bathroom and grabbed her black handbag before coming out of her house. She knew Claire was sitting in the front seat because Tyron always picked her up first before going to her, and she always sat in the backseat, but she still opened the front door. "Wow! You look gorgeous, Arielle! I never thought you were this beautiful when you dress up nicely and your outfit isn't old-fashioned," Tyron praised her when he saw her appearance upon opening the door. For the first time, she truly saw admiration on his face for her but it didn't make her heart flutter even just a little bit. As expected, Claire was sitting in the front seat. She knew Claire was surprised when she saw her new looks, but she was good at hiding her expression so she didn't see the surprised look on her face. "Thank you." She gave Tyron a sweet smile and then spoke to Claire. "Can I sit here, Claire? The other day, some employees of the company asked me about the three of us. They asked me who Tyron's real girlfriend was between us. When I said it was me, they seemed not to believe it. They said you are always sitting in the front seat and I am in the front. If I am the real girlfriend then I should be the one to sit in the front." She smiled secretly when Claire suddenly frowned but quickly disappeared when she saw Tyron looking at her and giving her a warning look. Claire got out of the car without saying a word and moved to the backseat. "You always sit in the backseat, that's why they don't believe you're my girlfriend," Tyron said when I sat in the seat vacated by Claire. "Don't worry, Love. From now on, I'll sit here so they won't think there's something going on between you and Claire," she replied with a smile to Tyron. Then, she turned to Claire and smiled at her too. "Is it okay if I always sit here, Claire?" "Yes. Of course," her cousin quickly responded. "You are Tyron's girlfriend so you should be the one to sit in the front." She immediately returned her gaze to the front, but on the side of her eyes, she saw Tyron discreetly throwing a threatening glance at Claire in the rearview mirror. Secretly, she rejoiced. She knew that Claire's patience with her was now wearing thin, but she couldn't fight back for fear of revealing that her attitude towards her was just a facade. You'll die of annoyance because this won't be the last time you'll be mad at me, Claire. Because I'll always provoke you until you can't stand your anger anymore and you'll show me your true colors.
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