Chapter 2

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What happened? Why didn't she die? Why did she suddenly come back six months before her wedding? These are the times when Arielle seems to always be floating in the clouds because of extreme happiness. Of course, why did not she feel like that when her boyfriend, whom she had been waiting for a long time, finally proposed to her? She used to think that when she married Tyron, she would be happier. She wouldn't be sad anymore because she would have someone to share her life with. She was all alone now because her parents died in an accident last year. But marrying Tyron turns out to be the biggest mistake she's ever made in her entire life. After the wedding, Tyron moved to her house, since she inherited her parents' huge house after they died. She also let his mother and sister to live together with them. Arielle agreed to live with them, thinking that their life together with his husband's family would be happier. The more, the merrier, as they say. However, things didn't go as she expected. Instead, Tyron's mother and sister treated her as their servant and not as a daughter-in-law and a sister-in-law. She loved Tyron, so she endured the mistreatment of the two women. Tyron was the only one who treated her kindly, and for her, that was enough. But she never expected that Tyron was just hiding his true colors. "Hey! Are you listening to me, Arielle? Are you very surprised by my sudden proposal of marriage?" Tyron asked with a smile, snapping her out of her deep thoughts. "Ha? Ah, yes. I was surprised." She smiled sweetly to convey her happiness that he finally proposed to her. However, if he thought she would accept his proposal, he was mistaken. Because she would never allow herself to go through the painful experience she had with him in her previous life. She considered her return to the past as her second chance of life. "So, are you agreeing to marry me now?" Joy reflected on Tyron's face. However, she knew that his smile was not genuine. Behind that smile, a dark intention was hiding. She wanted to slap his face and make it clear that she would not marry a murderer person but she restrained herself. He needed to pay for what he did to her, and so did his accomplice, Claire, her cousin. She held Tyron's hand and gently squeezed it. "You know that I love you, right? But I'm not ready to get married, Tyron. My parents just passed away last year, so I haven't gone through the mourning period. I hope you understand how I feel." "I understand, Arielle. In just two months, you'll be done with the mourning period, and then we can already get married, right?" She was about to speak when Tyron's cellphone suddenly rang. Even though she couldn't see who was calling, she could guess that it was Claire. "Answer your cellphone now as it might be urgent," she said with a smile. Because Tyron kept glancing at his cellphone placed on the table but didn't try to answer it. It disturbed other customers eating because of its loud ringtone that's why she asked him to answer the call. "Excuse me for a minute, Arielle. It's my mom calling so I need to answer," Tyron lied to her. But she didn't mind or feeling any pain and disappointment because he lied to her. She just smiled at Tyron and nodded slightly. When Tyron stood up and was about to walk out of the restaurant, one of her feet suddenly intercepted Tyron's foot as he passed by her side. She almost burst into laughter when she saw him like a frog leaping towards the waiter carrying a tray of glasses filled with red wine. The wines spilled and ended up at Tyron's head and back. He literally showered with red wine. Tyron's appearance, like a frog lying down, made the customers in the restaurant burts into laugh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trip you with my foot, Tyron. I was on my way to the comfort room while you were talking to your Mom," she apologetically said to Tyron. She held both of his hands and assisted him in standing up. However, before he could fully stand, she suddenly let go of his hands, causing him to fall back to the floor. The people around them laughed even more. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, Tyron. My hands are slippery so I accidentally let go of your hand, and you're so heavy. I'm really sorry." "It's okay, love. It's my fault. I wasn't careful," Tyron quickly responded, standing up on his own without seeking assistance. I don't know if he feels annoyed with me because his expression didn't change. "I'll just answer the call on my cellphone." Tyron hurriedly walked out of the restaurant with his head bowed. He felt embarrassed about what happened, while she was actually very pleased. This was just the opening of her revenge. What she did is nothing today compared to what he and Claire did to her in her previous life. "I will just pay for the damages. And I'm very sorry for what happened," she handed her credit card to the waiter to pay for the wasted wine and broken glasses after she apologized. "It's