Chapter 1

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"Sign the documents that you're willingly transferring all of your properties to my name, Arielle," Tyron ordered his wife sharply. Arielle sat in a chair, and in front of her were the papers Tyron wanted her to sign. "Shame on you, Tyron! You're a demon! I regret marrying you!" she cried. She couldn't believe her husband could do this to her. It's been three months since she married Tyron, her boyfriend of five years before accepting his marriage proposal. In their five years and three months of being in a relationship, she just discovered that he had been deceiving her all along. And her cousin, Claire, was his partner in deceiving her. The two have apparently been in a secret relationship for a long time, and they just hid it from everyone, especially her. While she remains devoted to her husband, he finds pleasure in the arms of other women, squandering the wealth left to her by her parents. And out of all the women in the world, he chose to have a relationship with her cousin. For three months, she endured mistreatment from her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, only to discover the deception of Tyron and Claire. This morning, she asked permission from her husband to attend her best friend's birthday party. Although the party is scheduled for the evening, she will head to her friend's house early to assist in preparing for the event later. But while driving on the road, she suddenly felt dizzy again. So instead of going straight to her friend's house, she decided to stop by the clinic she passed by for a check-up. She couldn't count how many times she had felt that way, so she decided to consult a doctor. Her friend is also a doctor, but she can't attend to her now because she's busy preparing for her big night tonight. After the doctor examined her, it was discovered that she was slowly being poisoned. The poison is mixed in a liquid with a taste, so she wouldn't know that the drink she's having actually contains poison. She suddenly remembered the milk she used to drink every night. Tyron, himself, prepared and served the milk for her and he made sure that she emptied the glass. She thought Tyron was only being sweet and caring, but it turns out he was making sure he drank poisoned milk. After discovering that her husband was secretly slowly poisoning her, she immediately went home to confront him. Tyron was at home because he didn't have work in the company she owned, where he served as the vice president, and she was the chairwoman. Upon reaching her house, she was more surprised to see Claire inside their room, undressed and enjoying herself on top of her husband. In anger, she pulled and slapped her, but suddenly, Tyron struck her on the head with a vase, causing her to lose consciousness. When she woke up, she was sitting in a chair, facing the documents on the table. That's how she ends up in this kind of situation. Tyron admitted that he and Claire have had a long-standing relationship, and they planned his marriage to her to secure his rights to the company which she inherited from her parents before their death. He also confessed that both he and Claire planned the "accident" that happened to her parents. Her parents discovered his secret relationship with her cousin. Worried that her parents might reveal what they discovered the two of them killed them, making it look like an accident. Her heart was shattered upon learning this. It was because of her that her parents died She could only ask for forgiveness in her thoughts because that's all she could do. Tyron and Claire tried to force her to sign the papers to transfer all her properties to the latter's name, but she resisted so she received several slaps from both of them. "Will you sign the papers or shall I kill you right now?" threatened Tyron's tone. He took the pen from the table and placed it in her hand then forced her to sign. "Do you think my lawyer won't suspect anything if he sees my signature is different?" Tyron stopped forcing her hand to sign the papers, released her hand then loudly punched the table. "Do you really want to get hurt even more before signing the papers?" Tyron shouted, seemingly running out of patience. Claire approaches Tyron and gently caresses his chest. "I'll handle her, Love. Let's see if she won't sign." Claire walked towards the drawer and took a sharp scissor. Afterward, she grinned demonically as she approached Arielle. "W-What are you going to do, Claire?" Arielle's eyes widened in fear. Instead of answering her question, Claire suddenly sliced her left cheek with scissors. She screamed loudly in extreme pain. Instead of feeling her cheek being cut, she felt that it was her heart that received the cuts. Briefly, she stopped breathing due to the intense pain she felt. As she was about to stand up, Tyron caught her hands and sat her back down. Claire wasn't satisfied; she cut her other cheek and marked it with an "X". She felt like she was going to die from the intense pain she felt. She wished that she could be swallowed by the floor to escape the torture inflicted by these two evil people. "I-I'll sign it!" she shouted while crying. She didn't know if she could endure it if Claire continued cutting her face. "You're now willing to sign it after what we did. It seems like you enjoy being tortured." Tyron burst into laughter. He could already envision himself sitting in the chair, the only one allowed to occupy the highest position in the company. Arielle's hands trembled as she picked up the pen from the table. She was about to sign the papers when an idea suddenly crossed her mind. She thinks that the two of them will still kill her even if she signs the papers. With that thought in mind, she came up with an idea. Instead of signing, she pierced Tyron's hand with the pen resting on the table. Tyron let out a loud scream while holding the pen still stuck in his hand. Claire quickly approached him to help him remove the pen from his hand. Arielle seized that opportunity and quickly escaped from their room while screaming and pleading for help. She saw the maid, Emma, coming out of her room. She ran towards her to ask for help. "Help me, Emma! Please, help me!" begged Arielle. "Oh my God! W-What happened to you, Ma'am Arielle?" the maid asked in shock when she saw her state. "Help me! Tyron and Claire are going to kill me. Call the police! Hurry!" "Oh, God!" exclaimed the maid. She was about to approach the telephone when Tyron and Claire suddenly went out of the room. "Try calling the police and I will kill you too!" Tyron threatened the maid, who suddenly turned pale upon seeing them both. Arielle knew that Emma wouldn't be able to call the police anymore, so she just ran towards the stairs to save herself. But Tyron caught her before she could even descend the first step of the stairs. "Do you think you can escape from us?" Tyron gives her a strong punch to her stomach. She suddenly fell to her knees, and it seemed like her heart stopped beating due to the intense pain she felt. "How dare you stab him, Arielle! I will kill you, b***h!" Claire angrily shouted before strongly kicking her back. She just screamed as her body suddenly soared into the air before crashing in the middle of the stairs and rolling down. Despite the severe injuries she sustained from falling down the stairs, she managed to get up. The determination to escape from the clutches of the two gives her strength to stand. Even though her vision is darkening and her head and whole body are in intense pain, she still manages to run out of the house. She ran in the middle of the street, hoping that a passing car would stop so she could ask for help While running slowly on the road, she heard the loud horn of a car behind her. Hoping that someone from the subdivision was inside the car, she stopped running and turned around. But as she faced the car, she was greeted by Claire's car. Arielle's body suddenly flew far away when hit by Claire's car bumper, driven by the woman together with her husband on board. As her bleeding body fell on the road, she knew that her life was coming to an end. Slowly, she closed her eyes and just accepted her death. In the infinite darkness, she saw, a small light suddenly appeared, only the size of a small ball. But the light quickly grew until it engulfed the entire surroundings. Blinded by the intense brightness, she closed her eyes. When the dazzling light disappeared, only then did she open her eyes to be surprised by the surroundings. Her eyes widened upon realizing that she was seated inside an expensive restaurant. And in front of her was Tryon, sweetly smiling while holding a small box containing a wedding ring.
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