okay, Ma'am. As long as you will pay for the damage," the waiter replied, then accepted her credit card and left her to pay at the cashier. She smiled as she turned to go back to her seat, but her smile suddenly disappeared when unintentionally, she looked at the man sitting near their table. He was looking at her as if suppressing a smile in the corner of his lips. Amusement was evident in his face. In her opinion, he probably noticed that she did it on purpose. He witnessed what she did, so he found it amusing. She quickly averted her gaze and nonchalantly returned to her seat. Tyron soon returned, accompanied by Claire, and he already changed his clothes. She wasn't surprised because after accepting Tyron's wedding proposal before, Claire also arrived shortly after. According to Claire, she just happened to pass by the restaurant and saw her boyfriend outside talking on the phone, so she approached him. "Hi, Claire. What a coincidence. I passed by—" "You passed by in front of the restaurant and saw my boyfriend outside talking on his cellphone, so you approached him." She cuts her lies. "Yeah. You're right. How did you know that?" Claire asked, visibly surprised, while Tyron suddenly looked uncomfortable. "I have a third eye, so I saw you approaching, Tyron," she replied with a mischievous grin to Claire. "Really?" Claire replied with a puzzled look when she realized that she was just fooling her. "You seem a bit weird now, Arielle?" "Me? Weird? Not nerdy. Isn't that what Tyron and you used to call me often?" "Yeah, you're right again. You have a bit of a nerd side because you always had a book in your hand back in college and you also look like a nerd because of the clothes you chose to wear," Claire said with a grin. Before, she thought it was just a joke when she spoke to her like that. She doesn't know that she's secretly being insulted and laughed at by her cousin. She was too focused on studying back then and not fond of putting on makeup on her face. But it's not true that she dresses like a nerd. The term "simple and plain" suits her better than nerd. Even though she's wealthy, she only dresses plainly. She's not like Claire who doesn't care even if her parents bury themselves in debt as long as she can buy expensive clothes and makeup she likes. Even though they're not wealthy. Both of her parents are addicted to gambling so they're not progressing even though they've been helped several times by her parents to improve their lives. "Stop it, Claire. Don't tease Arielle like that. It's not funny anymore," Tyron pretended to scold Claire. She feels giddy whenever Tyron defends her every time Claire teases or makes fun of her before. Only now did she realize how foolish she was during those times. She was incredibly foolish. "Arielle is so lucky to have you, Tyron. She has a protective boyfriend. Suddenly, I feel envious. I hope I could also have a boyfriend like him, a total package. Because not only he is handsome but he was also kind and very loving to his girlfriend," said Claire, pretending to be envious. "You're right. He's lucky to have me, but he didn't accept my marriage proposal." Tyron suddenly looked sad, while Claire was surprised and couldn't believe what she heard. She secretly sighed. Now, the two of them were the ones who looked stupid in front of her because she already knew the truth between them. She knew they were just pretending in front of her. "Really? Why, Arielle? He will surely be a perfect husband when you two get married." "Uh..." She pretended to think before speaking. "Maybe his ring isn't really meant for me. Perhaps someone else owns it, not me. If you want, you can have the ring and even my boyfriend. Aren't you jealous of me for having a boyfriend like him? Then I will give him to you," she replied with a serious expression. She wanted to laugh while the two in front of her turned pale and both couldn't speak. They seemed like they had been tongue-tied. "W-What do y-you mean, A-Arielle?" Claire stutteringly asked, then exchanged meaningful glances with Tyron. "Of course, it was just a joke!" She laughed to show that she wasn't serious about what she said just now and that she was just kidding. "Am I a fool to give away a gem like Tyron? Of course not. Right, Claire?" "Y-Yeah. That's right, Arielle," Claire forced herself to answer, she suddenly took a deep sigh, and then quickly excused herself from them. "Excuse me. I'll just go to the comfort room." Claire stood up and gave Tyron a meaningful look before walking towards the comfort room. She pretended not to notice the meaningful exchange between the two. In less than a minute, Tyron also excused himself to go to the men's room. She just smiled and nodded at him. After Tyron left her, the waiter approached her and returned her credit card to her. After giving a tip to the waiter, she stood up from her seat and walked with a smile towards the comfort room to catch the two big rats who were surely playing inside the comfort room.
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